Acoustic Americana Music Guide June 24 to 26 updated events, 2009
Geez, Louise!
Another weekend ahead of ACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVALS!
Sat & Sun is the annual “LONG BEACH BAYOU FESTIVAL” with the best Cajun and zydeco acts on one stage, plus s first-rate lineup on the Blues Stage.
Sun, 10 am-5:30 pm, is the first-ever “SEA SHANTIES FESTIVAL” in San Pedro, and it’s free!
Sun evening, The L.A. ACCORDION FESTIVAL arrives for its second year as “SQUEEZEFEST L.A.” at the fabulous Ford Amphitheatre. Watch the Guide, Thursday and Friday, for ticket giveaways to this one!
And, in Northern Cal is the annual “KATE WOLF MEMORIAL MUSIC FESTIVAL.”
Some folks will surely catch a day or parts of both days at the Long Beach Bayou festival, then spend all or part of daytime Sunday, June 28, at the nearby Sea Shanties Festival in San Pedro, which is right on the ocean and free. And that still leaves time to get to the Ford for Squeezefest!
COMPLETE DETAILS will be published by Friday morning, on all these festivals and all the other acoustic performances this weekend.
“Tied to the Tracks”
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JUNE 24 through JUNE 26, 2009 UPDATED EVENTS
Updated June 24, 2009; recurring events are included.
Yes, it’s true –
There are more ACOUSTIC AMERICANA / ACOUSTIC RENAISSANCE music performances EVERY week in the Los Angeles area than the COMBINED TOTAL of ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSIC!
(And that doesn’t even take the dozens of electric Americana shows into account!)
Without question, the Los Angeles region now has the greatest number of live acoustic performances of anyplace in America, and possibly in the world. Much of it is simply WONDERFUL, including club and coffeehouse gigs, performing arts center and theater concerts, indoor and outdoor shows, and a steady parade of festivals that include a healthy acoustic music presence. In addition, for those planning travel and our readers elsewhere, the Guide always includes a vast variety of acoustic music festivals all over the planet. And unique to the Guide, descriptions are included in our extensive listings, rather than simple calendar listings where you need to recognize a performer’s name to know the genre of acoustic music. (Lots of places tell you who, where, and when. We tell you that, plus the all-important “what.”) Yep, we “Guide” you through the live acoustic music scene.
RECURRING EVENTS include residencies, series, showcases, and open mics, and all these are numerous in the Southern California acoustic music universe. We generally add them to the Guide’s calendar one week at a time, as dates approach, because there are so many of them AND because it gives us a chance to learn who is playing.
RADIO SHOWS that regularly feature live acoustic performances are included, provided there is a way to hear them in Los Angeles. With precious few exceptions, hearing these in L.A. requires internet listening, and we give you the necessary URLs.
GETTING YOUR GIG LISTED: We welcome your feedback, and news of your acoustic Americana and acoustic renaissance music shows (send us gig notices in our format, please; see any listed show for an example) please DON’T expect us to re-type info that you have locked into a jpg – send us plain text, so we can work with it! Send to us at
WE’RE ON BLOGSPOT.COM where the format allows us to present the massive content of the Guide in easy-to-index published form. The Guide is waaaay too comprehensive to fit anywhere that imposes size limitations (yep, size matters). We began publishing on Blogspot in early 2008.
WE’RE ON NO DEPRESSION as a new presence, and enjoying that site. Find us there at
WE’RE IN FOLKWORKS with the latest edition of the “Somewhere Out There” column, available online at (We have received MANY compiled pages of feedback about the current column, so feel free to send us yours!) We contribute occasional reviews or feature stories to FolkWorks. You can read the work of many good writers there, and you can sign-up for a free FolkWorks e-newsletter, too, all at
Our MYSPACE PAGE has news of the syndicated “Tied to the Tracks” radio show. After a long presence on MySpace with the Guide’s predecessor publication, we had to move on, because that site now accepts only short posts. But it’s where you can find archived Acoustic Americana Music News editions published prior to Spring, 2008. (We don’t update the Myspace site very often, or even check its esoteric, myspace-only email. So please DON’T email us through that site. Myspace “friends” are welcome!) You can find what we have there at
PLEASE DO COMMUNICATE WITH US about anything related to the Acoustic Americana Music Guide and / or the Acoustic Americana Music News, at
PLEASE DON’T send us anything through myspace email. It’s esoteric, it cannot be auto-forwarded into a “real” email account, and we just can’t keep up with it. (Myspace “friends” are great, and we DO welcome you there!) But, communicate through email only at the above address. And, yes, we get HUNDREDS of emails every week, so please give us as much advance notice as possible for your event!
Entire contents copyright (c) © 2009, Larry Wines. All rights reserved.
JUNE 24 through 26, 2009 UPDATED EVENTS
IN THIS EDITION: Look for our Special Section with a film review, and our popular “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks!
FILM REVIEW: Opened LAST Friday in L.A., playing citywide at Laemmle Theatres:
Film; ongoing; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
“IRENE IN TIME,” the new HENRY JAGLOM film, prominently features, on-camera, original music and song performances by multi-platinum songwriter HARRIET SCHOCK and her band, with some on camera vocals by the film’s star, TANNA FREDERICK. It opens today in L.A., citywide, at the Laemmle Theatres. Harriet Schock is attending with a group tonight at the Laemmle Sunset 5, for the 7:20 pm show, if you would like to try to meet her. Your editor has seen the film, and concurs with film critics that it is wonderful (see review, below). It opens in NYC on September 23.
Here are the early reviews of “Irene In Time:”
Larry Wines, Acoustic Americana Music Guide: “This film explores the relationship between a young adult daughter and her departed father. Often charming, it is a tale with broad overtones and themes for our broken society. The topic seems inescapably uncomfortable, but not in Jaglom’s hands and those of his cast. Yes, too many children in our society are raised by one parent with the other parent present in a limited role that sometimes seems larger-then life as much as it is ultimately unfulfilling. The film neither runs from that nor trivializes it. Nor does it exploit it.
“The film could have been a downer, but it most certainly is not. Jaglom trusts his actors to find the right dialog when it’s better than the script, something that Tanna Frederick, his star, points-out that’s been Jaglom’s trademark since he cast Jack Nicholson and Tuesday Weld years ago. Frederick’s comment and her character are wholly believable, and never more so than in her many tight close-ups, where her expressions are masterfully understated and in the picture-worth-a-thousand-words league.
“If some moments seem saccharine, those pass in the context of the story and the style of storytelling, where the full backdrop of life is on display, with all its joys and disappointments, and ultimately, the comfort of a happier time, longed for. Aside from its drop-you-right-in, unusually spare opening, devoid of most of what we have come to expect from a film’s first two or three minutes, the editing is just right, with no cuts called for, at all.
