O Ryan, Where Art Thou?
The Coen brothers announced this morning that their current project has been put on indefinite hiatus before it ever got off the ground. The biopic “Losering” was rumored to star Justin Bieber as a young Ryan Adams circa Whiskeytown, Ryan Adams as himself in the present and Jeff Bridges as future Ryan Adams. Grammy winner T-Bone Burnett was on board to produce the soundtrack which would have reportedly included a handful of previously unreleased Whiskeytown tracks. When asked if the film would ever be completed the Coen brothers replied “Not a &#(@ing chance”.
Synopsis from an early film proposal: Three different actors portray Ryan Adams traveling between the past, present and future hyperplanes searching for “the perfect lost chord” in a creative cross between “The Time Traveler’s Wife” and Pete Townshend’s “Lifehouse” project.