Arlo & Family 2010 tour
As a 60 y.o. “folkie” (tho’ not a hippie) from way back myself, I want to add my kudos to Arlo for his magnanimous decision to step aside, just a little, for the sake of the younger Guthries. We saw them in Austin on Mar. 31, and the concert was reminiscent of the Carter family get-togethers on-stage, with everyone playing a role. This was one of those special moments I’d suggest you take, if given the opportunity.
Sadly for me, I had hoped Arlo would have done one of his “story” songs (Clamsos, Motorsickles, Joseph’s coat, etc.), but true to the nature of the “Guthrie FAMILY” focus, he truly allowed others to show their chops to the audience. This family will surely be around long after Arlo, and at that point will pay homage to him, as well, for moving Woody’s singing traditions forward into the next generation. But the only sad note was this expectation of mine. The offset was the rest of the evening, all good stuff. A little whimsy, a little humor, and a lot of heart and GOOD music! And yes, Arlo was at the center of it all–just not dominating the spotlight.
This was a MOST enjoyable experience for me and the 3 others who went with me. Arlo is good in any form he takes. But now, I know, so is his family. Thanks to Arlo, the wonderous, and to Sarah, I thank you & Johnny, as well.
To readers of these words, GO SEE THIS GREAT MUSICAL TROUP! I cannot see how you would ever regret it. WELL worth my 60 bucks!