“Multi-platinum songwriter Harriet Schock’s music and lyrics are a full-fledged character throughout, as complete songs are used, and the visual images mix appealing images of sailing and beach waves with in-studio performances. The use of the live band shots give Jaglom a set of tools that reach beyond the usual filmmaker’s hard-cut or lap-dissolve to transition from one scene to another. And to the extent the songs create interludes, they never take you away from wanting to see what will happen next. Mostly, the songs illuminate the storyline and broaden both the appeal and the impact. (Though we would not include Schock’s “Starbuck’s” song in that, which felt a bit like product placement.)
“The acting is exactly right, across the board, with standout performances from Kelly DeSarla, veterans Victoria Tennant and Karen Black, Jaglom’s newcomer daughter Sabrina and young son Simon, and consummate pro Andrea Marcovicci, who ad libs the film’s best line. See it for the story and the splendid use of the music. Both will stay with you.”.
Jim Svejda, KUSC, L.A. – “Driven by Tanna Frederick’s astonishing performance, ‘Irene In Time’ proves once again that Henry Jaglom is America’s most daring, consistently provocative and stubbornly individual director.”
Betty Jo Tucker, ReelTalk – “Part of the charm of ‘Irene in Time’ comes from the film’s lovely music. ‘When I hired Harriet Schock to write the music,’ Jaglom reports, ‘telling her what Irene in Time was about, she — stunned — immediately said to me: ‘I married my father.’ And right there in my living room, she sat down at the piano and played a song for me that she had written, ‘I’m Dancing with My Father.’ Tanna sang it together with Harriet’s band in a club one night and suddenly all the pieces of what I was looking for seemed to fall into place.’”
Dan Kimpel, Music Connection Magazine – “Prolific gold and platinum Los Angeles based singer/songwriter Harriet Schock is lending her narrative talents to the latest film directed by cinematic auteur Henry Jaglom. The feature, titled Irene in Time, is centered on the complex relationships between fathers and daughters, and the potential lifelong consequences of these complex bonds. Schock’s contributions include four songs she performs on screen in conjunction with the film’s star, Tanna Frederick.
“The project evolved when Frederick joined the songstress and her band onstage at the venerable Los Angeles listening room Genghis Cohen. When Henry Jaglom attended the performance, he was inspired to create a film utilizing the songs as commentary. In addition to the quartet of on screen performances, Schock’s song ‘Dancing With My Father’ from her ‘American Romance’ CD is reprised, and the songwriter also appears on camera in multiple scenes.
“Schock is currently completing production on her seventh studio release, ‘Breakdown on Memory Lane,’ recorded with a stellar cast of Nashville musicians.”
Wednesday’s “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks are the much-anticipated “Three Girls and their Buddy” show at the Greek Theatre, with Emmylou Harris, Patty Griffin, Shawn Colvin, and Buddy Miller, at 7:30 pm (tix still available); and at 8 pm are two more “picks:” one is brilliant comedic songwriter Roy Zimmerman, in Altadena, the other is pianist/vocalist Amy Clarke in Hollywood. A splendid portrayal of Mark Twain ends its three-night run in Pacific Palisades; show time uncertain, so check with venue (listed with 8 pm events).
LOS ANGELES AREA acoustic music performances:
Wed, Jun 24; on TV / web simulcast / then web archive all day:
7-10 am BUDDY MILLER, music legend and one of the four stars of tonight’s “THREE GIRLS AND THEIR BUDDY” will be on Good Day L.A. sometime this morning, on KTTV Fox Ch 11 in L.A. Buddy’s co-stars tonight are EMMYLOU HARRIS, PATTY GRIFFIN, & SHAWN COLVIN. Live show at; archive of today’s show available on their site, IF you install their Fox player.
FREE pairs of tickets were given-away all last week in the “Tied to the Tracks” / “Acoustic Americana Music Guide” daily giveaway. Greek Theatre hotline, 323-665-1927; The concert is at the Greek Theatre at 7:30 pm (see listing), and tix were still available for purchase at press time, at $55 / $45 / $35 / $25.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed, in Yucaipa:
12:30 pm “YUCAIPA UKERS,” THE YUCAIPA UKULELE GANG, an ‘off-shoot’ of the Loma Linda Ukulele Strummers (LLUS), meets every Wed (recently changed; was 10:30 am). Info, loc,
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
ON HIATUS: 3-7 pm “ROOTS MUSIC JAM SESSION” with TOM SAUBER at the Sierra Madre Farmers’ Market, in the parking lot behind the shops on the south side of Sierra Madre Blvd., just west of Baldwin Av, in Sierra Madre. Take Baldwin Av exit N from 210 Fwy. Turn W off Baldwin onto Mariposa and you’ll see the tents. Tom tells us, “It won’t take the place of Frank & Joe’s [the long-gone Wed night jam] and I know it’s not convenient for most, but it’s something as long as the weather’s nice.” Info,
Tom tells us, “It won’t be meeting again until the weather warms up.”
Wed, Jun 24, (Wed & Thu), every week; near Santa Barbara:
4 pm-late New “PARADISE STORE TWICE-WEEKLY BLUEGRASS / MOUNTAIN MUSIC JAM” at Paradise Store, N of Santa Barbara on Hwy 154 for 9.5 mi; right on Paradise Rd, 1/2 mile to the store. Directions,
Wed’s include BBQ; Thu’s are a “Mountain Fiddle Hootenanny.” Both hosted by MARK LEWIS. More at
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
5-8 pm New “CLAREMONT WEDNESDAY GREEN MARKET” features acoustic music with RON ELY doing seafaring songs and more, inside the Packing House in the new West Claremont Center, 532 W First St, Claremont 91711; . Ron tells us, “It’s all about ‘going GREEN,’ and should be promoted and supported. They are going to expand with a Farmer’s Market each Wednesday evening. That will be outside this same venue, The Packing House, a fully rehabilitated old building, a real packing house, Historical Landmark. It’s put-on by the non-profit ‘Claremont Forum,’ ( that sponsors the “Prison Library Project,” sending books to those incarcerated.”
Wed, Jun 24, 2nd & 4th Wed every month; in Lancaster:
6 pm UKULELE CLUB at Nicks Pizza, 43755 15th St West, Lancaster. Uke players begin arriving about 5 pm, meeting starts at 6 pm. Newcomers welcome.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed in June:
6:30-9:30 pm SEAN WIGGINS plays Oceanview Bistro, 3826 Ocean View Bl, Montrose 91020; 818-248-2722. Paul Houston and Sean play for 3 hours. Sean says it’s a “Cool laid back bar/restaurant – yummy food – good vibe!” Sean has twice performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks” and earned a “Listener Favorite” there. More at – No cover.
