Starting out on a Fantastic Expedition – a new music magazine
Amidst all the doom and gloom surrounding the future of paid-for music writing it’s good to see that the specialist fanzine segment is managing to produce good writing in niche areas. I was reminded of this by the arrival of the latest edition of UK based magazine “Fantastic Expedition” produced by Jason Smith in Hertfordshire, just North of London.
“Fantastic Expedition” is into its fourth issue in just over a year. This one comprises a 50 page (A5) feature on the third, eponymous, album by the Flying Burrito Brothers and is accompanied by an extensive interview with Rick Roberts whose “Colorado” is one of the highlights of that record.
Previous issues were focused on:
- Dillard & Clark (Fantastic Expedition), and America (#1)
- Pure Prairie League (#2)
- Dillard & Clark (Through The Morning) and Country Funk (#3)
The magazine may lack glossiness of a professional publishing house but more than makes up for it with the enthusiasm of its Editor/Publisher.
Details can be found on the website along with links to related New music Magazine. Not for everyone but for those like me who grew up with the pre-alt country rock some pretty interesting material.