Top 5 Favorite Bands: Led Zeppelin
I’ll spare you the historical background on Led Zeppelin, like where they’re from, who they are; if you know anything about rock and roll you at least know that much about one of the best bands in music history. Even 30 years after they went their separate ways following the death of John Bonham they are still held in high regard and kids still buy their albums looking to be inspired by music. I get kids coming into the store where I work on a regular basis asking if we have any Led Zeppelin, unfortunately I have to tell them no and send them to a real record store where hopefully they find what they’re looking for.
Like probably every boy in America I was 13 when I first discovered Led Zeppelin, I heard Stairway to Heaven (of course) playing in my cousin’s room and ventured in to find out what it was. It was my first experience with real guitar driven rock. By this time they had already been disbanded for about 5 years, but they became a staple in my music collection, starting with Led Zeppelin I – IV in cassette format, then later buying their CD’s and adding Houses of the Holy (listening to it now) and now I have all of their studio album and The Song Remains the Same in digital format on my laptop. Their music transcends….everything, their songs are different from one another and yet there is something ultimately Zeppelin about them.
Now, I’m not a super-fan who knows everything about everything regarding Led Zeppelin, I am far from it, I own the album CODA but I rarely listen to it, well close to never actually, after listening to it I realized there was a reason the songs chosen for the album were left off the original albums whose studio sessions they were chosen from. Even on the albums I do like there are a couple of songs I’m not a fan of. Except Led Zeppelin IV, every song on that album if fantastically awesome and if you think otherwise then you’re probably a Honeydrippers fan…ok, that wasn’t nice, I apologize.
After all that I think I should end on a more positive note to back up my original proclamation that I am a Led Zeppelin fan and that they are one of my favorite bands. I am a fan and I love their music, these four guys came together and did something culminated into an explosion of verse and music that can only be described as setting ones heart on fire. They have a legacy that has only been repeated by a handful of artists, they continue to inspire young people generation after generation….they’re Led Zeppelin, they couldn’t do any less if they wanted to.