Wed, Jun 24, fourth (& second) Wed every month:
6:30 pm “TWICE-A-MONTH BLUEGRASS JAM” new for ’09, at Robano’s Italian Pizza Kitchen, 10057 Riverside Dr, Toluca Lake 91602. (It’s S of Magnolia, W of Buena Vista, E of Cahuenga.) Jam is in the room behind the bar area. Hosted by Paddy Hill, who wants us to tell you, “All players welcome. Please plan to buy a beer or appetizer (from $5) to get the owner enthusiastic, or better still, a full meal from $9.” Info, contact Paddy Hill at Series began Feb 11. No cover.
Wed, Jun 24, 4th Wed, every month:
6:45 pm “GILLI MOON & J.WALKER’S SONGSALIVE! SHOWCASE” at Genghis Cohen, 740 N Fairfax Av, L.A. Gilli is co-founder of the global Songsalive! songwriters organization. She books different guests, and herself performs each month. More at
Wed, Jun 24:
7-9 pm REMEMBER WHEN, jazz vocal group, makes its first appearance at Café 322, 322 W Sierra Madre Bl, Sierra Madre; 626-836-5414; The venue has been called “Sierra Madre’s best musical dinner club,” and we believe it’s the burg’s only such establishment. The group was formed in the little village in 1999 as a small performance ensemble — and a hobby — from the Sierra Madre Chorale. Changed and added members result in today’s group. Founder and organizer Steve Hawkins tells us, “the sound has really matured to a unique close-harmony jazz style. We are really looking forward to being in Sierra Madre again. Several of our members still live in the area. We hope to do many more performances there in the near future.” They specialize in jazz standards, Broadway and movie favorite tunes, and Big Band Vocals. More at
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
7-10 pm weekly OPEN MIC at the Talking Stick, (new location), 1411 Lincoln Bl, Venice 92091; Alternating hosts TOM & BYRON or ELLEN. Sign-ups at 6:45 pm. Venue has coffeehouse fare and good sandwiches. All ages, no cover.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
7-9 pm “JILL SHARPE PRO-BLUES JAM” local blues favorite Jill Sharpe jams with her band at Sacred Grounds, 468 W 6th St, San Pedro 90731. More at No cover.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
7-10 pm (started Jan 7) “KULAK’S WEDNESDAY NIGHT SONGWRITERS WORKSHOP” at Kulak’s Woodshed, 5230-1/2 Laurel Canyon Bl, North Hollywood; 818-766-9913; info and live webcast at Marc Platt wrote, for Music Connection, “Your Wednesday Nights will never be the same after participating in this Group Workshop. The weekly cost is $20, which goes to Kulak’s to help pay the rent. The Workshop… is open to the public for the first four weeks. We will then set our 12-person group writing roster until the end of March. The workshop will be limited to 12 writers. We will break up into groups and work on many styles, genres and topics. You will find it challenging and exhilarating. You can bring instruments and will need to have your own small recording device, as well as a pen and notepad. Marc Platt (from the Sunday Night Performance Workshop) will facilitate with help from Steve Schalchlin. Marc has written music for TV Shows like ‘Queer Eye For The Straight Guy’ and others for many years. Steve Schalchlin ran similar workshops for the NAS (National Academy of Songwriters) in the 1990s and is a very accomplished songwriter. His ‘New World Waking’ show is currently running in San Francisco. If you are interested, please email Marc Platt at”
Wed, Jun 24, 2nd & 4th Wed, every month; in Lompoc:
7-9 pm “BLUEGRASS JAM” at Southside Coffee Co, 105 S “H” St, Lompoc. Info, call Bill, 805-736-8241.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed, in Tehachapi:
7-10 pm OPEN MIC at Mama HillyBeans Coffee & Community, 426 E Tehachapi Bl, Tehachapi; 661-822-BEAN; They welcome “musicians, poets, writers, thinkers, and audiences.” Venue has great ambience, food “made from scratch and about 95% organic.” No cover.
Wed, Jun 24; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
7:30 pm EMMYLOU HARRIS, PATTY GRIFFIN, SHAWN COLVIN, & BUDDY MILLER are “THREE GIRLS AND THEIR BUDDY,” at the Greek Theatre, 2700 N Vermont Av, in Griffith Park, L.A.; Greek Theatre hotline, 323-665-1927;
The performance of “Three Girls and Their Buddy” is a powerful evening of melodies and harmonies by megastars of roots-Americana, all four of them multiple-award-winning and accomplished singer-songwriters. The group is certain to present originals from their latest albums: Emmylou Harris’ “All I Intended to Be,” Patty Griffin’s “Children Running Through,” Shawn Colvin’s “These Four Walls,” and Buddy Miller’s recent offering, with his wife Judy, “Written in Chalk.” The set list will be a delightful mix of their originals and their favorite folk, country, and rock covers. All will share the stage, taking turns singing lead while the others do back up on vocals, guitar and hand percussion.
EMMYLOU HARRIS, PATTY GRIFFIN, SHAWN COLVIN, & BUDDY MILLER have variously played in each other’s bands, sang each other’s songs, done guest appearances or produced each other’s albums, or done all of the above. The scope and artistry of such broad collaborative interaction is evident in their undeniable chemistry on stage. This is one of our favorite “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks of the summer, and an exciting ensemble performance by four beloved, venerable and esteemed all-stars of Americana, as “Three Girls and Their Buddy” perform at the Greek Theatre on June 24.
Tix, $55 / $45 / $35 / $25.
Or, win a FREE pair of tickets in the “Tied to the Tracks” / “Acoustic Americana Music Guide” daily giveaway, every day for a week – Sat, June 13 through Friday, June 19, by watching for details at or
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
7:30-10 pm “SOUTH BAY BEAT SONGWRITER SHOWCASE” series at Club 705 / Ardmore Restaurant, 705 Pier Av, Hermosa Beach 90254; 310-372-9705. Based on their opening bookings, this is a wonderful series with musicians who have played all over the world, sharing stages with big names in the music biz. Call them for tonight’s lineup. All ages, no cover.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
7:30-10:30 pm “SINGER-SONGWRITER NIGHT” with STRUFF & TERRY, and Musical Guests at Tango D’Amore, 19524 Nordhoff St #3, Northridge 91324; shared parking with Guitar Center; 818-727-7399; Lineup always includes hosts Struff & Terry ( and others, sometimes unknown, sometimes rather well-known. $5 cover.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
7:30-10 pm OPEN MIC at Guitar Merchant, 7503 Topanga Cyn Bl, Canoga Park 91303; 818-884-5905. Every Wednesday, hosted by Melinda Gibson. 7 pm sign-ups. Get your set recorded on CD for $10 (optional). Snacks and drinks available. No cover, tip jar for artists.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed, in Simi Valley:
7:30-11:30 pm SONGMAKERS “SIMI VALLEY HOOT” jam session in Simi Valley; for location, contact M. Gregory, or 805-579-6416. More at
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
MISS MICKEY CHAMPION at Harvelle’s, 1432 Fourth St, Santa Monica; 310-395-1676. L.A.’s legendary blueswoman plays an every-Wednesday residency. Artist info: $3-7 cover. Start time varies; call venue.
