Old Friend – New Music – John Batdorf
I guess it all started about 40 some odd years ago. I was going through the Graham Area lobby at the University of Florida and stopped when I heard two guys with guitars playing some incredible music. When they finished I asked them if the tunes were theirs. They said no they were from an album by Batdorf and Rodney! Well, the next day I headed to my favorite record store in Gainesville and picked up Off the Shelf
and I’ve been listening and enjoying this album since then. So many great songs “Me and My Guitar”, “One Day”, “Can You See Him” and “Farm” what great acoustic guitar work. I was so happy when a few years ago when the album became available on CD. Well about a year ago, I was listening to XM Radio and heard a live performance of Batdorf and Rodney, so I came home and discovered that sure enough they had gotten back together for a show at the XM Radio studios and in fact they had put out a new CD Still Burnin’. So I went to emusic.com for the album and soon I was enjoying Batdorf and Rodney again the album has many old favorites including the aforementioned “Me and My Guitar” and “One Day” but the CD also includes great songs from their Batdorf and Rodney album “By
Today” and another of my all time favorites “All I Need” based on the book Johnny Got His Gun. So I was a happy camper but wait, John had released a solo album called Home Again. So I went back and downloaded that album and have enjoyed it since then. There are some great tracks on this CD like “Home Again”, I Don’t Always Win” and this one “Something is Slipping Away”. I had forgotten this song until I heard it last week and really listened to the great lyrics
So again I was a happy camper listening to two new CDs, but as Paul Harvey used to say “Now for the rest the story”… a few months later John released a second solo album Old Man Dreamin and this one is full of great songs, too! You can see the lyrics of the great songs like “What d’ya Got”, ” That Don’t Seem Right” and “I Fall to Pieces” Here. The title track the autobiographical “Old Man Dreamin'” speaks to all about never giving up on your dreams!
My dream’s too old to make sense
I still dream songs can make a difference
But my dream is bittersweet
Cause I’m an old man dreamin’ in a young man’s worldForty years and I’m
Finally in my prime
This should be my time
Or Could it be it’s over………No wayMy dream is still alive now
My dream just won’t die now
but My dream is bittersweet, My dream
My dream is bittersweet, My dream
My dream is bittersweet
Cause I’m an old man dreaming in a young man’s world
And here is in my opinion maybe the best song on the CD
And now you know the whole story so if you remember Batdorf and Rodney pick up Still Burnin’ and enjoy their music again and then go out and pick up John’s Home Again and Old Man Dreamin‘ and keep the dream of great music alive and if you don’t know the music well find it and enjoy!