Phillip Brandon – “Phillip Brandon”
Eclecticism should be praised, not condemned. To L.A.-based singer/songwriter Phillip Brandon, staying within stylistic boundaries is creatively stifling. At least, that’s the impression one receives from his new self-titled EP. Musically, Brandon can be viewed as a kindred spirit to Prince in the smooth, seemingly effortless way he crosses the borders between funk, R&B, and rock. However, Brandon freely embraces jazz and the blues, too. It’s a potent combination, one that regularly creates sparks.
On several tracks, Brandon finds the connecting threads between urban pop and classic rock. On “On My Mind,” Brandon gives way mostly to the latter and does so convincingly. The electrifying riffs on “Sail On” would not have sounded out of place on a ‘80s AOR radio station, but Brandon’s soulful baritone offers a different vibe. Not only can Brandon shake the shack but he can woo with that lady-killer voice, too. Brandon’s pop side is best exemplified on the opening track “You,” which is hook after hook of irresistible and indelible funk. Brandon closes the show with the acoustic prettiness of “My Friend,” leaving the stage on a heartwarming note.