Wed, Jun 24; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
8 pm ROY ZIMMERMAN at the venue named in FolkWorks as L.A.’s best intimate acoustic listening room venue – The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena; reserv 626-398-7917; info
Without question, he’s one of the top comedic singer-songwriters of our time. He brings clever songs, high humor, political parodies. funny songs about politics and the state of humanity. The Los Angeles Times says, “Zimmerman displays a lacerating wit and keen awareness of society’s foibles that bring to mind a latter-day Tom Lehrer,” while Lehrer himself says, “If I were still performing, I’d be doing Roy Zimmerman songs.”
He’s performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks” and gave the show the world premiere of one of his albums that went on to win critical acclaim. He’s one of your editor’s all-time favorites.
Find out what’s funny about war, poverty, ignorance, bigotry, neo-conservatism, homophobia, greed, lust and fear. Roy Zimmerman, who “plays well with others,” has shared the stage with such diverse talents as George Carlin, Arlo Guthrie, Kate Clinton, Bill Clinton, Arianna Huffington, Bill Maher and Paul Krassner. In a past performing life, Zimmerman founded and wrote all the material for the satirical folk quartet THE FOREMEN, who recorded for Warner Reprise throughout the ‘90s. As a solo artist, he’s released five albums. When a video of Roy’s performance of his song “Creation Science 101” made the front page of YouTube, it got over 730,000 views, and 11,000 comments, and Roy adds, “many of them coherent.” Tix, $18.
Wed, Jun 24; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
8 pm AMY CLARKE, with ARIANA HALL opening, at King King, 6555 Hollywood Bl (at Whitley), Hollywood; 323-960-9234; Tix at AMY CLARKE plays a music release party with giveaways, and performs a full set featuring guest musicians Voyce McGinley III on drums & percussion, Amanda Abizaid (performing at the Indiegrrl Conference) on flute, Les July on trumpet. Part of the night’s proceeds benefit Tree People ( Ariana Hall opens at 8, not Astral Aliens as listed elsewhere. Amy Clarke performs at 8:45. Partial proceeds go towards Tree People ( Amy is headed for tour dates in DC, Brooklyn, and elsewhere in New York, all leading up to her shows at the Indiegrrl Conference in Nashville, TN, Aug 20-22, and the Burning Man Festival in Black Rock City, NV Aug 24-26. More at Tix for tonight are $8 advance (link above), $12 at door.
Wed, Jun 23; Mon-Wed, Jun 22, 23, 24; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
8 pm CHRIS WALLACE’S “THE MARK TWAIN YOU DON’T KNOW,” an Australian one-man show, comes to L.A for three nights only, at Theatre Palisades, 941 Temescal Canyon Rd, Pacific Palisades 90272; call box office at 310-454-1970 for show times. This has rave reviews, including
“…A masterful one-man show…”
“…Wallace brings it to life with integrity, respect and immense talent…”
“…Wallace’s relaxed yet precise and authoritative delivery makes each moment live…”
The material is amazingly edgy and relevant by 21st Century standards, as Mark Twain’s take on sex, religion and war are brilliantly performed in this two-hour presentation. With interest mounting as the 100th anniversary of Twain’s death approaches in 2010, this show captures an essence of America’s most famous author in a totally unexpected way. “The Mark Twain You Don’t Know” began its journey in 2004 on Mark Twain’s 169th birthday in the Australian city of Ballarat, in the same venue where Twain lectured in 1895. It has since shocked, provoked, challenged and delighted critics and audiences alike:
“…Its content is irreverent and comically vulgar, and Wallace makes it even more entertaining with his splendid delivery…”
“…He makes a convincing case for Twain’s continued recognition as one of the great observers of the human condition…”
“…He maintains such a presence on stage; it starts to feel like there’s an entire cast performing instead of just one man…”
View an excerpt from the show at:
Tix, $20.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
8 pm “ACOUSTIC CORDIALE” SERIES at Café Cordiale, 14015 Ventura Bl, Sherman Oaks; 818-789-1985. One recent lineup included Heather Waters & Duane Jarvis and Micheal Ann & Alexandra Bustamante. Manda has played the series, as well. Hosted by singer-songwriter DONOVAN LYMAN (Blue Meridian) performing a song or two between each act. Dinner served all evening; plenty of private tables. All ages, free parking, no cover.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
8 pm “WHISKEY DICK WEDNESDAYS” at Fubar, 7994 Santa Monica Bl (1 blk E of Crescent Hgts), West Hollywood. This is a roots / honky-tonk night, and talented artists like MICHAEL ANN play this series, which offers 5 cent beer and 10 cent shots of whiskey and other booze, “where the west is still very wild. Say howdy to the craziest party there could ever be,” their promo says. Other nights there are anything but Americana music, and do not offer such incredibly cheap liquor. Fubar is a well known gay bar. Info from No cover.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
8 pm OPEN MIC at The Talking Stick, 1630 Ocean Park Bl, Santa Monica;
Wed, Jun 24, recurring:
8 pm OPEN MIC at The Pig ‘n Whistle, 6714 Hollywood Bl, Hollywood 90028; Sign-ups at 7:30, show at 8 pm.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
8 pm OPEN JAZZ JAM at Hip Kitty Jazz / Fondue, 502 W First St (in the Packing House complex), Claremont 91711;; 909-447-6700. Beautiful venue, serves food, beer & wine, 25 mins E of Pasadena off the 210 Fwy.
Wed, Jun 24, last Wed, every month:
ON HIATUS: 8-10 pm “HOBO SOUP” monthly folk music evening with performing host “BANJO FRED” STARNER, usually joined by PHIL VAN TEE and KAREN KRANTZ, at the Lost Souls Café, 124 E 4th St, in the Old Bank District, downtown L.A.; 213-617-7006; The venue is the big lobby of a 1905-era bank building. Fred says it has “a fine sound system, and a no-alcohol good vibe.” FRED STARNER is the officially-named “GRAND DUKE OF HOBO MINSTRELS” by the National Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. Musical funnyman PHIL VAN TEE has taken his homemade cookie-tin banjo to stages everywhere, opening for nearly all the big-name country music acts. Previous guests have included JILL FENIMORE, ORGANIC DEMO, and DADDY BONE. Artist info, Venue is just down the gated alley between Main and Broadway; it’s a coffeehouse that serves coffee drinks and tasty light fare.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
8:30 pm LIVE MUSIC (artists tba) at the Cowboy Palace Saloon, 21635 Devonshire St (Devonshire & Owensmouth), Chatsworth 91311;; 818-341-0166. Live music 7 nights a week, sometimes acoustic, sometimes electric. Preceded by free line dance lessons with Kathy, 7-8:30 pm. No cover.
