Siblin Sandovar, Man on the Street
1.0 – When did you start playing guitar and what was the first song you ever wrote? I was about 12 or 13 when I started playing guitar. The first song I remember writing and finishing was called “Why Bother Here.” I was about 13 I think.
2.0 – You perform as Silbin Sandovar, does having an alter-ego of sorts impact your music at all? Nah. Not really.
3.0 – You bring a wide fusion of influences to your music, can you explain its origins? I just always liked older things. And I like variety. I love the idea of hybrids, musical mutts if you will. I don’t like “pure-breeding” in my music.
4.0 – What do you like to write about? I like the story song. Always have. The songs are about anything that revs my imagination. Sometimes it’s about me, sometimes I approach songwriting like script-writing. I write with other people, other personalities, other voices in mind.
5.0 Who were you listening to in high school? The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. Still love the former?
6.0 – If you could do a duet with any artist, who might it be? Great question. Emmylou Harris. Dolly Parton. Jenny Lewis. PJ Harvey… Would definitely be a woman.
7.0 – What is most rewarding to you; playing live for people, the writing process, or recording new music? A good live show is hard to beat.
8.0 – What’s the vision for RocketHub? To grow to the point where the company is a lot more than simply crowdfunding. I like to think that Rockethub (and businesses like it) will perform in a similar function as record labels and film and television studios do. I hope we can improve upon things by creating a better, fairer model for creative people.
9.0 – Are other ‘captive’ club promoters receptive to it, or are some leary of helping?
10.0 – What advice would you give up and coming artists looking to build a following in NYC? It all depends on what your path is, what kind of music you make. In my experience I would say that artists need to be patient and persistent– building an audience is just that–BUILDING–and building is work. And artists need to work smart. Working smart is having a strategy. There’s no one right way of doing it but I’d recommend doing some research– go out into the field of your given city or town and find out:
and value
do have a following and figure out ways to collaborate with them
strategy–even the big dogs can and will die from overexposure.
Space your major gigs properly and pick up new fans at open mics,
guest appearances at other peoples shows, benefit concerts,