The Show Ponies – We’re Not Lost
Normally a band’s album should speak for itself. But if this video of the Show Ponies performing the duet “Whiskey and Wine” doesn’t win you over, you’re dead to humanity.
Most of the songs are a little slower, a little more melancholy, but there’s just as much class and confidence as We’re Not Lost‘s lead single. It’s a coming of age album for us young’ns in our 20s. But before you roll your eyes and back away, know that the Show Ponies embrace the uncertainty of this stage in life and take things as they come. It’s a mature outlook on things — clearly they’ve come through the other side. As they recount the sad and happy times, though, you’ll be with them every step of the way.
The Show Ponies — Official, Facebook, Bandcamp
Originally posted on Adobe & Teardrops