Transplants Finding a Note of Home
I’m Erika. I currently live in New York and have for going on 5 years now. I got my diploma and high tailed it out of Mesquite, Texas because who wants to live in the country and do nothing? Right? I left the home cooked meal and home cooked sound for the bustle and overwhelming life of a city.
Well who’d a thought that five years after my great escape I would befriend a Texan like myself and start on an adventure through the old south. We may be in the city trying to be something special, but our hearts are southern grown and our ears are blue grass and southern rock taught. And by gosh, we’re gonna create our own.
I could go into silly details on the reasons I moved here but long story short I’ve decided to travel every dusty road of creative thought until one leads me somewhere. But never did I expect it would lead me to a world of southern and musical discovery. I decided a little over a year ago to learn an instrument, most thought I would just teach myself riffs from my favorite songs or try for a few weeks and drop it. Nope. I did it damn it, and when a year of playing alone turned out to be not what I wanted and my friend Andrea piped about wanting to learn something new we took a big leap…and with out wanting to be another case of “what happened to that?”…we began practicing musically together, NOT start a band. Just practice musically. Well, who are we kidding. Of course we would love to play together in public and slap a name to this duo. But for now, just practice. She on the banjo, myself on keys.
I’m not sure where this is going, but all I care about is learning and taking in a life that is mostly lost in today’s musical culture. I do love the city, I don’t regret leaving… but my heart and soul want something with a little more, well, heart and soul. And depth. And sound. And if I can bring my own taste of that to the masses of a concrete country, I’d say I did alright. No Depression is a site I’m glad to have come across, it only encourages and inspires this certain dusty road I’ve started to wander.
More to report. Wish us luck.