The Maritimes Blog/Album Project
Hello Everyone,
Where do I begin? My name is Pete, I am 22 years old and a recent graduate of Penn State University with a degree in Secondary Education for Social Studies. I am now back home, outside of the Philadelphia area. Now that you know a little bit about me, I would like to tell you about the semi-ambitious project that I would like to embark on.
Over the Summer of 2009, I began performing alt-country/folk music with my girlfriend Brittany, who sings and plays guitar (I also sing and play guitar). We performed at various open mics in the area and even recorded a few original demos in my home studio in the Fall of 2009. I have been writing music since I was about 14 years old, and regardless of what band I am playing in or what my plans are, I am always writing music. It is something I have a love for and I am sure I will do for the rest of my life, regardless of what I am doing. It is almost something that I HAVE to do.
So anyway, now that I am back home, I recently decided that I want to take mine and Brittany’s little music project to the next level – become an actual group that records albums, plays shows and hopefully one day can do some touring. The first thing we did was come up with a name – The Maritimes (taken from a line from The Band song – Evangeline, the first song we ever played together). We have approximately 14 or 15 songs that are either partially written or completely finished and our goal is to polish these songs and record them over the Spring – Summer of 2010 and in the end have our own album.
That’s when I came up with the idea of this blog…
I came to the No Depression website through my love of the band Wilco. I had read all about the No Depression Magazine through one of their biographies. Upon browsing the site and reading the tips for artists, I came up with an idea. What if I created a blog that would track our progress of establishing ourselves as a band? The blog would be used to give updates on our progress of recording, getting shows, writing and also could be used as a discussion about music in general. I feel the success or failure of this whole project balances on whether or not other people get involved, make comments and contribute. I plan on writing a new post once a week. That being said, there will be a lot to talk about and I hope that people find this whole thing interesting.
Well, if you have made it this far, thank you for reading. Let me know of any questions, comments or suggestions you have that could make this more fun for everyone. As you may have noticed, I have 3 songs posted on my profile. These are the rough demos that Brittany and I made over the Summer and Fall of 2009. Again, I want to stress that they are fairly rough ~ 1 take vocals, however they can give you a glimpse of what we are all about. I think my next blog post will be about our sound as a group and our influences. Thank you again for reading, again please respond if you have any comments. Take care.
– Pete/The Maritimes