Wed, Jun 24, 4th Wed every month:
8:30 pm “FESTIVAL OF THE EGG” the monthly all-female musicians’ event, at the Universal Bar & Grill, 4093 Lankershim Bl, North Hollywood; 818-766-2114. $7.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
8:30 pm-midnight “JAZZ JAM SESSION” at The Smokehouse Restaurant, 4420 W Lakeside Dr (at Barham), Burbank 91505;; 818-845-3731. New home for the long-running weekly series formerly at the Sportsman’s Lodge; hosted by CATHY SEGAL-GARCIA, President of the California Pop & Jazz Council ( Event info, No cover.
Wed, Jun 24, every Wed:
9 pm-midnight “PRO BLUES JAM SESSION” hosted by 21st CENTURY BLUES band, at the Azteca Restaurant and Bar, 717 S San Gabriel Bl, San Gabriel 91776; 626-287-4645. (New Mar 11, 2009.)
Wed, Jun 24; on web radio:
11 pm BRAD COLERICK does a one-hour live performance on KDVS 90.3 FM in Davis, CA, simulcast at
Today is the anniversary of the Battle of the Little Bighorn. It marked the greatest victory for the Plains Indians over the US Military, and galvanized the US government to hasten the end of the Native Americans’ ability to roam freely across the plains.
Thursday’s “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks are Mark “Pocket” Goldberg’s series, tonight with great guests, in Tujunga at 7 pm, and the Duo-Tones, who bring the beach to Altadena at 8 pm.
LOS ANGELES AREA acoustic music performances:
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
11 am-2 pm “VAN NUYS FARMER’S MARKET” with live music performances, in the Van Nuys Civic Center behind the Los Angeles City Hall annex building and in front of the City Library, 14410 Sylvan St, Van Nuys 91401.
Thu, Jun 25, (Wed & Thu), every week; near Santa Barbara:
4 pm-late New “PARADISE STORE TWICE-WEEKLY BLUEGRASS / MOUNTAIN MUSIC JAM” at Paradise Store, N of Santa Barbara on Hwy 154 for 9.5 mi; right on Paradise Rd, 1/2 mile to the store. Directions,
Wed’s include BBQ; Thu’s are a “Mountain Fiddle Hootenanny.” Both hosted by MARK LEWIS. More at
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
4:30-5:30 pm SON JAROCHO CLASSES at East Side Café, 5469 Huntington Dr N, L.A.; 323-583-5113.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu: in Santa Barbara:
5:30-7:30 pm THE SALT MARTIANS play bluegrass for Happy Hour at the Tupelo Junction Cafe, 1218 State St, Santa Barbara; 805-899-3900 for dinner reserv. The band is TIM MULLINS, KEN GASTON, AARON DOUGLAS and often MIKE MULLINS. Artists’ info, Full bar & food. No cover.
Thu, Jun 25, 4th (and 2nd) Thu, every month; in Ventura:
6-9:30 pm “ZOEY’S JAM” at Zoey’s, 451 E Main St, Ventura. 805-658-8311. Hosted by Gene Rubin, who says, “Check-out Ventura’s Bluegrass Jam website, at All skills welcome, friendly folks, great food and drink, and even better jammin’. Generally we number 25 to 35 musicians. We now have additional space for even more jam circles. Spectators are appreciated and welcome.” Contact Gene with your email address to receive regular reminders and details: 805-658-8311 or
Thu, Jun 25, recurring; in Idyllwild:
6-9 pm SANDII CASTLEBERRY & KEVIN HAMBY at Café Aroma, 54750 N Circle Dr, Idyllwild; 951-659-5212. Acoustic blues, bluegrass, swing, folk, more; Sandii Castleberry with guitar, vocals, harmonica; Kevin Hamby on bass, vocals.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
7-10 pm “POCKET GOLDBERG & FRIENDS SONGWRITER SHOWCASE” tonight brings guest artists ED TREE (Spencer Davis, John Schneider, Lacy J. Dalton) and NICOLE GORDON & MARTY AXELROD (Songs of Shiloh), to Arnie’s Café, 6864 Foothill Bl (at Marcus), Tujunga 91042; 818-951-9089; NICOLE GORDON & MARTY AXELROD have performed their theme-based “Songs of Shiloh” show, and Nicole’s other fine originals, on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” and earned a “Listener Favorite” for one of them, “The Boy from Crooked Creek.” No cover, donations to artists are welcome.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
7-10 pm “FLAMENCO GUITAR NIGHT” with award-winning flamenco guitarist STEPHEN DICK at Manchego Food From Spain Restaurant, 2510 Main St, Santa Monica 90405; 310-450-3900; Venue serves great tapas and Spanish dinner plates in an elegant and intimate space. STEPHEN DICK – “Esteban de Los Angeles” – has won numerous prizes for his compositions and performances, including an award from the Sur Jerez Flamenco Competition in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, for his original 1st album, “Naranjas Amargas.” A versatile artist, he is the winner of the Peter Frampton award for excellence in contemporary music, and his compositions for the guitar have been published in Italy, and in the US by Columbia Music Company. He won the Paulo Barsacchi award for guitar composition for his “Sonatina for Solo Guitar,” and a Meet the Composer’s grant for his realization of Federico GarcÃa Lorca’s romantic ballad, “Romance Sonambulo.” He a 2008/2009 winner of a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Culture and US Universities for a new flamenco concert featuring GarciaLorca’s mystical lullaby, “Nana del Caballo Grande.”
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
7 pm CHARANGOA SALSA DANCE at Steven’s SteakHouse, 5332 Steven’s Pl, City of Commerce; 323-723-9856;; Every Thu. Includes dance class with Miguel, 7-8 pm; dancing to live music, 9 pm-1:30 am. It’s reported that there are lots of great dancers & surprises. Free.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
7-11 pm OPEN MIC NIGHT on “The Main Stage” at Highland Perk Coffeehouse, 5930 York Bl, L.A. The inaugural event was Apr 12. Sponsors say, “This event repeats every Thursday night. Singers, spoken word, guitar players, drum soloists, almost anything that makes the crowd applaud…”
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu; in Lancaster:
7-10 pm “CEDAR OPEN MIC” at Cedar Center, 44345 Cedar Av (at Lancaster Bl), Lancaster 93534; Hosted by Ms. Shell Marie and Cleen. It’s open to all ages, however there is no censorship rule. It welcomes poets, spoken word, “freestylers,” and acoustic musicians. Free.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
OPEN MIC / SONGWRITER SHOWCASE at Primo Pizza, 28200 Bouquet Cyn Rd, Saugus. Mike Dill hosts. He’s a fine fingerstyle blues picker.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
7:30 “MUSIC NIGHT” at Lulu’s Beehive, 13203 Ventura Bl (1 blk E of Fulton), Studio City; 818-986-2233. After a long absence, the singer-songwriter series is back at the fun little venue. Three featured acts, “plus special guests and surprises each week.” After a long absence, the singer-songwriter series is back at the fun little venue. Or as they say, “the buzz has returned to the Beehive.” Light fare, sandwiches, coffeehouse beverages available. No cover.
