More On Getting Gram Into The CMHOF
Here’s a note I sent to the Country Music Hall Of Fame:
Hey there folks,
I’d like to recommend that Gram Parsons be inducted into the CMHOF. Your write-up on the lovely & talented Emmylou Harris says it all:
“Her introduction to classic country music came through Gram Parsons, who had helped pioneer a new form of country-rock as a member of the Byrds and the Flying Burrito Brothers. Parsons recruited Harris to sing harmony and join his band as he toured as a solo artist and bandleader. Harris has credited Parsons with helping her realize the emotional resonance found in the best country music. After Parsons died in 1973, Harris took his visionary ideas and molded them into something distinctly her own.”
I am really surprised, especially with Mr. Vince Gill being President and on the Board of Officers and Trustees of the Country Music Hall of Fame® and Museum, that Parsons is not yet a member. I know that Gram, Emmylou Harris, and The Flying Burrito Brothers all must have been an influence on him.
Whoever reads this message….. please let Mr. Gill see it too. I’ll just bet that he agrees with me.
Thanks so much,
Loren Cole
Snohomish, Washington