R.E.M. contest
To confine the impact of R.E.M.’s first two albums to just the indie scene would do the band and all it’s followers a grave injustice. MURMUR beat out Michael Jackson and all other commers for album of the year way back when. Rolling Stone not only bestowed that accolade, but also dubbed them best rock and roll band in the USA. The impact then as it is to this very day is this: Four (now three) men got together over a love of music, did it their way, and hoped all others would followed. We heard the sounds that were produced and we became entranced. They stayed the course and mainstream followed. Bands now and forever more will be influenced by the Athens 4. We will all forever remember where we were when Bill left. We will forever remember the best show we’ve seen. We will continually sing their praises. Thank you Peter, Mike, Bill and John Michael for then, now and tomorrow. You began with a Murmur, and hopefully we will be left Reckoning with your greatness for a long time to come.