Thu, Jun 25; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
8 pm THE DUO TONES at the venue named in FolkWorks as L.A.’s best intimate acoustic listening room venue – The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena; reserv 626-398-7917; info Venue impresario Bob Stane says, “Veteran rock-instrumental masters PAUL JOHNSON & GIL ORR have hit upon a unique and winning idea: by leaving out the drums and bass, they put the focus on their delightful dual-guitar interplay (both acoustic and electric), which lends fresh appeal to the surf-instro genre. Paul co-founded the pioneer ’60s surf band, the Belairs (“Mr. Moto”) and he currently plays with the Surfaris (“Wipeout”). Gil has been with the Chantays (“Pipeline”) since the ’60s. They have two popular CDs and a growing visibility. They were a big hit last season on “A Prairie Home Companion.” The Duo-tones are creating a stir among many music fans who are discovering for the first time just how rich this stuff can be when played with the skill and authority that Paul and Gil bring to it. Always a fave act here. Many encores for a reason.” Tix, $18.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
7:30-9:30 pm IRISH SET DANCING CLASSES in Los Feliz area; social dancing for adults every Thursday. Info & location:
Thu, Jun 25, Thu & Fri, every week:
8-10:30 pm THE PLOUGHBOYS play their residency at the Tam O’ Shanter, 2980 Los Feliz Bl, Los Feliz;; 323-664-0228. Venue serves ale & sandwiches. Band member Mark Romano says, “Great food, drinks, dancing, and of course, music!” More at All ages, no cover.
Thu, Jun 25, recurring:
8-10 pm ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE, singer-songwriter or band, at Kulak’s Woodshed, 5230-1/2 Laurel Canyon Bl, North Hollywood; 818-766-9913; info / web simulcast at – named for “Best Web Simulcast” in “The Best of 2008 / Top Ten” in FolkWorks, at All artists donate their performances; venue is supported by donations, and asks $10 per attendee in lieu of a cover charge.
Thu, Jun 25, last Thu, every month:
8-10 pm SONGSALIVE! SHOWCASE at The Talking Stick, (new location), 1411c Lincoln Bl, Venice 92091; A full evening of entertainment from local songwriters, hosted by MAUREEN DOHERTY. Songsalive is now booking for various dates in 2007, and seeking singer-songwriters to perform; info: hotline at 310-238-0359 or email; No cover, $5 donation requested.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
CALJAS ARTISTS WEEKLY JAZZ PERFORMANCE NIGHT at Hip Kitty Jazz / Fondue, 502 W First St (in the Packing House complex), Claremont 91711;; 909-447-6700. It’s a new venue, said to be beautiful, serving food, beer & wine, 25 mins E of Pasadena off the 210 Fwy. The venue is part of the newly-renovated Claremont Packing House. Proprietress Nancy Tessier’s father, Refugio “Coco” Lopez, plays alto, and she wanted her club to feature an array of jazz singers. This led to a fortuitous connection with Dale Boatman, founder and president of the California Jazz Arts Society. CalJAS is a powerful force in bringing some of the best jazz artists in Southern California, especially singers, to restaurants, clubs and other performance spaces in eastern Los Angeles County and the Inland Empire, an area that previously had relatively few opportunities for jazz musicians to perform.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
8:30 pm LIVE MUSIC (artists tba) at the Cowboy Palace Saloon, 21635 Devonshire St (Devonshire & Owensmouth), Chatsworth 91311;; 818-341-0166. Live music 7 nights a week, sometimes acoustic, sometimes electric. Preceded by free line dance lessons with Marie, 7-8:30 pm. Happy hour 4-7 pm, M-F. No cover.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
9 pm-2 am “ALL ACOUSTIC WITH ANGEL” hosted by ANGEL, with different artists each week (except 3rd Thursdays, when it’s the Old Time Jam, hosted by Triple Chicken Foot) always fun, at the Hyperion Tavern, 1941 Hyperion Av (look for barber pole just S of Lyric), L.A. 90027. The Thursday series has its own web page, complete with weekly lineups, at
Angel tells us, “This night is acoustic, old timey, ukuleles, barbershop quartets, dedicated to creating a community of artists and musicians who don’t need the use of flashy lights, amps or mics. Our grandpappies didn’t need it so why do we? Inquiry about playing can be sent to or even better, stop by and have a beer! Entry is always free and 21+! We’ll get the barberpole up and running soon.”
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
9 pm PRESTON SMITH & THE CROCODILES play their residency at The Office, 3516 W Victory Bl (at Hollywood Wy), Burbank. Preston says, “Great sound, great food, wine and beer!” New residency, began Apr 9, 2009.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu:
9 pm BEGINNERS SON JAROCHO CLASS with CESAR CASTRO from VeraCruz, at Cal Poly Downtown Center, 300 2nd St, Pomona (Arts Colony). Learn to play jarana, string instrument from Veracruz; dance Zapateado; sing & compose sones (songs); gain knowledge of Son Jarocho music. For children, teens & adults. Venue has a mic and stage lights. Info, $3 cover.
Thu, Jun 25, every Thu; on web radio:
9 pm “FREIGHT TRAIN BOOGIE” radio show from Northern Cal, on KRCB 90.9 and 91.1 FM on Sonoma County’s only public radio station; features live performance-interviews; simulcast on the web at You can ask the host or the guests questions or make comments at
Friday’s “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks include the opening day of the annual “Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival,” where Grammy-nominated Lisa Haley & the Zydecats play at 5:30 pm; Sligo Rags, another one of Southern Cal’s best bands, plays Altadena at 8 pm; Aretha Franklin performs with the L.A. Phil in the Hollywood Bowl at 8:30; and the delightful Dafni plays two sets in Claremont at 10 pm.
Local Festivals:
Fri, Jun 26; in the OC; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
5:30 pm “LAGUNA BEACH SAWDUST FESTIVAL” brings LISA HALEY & THE ZYDECATS to play the annual festival’s opening day, on the Sawdust Art Festival grounds, 935 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach 92651; info hotline 949-494-3030;
LISA HALEY & THE ZYDECATS have performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks” and earned a “Listener Favorite” there. AND, their Grammy-nominated album, “King Cake” had its world premiere and five weeks exclusive airplay on “TttT.” They were recently named “Zydeco Band of the Year 2009” by the Bay Area Blues Society. Their music is joyful and accessible and mixes Cajun and zydeco with touching and driving Americana, delivering a thoroughly satisfying show that leaves you humming the melody lines. They play festivals and get airplay all over the planet. Lisa says, “See Zydecosis at work on the new YouTube video from the recent San Diego ‘Gator By the Bay’ Fest!” at and you can catch the band’s performance of “King Cake” at Belladrum, in Scotland, at — Lisa says, “Listen for the Scottish ‘ROAR’ at the end!” More at and and
The summer-long Sawdust Festival brings live music on three stages, plus roving musicians and circus acts. It runs daily, Jun 26 through Aug 30, with several different musical acts each day. It’s open daily, 10 am-10 pm (except 10 am-6 pm on July 4). A full summer-season pass is $15, and an annual pass is $25 (for summer & winter festivals, combined). One-day admission is $7.50 general, $6 seniors, $3 children (age 6-12), and free for those age 5 and younger.
