What Would John Doe Do? – Producer Percentages
John Doe is the founder of the seminal Los Angeles punk group X, a solo artist and actor. John answers questions from the KnowTheMusicBiz.com community members in the WWJDD? blog.
A Question from Michael in Brooklyn:
Mr. Doe,
I stopped in to ask a familiar question. I was in a contract agreement with a manager and he said he didn’t want to be my manager because we had an argument over him canceling a show because he didn’t trust the producer’s ear (mixing). The manager didn’t come to the studio for a month and didn’t hear the music we recorded. See the manager did hear the music before he cancelled the show. But now he’s not my manager and all the music I recorded is on his computer. The producer made the majority of the beats, does he only get the producers fee of 2%? He didn’t write but one verse on one song. Does he get publishing or writer’s rights besides that one song?
What Would John Doe Do?
Hey Michael,
Give all the songs new titles & re-record them w/ someone that you trust (maybe leave out the one w/ the verse written by the “producer”). Never sign manager agreements before you actually have something to manage. Those “managers” are just trying to take advantage of you & yr art. In this ridiculously litigious society people need to keep their music on their own hard drives, a very sad but true situation.
onwards & upwards
thanks for writing,
If you have questions for John Doe about music, the music business or life feel free to email them to wwjdd@knowthemusicbiz.com.
For more information on John Doe check out theejohndoe.com or YepRoc.com .