Chris Cotton Song on PBS Roadtrip Nation this week.
Hello Everybody,
I know I don’t send out announcements very often but this is worth mentioning:
My Song .44 Pistol Mama is featured in in the first episode of the sixth season of the PBS Series Roadtrip Nation. If you live in northern California it airs tonight on KQED at 11pm. if you live anywhere besides Northern California, check your local PBS station for showtimes. Or look here:
The entire episode will also be available on the internet next week here:
Also this friday I will be opening for Paige and her band at the Make Out Room in San Francisco. It’s an early show. Details here:
10/09/2009 07:00 PM – make Out Room w/ Paige(early show)
3225 22nd St
San Francisco, California 94110