Heads-up: The annual “LONG BEACH BAYOU FESTIVAL” is this weekend! Look for a special edition about that one!
LOS ANGELES AREA acoustic music performances:
Fri, Jun 26; on web radio:
1 pm (Pacific) “IT’S FRIDAY” Radio Show on WUGA 91.7 FM, from Georgia, simulcast at Performing guests are the PACKWAY HANDLE BAND, a “trad-absurdist experience” bluegrass band from Athens, Georgia, who have been heard on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks.” (Time is PDT.) More at
Fri, Jun 26, every Fri:
5:30-10 pm “MONROVIA FAMILY FESTIVAL” along Myrtle Av, in old downtown Monrovia. It’s year-round and weekly, a street festival and farmers market, that’s been running 17 years. KATTYWOMPUS STRING BAND plays 8-10 pm at 412 S Myrtle Av; contact Jennifer Ranger, 877-365-5744. RON ELY does authentic and original maritime songs most weeks, usually at Myrtle Av & Colorado or Myrtle Av and Lemon Av, on the North end of the festival. Artist’s info, There’s lots of other music throughout old town Monrovia, several acoustic performers each week – singer-songwriters, duos or bands – plus specialty vendors, lots of food, and local merchants. Event is large during the summer when it includes a carnival (rock climbing wall, balloon man, bubble man, petting zoo, pony rides, etc.) It scales-down from 4 blocks to 2 blocks during winter months, following the Christmas holidays. Myrtle Av exit, N of 210 Fwy, free parking, free event.
Fri, Jun 26, recurring, on web radio:
5:30 pm (Pacific) “RALPH’S BACK PORCH” broadcast from Texas, today has a live in-studio performance by Southern Cal-based SKEETER MANN & THE LOST CANYON RANGERS. The show often hosts western music guests; call-in number to chat with Ralph and guests, 347 215 8849; catch the show at
Fri, Jun 26, every Fri:
6-9 pm DAVE OSTI and DEANNA COGAN jam-out on acoustic classic rock tunes every Friday at the Mayan Bar, 311 W Foothill Bl, Monrovia.
Fri, Jun 26, every Fri:
6-8 pm OPEN MIC at Fendi’s Café, 539 East Bixby Rd (near Atlantic), Long Beach; 562-424-4774.
Fri, Jun 26; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
7 pm SLIGO RAGS, named in FolkWorks among L.A.’s “Best of 2008 / Top Ten” bands, perform at the venue named in FolkWorks as L.A.’s best intimate acoustic listening room venue – The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena; reserv 626-398-7917; info They played radio’s “Tied to the Tracks” on St. Patrick’s Day, 2007, at the time they had EIGHT of the Top Ten songs on one Celtic Music Chart. No other artist or band repeated even once anywhere in the Top 100. And they earned a “Listener Favorite” on radio’s “TttT.” Venue impresario Bob Stane says, “Such a talented group. Drawing big crowds without it bein’ a wake. As usual, they’ve been winning awards, but modest they are.”
The energetic and splendidly musical SLIGO RAGS are Named in FolkWorks in the “Top Ten / Best of 2008” among the “Top Ten Live Acoustic Bands in L.A.” That write-up notes, “When they performed on radio’s ‘Tied to the Tracks’ on St. Patrick’s Day, 2006, eight of the Top Ten songs on one Celtic music chart were theirs (no other artist appeared more than once in the Top 100). And they’ve grown much since then, with lively Irish music that imparts flavors of bluegrass and jazz.” Two-time winners of the “Orange County Music Awards” for “Best Folk Band,” this dynamic ensemble presents Celtic Folk with a decidedly bluegrass attitude. Using fiddle, acoustic guitar, electric bass, and percussion, Sligo Rags is taking the local and not-so-local Celtic music scene by storm. Their debut studio recording, “The Night Before the Morning After,” still gets international airplay, and was called “the best I’ve heard from a stateside band” by Celtic Beat Magazine. Says the San Diego Troubadour, “This band can light up an atmosphere as dim as the Guinness stout you just ordered at the bar… Sligo Rags really know their Celtic music.” Don’t be surprised if elements of country, gypsy jazz, and swing manage to sneak their way into the act. Bob Stane adds, “Much fun. This is money-back, no-questions-asked-if-you-are-not-thrilled. Bring friends. Dynamic, up tempo, multi-talented. A fusion that just crackles.” More at $18.
Fri, Jun 26, every Fri, in Tehachapi:
7 pm ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE at Mama HillyBeans Coffee & Community, 426 E Tehachapi Bl, Tehachapi;; 661-822-BEAN. Venue has great ambience, and food “made from scratch and about 95% organic.” Traveling acts have varying admission prices; check venue’s web site.
Fri, Jun 26; in Paso Robles:
7-9:30 pm SEAN WIGGINS plays the “Vina Robles Summer Concert Series” with her full LONE GOAT Band, in Paso Robles; info & tix, Presented by AMS Entertainment at a beautiful winery, under the stars with dancing and dining. Sean has twice performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks” and earned a “Listener Favorite” there. More at –
Fri, Jun 26:
7:30 pm PETE HUTLINGER plays the “Lord of the Strings” concert series at the Dana Point Community House, 24642 San Juan Av, Dana Point;; 949-842-2227. He was renowned as JOHN DENVER’s guitar player. If you don’t know who Pete is, check out his website at Pete is an amazing guitar picker, great singer and does an outstanding solo show.
Fri, Jun 26, every Fri:
7:30 pm “OPEN MIC” at the Unurban Coffee House, 3301 Pico Bl (at 33rd), Santa Monica; 310-315-0056;
Fri, Jun 26, every Fri:
MISS MICKEY CHAMPION at the Ritz-Carlton Huntington Hotel bar, 1401 S Oak Knoll Av, Pasadena; 626-568-3900. L.A.’s legendary blueswoman plays an every-Fri & Sat residency. Artist info: Start time varies; call venue.
