Transcript of our live chat with the Greencards
We held a live chat with the Greencards on Saturday, June 13, 2009, from noon-12:30pm PST. Following is a full transcript of that conversation.
ND – Anyone Else Here?
Carol – this could be embarassing!
ND – I just tweeted it. we can give people a couple minutes to log in
do you all live together?
Eamon – no
Carol- are you kidding?
Eamon – we are sat here together at the kitchen table though!!
Carol – although, for the next 2weeks on the colorado and texas tour we will be living in a van together!
Carol – do we need to watch our language on this thing?
ND – How do you guys cope with being in that small space for two months? Do you just get along really well?
Carol – we have been a band for over 5 years now, we kind of know each other’s dynamics..
Kym -headphones, dvds magazines…anything but conversation:-) ..nuh. we get along, you’ve just got to learn to keep busy
Eamon – it goes in phase – sometimes you laugh and joke, together other times you say nothing and read a book.
ND – What are you reading now?
Kym- ‘Hammer Of The Gods -the Led zep saga….again!
Eamon – Just finished an amazing Roddy Doyle book – he wrote The Committments which was turned into a movie.
ND – We got a couple of comments on the announcement for this chat. Linda Baker said: “Hi Carol, Kim and Eeamon. Miss you guys! Would love to connect soon. Linda Baker.”
Eamon – Hi Linda!
Kym – Hi linda. Where are you?
ND – I don’t think she’s on the chat, but she left you that message on the blog.
Carol – i would like to say hello to don freeman if he’s there. good to see you at the shows last week
ND – Don actually left a message too: “Hey CardsJust wanted to say that the Hiawassee show was the best ever (and I’ve seen a few). The jam with Adam was awesome. Have a blast at Telluride. See you later this summer.”
Eamon- Adam was pretty fantastic to play with! Nice guy too!!!
ND – Adam who?
Eamon – Adam Steffey, sorry! Mandolin picker par excellencec – The Great Adam Steffey
ND – That must’ve been great – how did you guys get hooked up with him
Kym – He’s one of the great players, one of our heroes.
Carol – Adam was an original member of Alison Krauss and Union Station and is now the mandolin player in the Dan Tyminski band. He has a solo album coming out on Sugar Hill later this year – Gary Paczosa produced it.
ND – Do you guys write a lot when you’re on the road?
Eamon – Traditionally not the case… seems easier to write at home when you’re not worrying about van call!
Kym – its hard to write in th van, but ideas do come at the most random times so you’ve got to go with it when inspiration hits.
Carol – not me. i find it very difficult to write on the road. i tend to make an effort when i get back to Nashville.
ND – I would imagine a lot of inspiration would come from jamming with someone like Adam Steffey…
Kym- no doubt. ive been practising all week
Eamon- It’s like a bank – you store these great moments, and at some point you get some credit and can draw on the great times you had – you just dont know when the inspiration will hit….
Carol – definitely, we look to our heroes for inspiration. i get a lot from watching them at festivals or when we do get the chance to jam with them.
Kym- Adam has a great personality both socially and with his playing so it rubs off. Everyone feels better when you are around Adam Steffey
Eamon- Also got to jam with the great Casey Driessen recently; he opened shows for us. A great guy and incredible player….
Eamon- his new record OOG out now!!!
Carol- don’t forget we jammed with Marty Stuart at The Ryman on Wednesday night… that was amazing
Kym- Marty is Mr American music. Never have i seen a better examplpe of American roots music than Marty Stuart and his Fabulous Superlatives.
Kym- And the NICEST guy in the world
ND – What’s been the most memorable show for you guys so far?
Eamon- That’s a hard one. Great time was had with Marty at that show in San Fransisco. Wonderful experiences to play with a Master like that. Great city and lovely crowd!!!!
Carol – jamming with Sam Bush, that’s right up there. i really enjoyed doing The Crater Family song with Marty on The Ryman stage last week… really something
Carol – oops, i mean Carter Family song..
Kym- Every night on the Dylan tour ’05, jamming with Sam Bush at Merlefest ’09, Marty Stuart in SF ’09 Tim O’brien tour ’08 all most memorable
ND – Alright I guess we have a couple more minutes – is anyone else there? Anyone have a question for the Greencards?
Carol – then we’re off to the pub!
Eamon- Last Chance people!!
Kym- what time are we leaving monday?
Eamon- 6am
ND – Well, I guess that’s it yall. Sorry we didn’t have more people chiming in. We’ll be posting a transcript and people will be able to read the chat this afternoon. Have a great time at Telluride!
Thanks so much for doing this!!
Kym- thanks. cya down the track
Eamon- We will, it’s gonna be a great time !!! WhuHoooo!!
Carol – thx for hanging out
ND – Take care
Kym- u too
Eamon- Thanks, see you soon No Depression!!!
ND – Alright bye! Keep up the great music!