Music Fans Unite!!!
We have had some great artists on Honky Tonk Happy Hour and have not, as of yet, seen any indication that the Music Media are aware of our efforts – so we ask music fans to unite and help us spread the word. Contact your favorite Music Writers and send them links to Honky Tonk Happy Hour video clips. The quickest and easiest way to send clips is to visit: – copy the share codes and include them on your Facebook and MySpace pages or send them in emails to your friends – be creative in your efforts to help us spread the word – and remember to COMMENT, FAVORITE and SHARE…
Our goal at Honky Tonk Happy Hour is to produce a quality music program featuring talented singer/songwriters and to provide them with videotaped segments that can be used to further their careers. Video taping a live performance is expensive and most unsigned artists do not have the means to produce quality video.
We ask all fans of Americana music to check out video clips of Honky Tonk Happy Hour and help us spread the word. Please remember to COMMENT , FAVORITE and SHARE…
Previous “Honky Tonk Happy Hour” guests include:
Our host Mitch Jacobs / Mike Stinson / Annie Benjamin / Matt Harlan / Al Staehely (yes, the well known music attorney)…
Please contact Chris at to suggest your favorite artists for future performances on Honky Tonk Happy Hour.
Music fans are the key to our success!!!
We invite Music Media Members to contact us with any questions regarding Honky Tonk Happy Hour – We will start holding our breath in 3-2-1… 🙂
Here’s a little something for the musicians –
Music Critics are like computers – they’re great when they work for ya’…
Chris Harkness / MM55productions
support your local scene / keep the music live