Fri, Jun 26, every Fri:
8-10:30 pm THE PLOUGHBOYS play an every-Friday residency at the Tam O’Shanter, 2980 Los Feliz Bl, Los Feliz 90039;; 323-664-0228. Venue serves ale & sandwiches. Band member Mark Romano says, “Great food, drinks, dancing, and of course, music!” More at All ages, no cover.
Fri, Jun 26, every Fri:
8 pm OUTLAW X plus THE BOBBY BLUEHOUSE BAND opening for “some of the best blues music headliners in the industry,” at the Arcadia Blues Club, 16 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia;; 626-447-9349. Info and reservations for this show, The venue claims, “This is the greatest house band in America. Members over the years have included musicians who have played with Billy Joel, Aretha Franklin, The Pointer Sisters, The Jeff Healey Band and influences from John Lee Hooker, Van Morrison and Eric Burden.” Fri & Sat nights bring local blues bands as well as national acts. Acts booked include Chris Cain, Lil Charlie and the Nite Cats, Coco Montoya, Rod Piazza, James Intveld, Rosie Flores, Duke Robillard, Guitar Shorty, Gary Hoey, Wumbloozo, Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash and more. Website has lineups for specific dates and a tix link. Venue serves dinner Fri & Sat, 7 pm-2 am. Advance tix, reservations, recommended (club is now only holding tables only until 8:30 pm). Friday, Jun 26th – OUTLAW X at 10:30 pm, with Bobby Bluehouse at 8 pm; tix $15.
Fri, Jun 26, every Fri:
8-10 pm ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE, singer-songwriter or band, at Kulak’s Woodshed, 5230-1/2 Laurel Canyon Bl, North Hollywood; 818-766-9913; info / web simulcast at – named for “Best Web Simulcast” in “The Best of 2008 / Top Ten” in FolkWorks, at All artists donate their performances; venue is supported by donations, and asks $10 per attendee in lieu of a cover charge.
Fri, Jun 26, fourth Fri, every month:
8-10 pm “OUT-OF-THE-BLUE” songwriter showcase at the venue named as co-winner for “Best Free (no cover) Acoustic Music Venue, The Talking Stick, 1411c Lincoln Bl, Venice 92091; This monthly event is specifically cited as a reason for the venue’s 2008 co-win. Though former performing host DANIEL McFEELEY has moved to Australia, a similar event still takes place.” Venue has good sandwiches, soups, coffeehouse fare. No cover.
Fri, Jun 26; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
8:30 pm “L.A. PHIL PRESENTS – ARETHA FRANKLIN AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL,” 2301 N Highland Av, Hollywood; 323-850-2000. Still fresh from her performance at the Presidential Inauguration, the Queen of Soul returns to the Bowl for the first time in 35 years. The first woman in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and recently voted #1 in Rolling Stone’s “100 Greatest Singers of All Time,” she will sing many of her timeless hits with that inimitable, powerful, and soaring voice. Online tix and info at
Fri, Jun 26:
9 pm 21ST CENTURY BLUES returns to Cat Man Blu, 51 S Pine Av, Long Beach 90802; 562-216-1590. Free parking, no cover charge, venue is 21+. More at
Fri, Jun 26, every Fri:
9 pm LIVE MUSIC (artists tba) at the Cowboy Palace Saloon, 21635 Devonshire St (Devonshire & Owensmouth), Chatsworth 91311;; 818-341-0166. Live music 7 nights a week, sometimes acoustic, sometimes electric. Preceded by free line dance lessons with Marie, 7-9 pm. No cover.
Fri, Jun 26; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
9:30 pm BEN VAUGHN DESERT CLASSIC plus the DAN JANISCH BAND bring a two-headliner evening to the Cinema Bar, 3967 Sepulveda Bl (between Washington & Venice), Culver City 90230;; 310-390-1328; music series hotline 310-250-1317. BEN VAUGHN is a musician the Village Voice describes as having a “sound so pure and spontaneous it sounds instantly classic.” As for DAN JANISCH, Freight Train Boogie writes, “If John Steinbeck had written music, he’d have written music like Dan Janisch…” Dan has performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” and we concur. More on the artists at Venue is 21+. No cover, bring $ for the tip jar.
Fri, Jun 26; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
10 pm DAFNI at The Press Restaurant, 129 Harvard Av, Claremont 91711; 909-625-4808; Reservations recommended. The delightful Dafni has performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” and earned a “Listener Favorite.” More at Tonight, she plays two sets. Venue is 21+. No cover.
Fri, Jun 26:
10:30 pm THE CHEATIN’ KIND plus NEIGHBORHOOD BULLYS bring honky-tonk revelry to Taix Lounge, 1911 W Sunset Bl (at Alvarado), Echo Park; 213-484-1265. TCK’s Babs tells us, “Come bid a fond farewell to the only all-Hawaiian rhythm section in Los Angeles honky-tonk! The bass playing raven-haired beauty stays, but they guy behind the drums goes!”
[Updated editions with more (always more — as we have time to organize all of it), and all the many, many, acoustic music events to come in JUNE and beyond – in and around Los Angeles, plus the many, many, many upcoming acoustic music FESTIVALS, near and far, here, there and everywhere! It’ll all be here, soon.]
The MOST RECENT EDITIONS – both the GUIDE’s event calendars with descriptive write-ups, AND the Acoustic Americana Music News Features – are available at
News of the “Tied to the Tracks” radio show is at and on No Depression, at
Questions? Comments? Contact us at
As always, more to come, as we (believe it or not) continue to make updates to all the months of 2009 in the “long look ahead” posts.
…So many truly fine shows, so few evenings and weekends to see them. With a new spirit of HOPE in America, why not celebrate by going out for a tunefully good time?
copyright (c) © 2009, Larry Wines. All rights reserved.
“There’s nothing as quiet as night without music, as dark as a night without stars…” – from “THE FIDDLER,” learned from Guy Carawan
CAJUN PROVERB OF THE MONTH “The sign of a true friend: when he can forgive your success!” — from, which supplies us and the Gator Gazette.
Yes, it’s true –
There are more ACOUSTIC AMERICANA / ACOUSTIC RENAISSANCE music performances EVERY week in the Los Angeles area than the COMBINED TOTAL of ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSIC!
(And that doesn’t even take the dozens of electric Americana shows into account!)
If you have trouble believing that assertion, then print this out and see how many pages you’ll need just for the events for the days covered in this edition!
Check it yourself: take any edition of the L.A. Times Calendar Section and any edition of the LA Weekly, count-up all the live music shows (you won’t even need to subtract-out the acoustic shows in those two publications, since they hardly list any, anyway) and add them up. THEN, count the number of live acoustic music performances for the same days in the Acoustic Americana Music Guide. We have yet to find a week when the TOTAL of all those other genres of music performances equals the number of live performances of acoustic music in the L.A. area! (Even though you can’t hear the music on the radio here, or read about it in the biggest newspapers, it seems people DO want acoustic music and they will find and support it anyway!