Memorial Day Weekend Acoustic Americana Music Guide 2009
This holiday weekend is packed full of superb festivals with plenty of acoustic music from fine musicians. See our Saturday catalogue of festivals near and far, plus the Sunday listing for the one-day “Folktacular.”
MORE NEWS FLASHES (okay, these were first reported last edition, but haven’t happened yet)
Without question, the SHOW-OF-THE-YEAR in Los Angeles is the first-ever “L.A. ACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL,” June 6 & 7 at Santa Monica Pier. Tix now available at various vendor sites around town, or at (schedules and other info there, as well.) Tix by check or cash, call 818-621-8309.
This has an AMAZING lineup:
THIS is THE musical event of the summer in the City of Angels, and it’s a benefit for a great 501(c)3 music charity for kids! Festival runs Noon-10 pm, both days.
Lineup by day:
SAT – Bruce Cockburn, Natalie MacMaster, Richard Thompson, The Kingston Trio, Jimmy LaFave, Eliza Gilkyson, Joel Rafael, and The Refugees
SUN – Nanci Griffith and the Blue Moon Orchestra, David Bromberg & the Angel Band, David Lindley, Woody Guthrie Tribute (Ribbon of Highway/Endless Skyway), Stonehoney, Slaid Cleaves, Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion
Everyone has a seat!
Full Festival (2-day ticket) adult $120, child (age 12 & under) $80;
one day (Sat or Sun) adult $75, child $45.
PREMIERE SECTION TIX (front-of-house):
Full Festival (2-day ticket) adult $140, child (age 12 & under) $100;
one day (Sat or Sun) adult $85, child (age 12 & under) $55.
Include parking and backstage receptions with artists after the show; available through the Guacamole Fund, at
TV airdate set:
Mon, May 25 (Memorial Day):
4-5 pm STEVE MARTIN, backed by SCOTT GATES on mandolin, performs on the “ELLEN – THE ELLEN DeGENERIS SHOW” today – on KNBC Ch 4 in L.A. — check local listings; it’s a daytime network show, in national distribution. Yes, it’s “the” STEVE MARTIN, promoting his new banjo CD, “The Crow,” produced by JOHN McEUEN (Nitty Gritty Dirt Band founding member), and he chose 16-year-old mandolin wunderkind SCOTT GATES to perform with him. More at
Yes, it’s true –
There are more ACOUSTIC AMERICANA / ACOUSTIC RENAISSANCE music performances EVERY week in the Los Angeles area than the COMBINED TOTAL of ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSIC!
“Tied to the Tracks”
♪ ♪
MAY 23 to 25, 2009 EVENTS
Updated May 23, 2009; recurring events are included.
It’s a regular thing that we have WONDERFUL acoustic performances, including club and coffeehouse gigs, performing arts center and theater concerts, indoor and outdoor shows, and a steady parade of festivals in the Los Angeles area! In addition, for those planning travel and our readers elsewhere, we cover a vast variety of acoustic music festivals all over the planet. Full descriptions of all are included in our extensive listings.
RECURRING EVENTS include residencies, series, showcases, and open mics, and all these are numerous in the Southern California acoustic music universe. We generally add them to the Guide’s calendar one week at a time, as dates approach, because there are so many of them AND because it gives us a chance to learn who is playing.
GETTING YOUR GIG LISTED: We welcome your feedback, and news of your acoustic Americana music shows (send us gig notices in our format, please; see any listed show for an example) please DON’T expect us to re-type info that you have locked into a jpg – send us plain text, so we can work with it! Send to us at
WE’RE ON BLOGSPOT.COM after a long presence on MySpace, because that site now accepts only short posts. The Guide is waaaay too comprehensive to fit anywhere that imposes limitations. We began posting to Blogspot in early 2008.
WE’RE ON NO DEPRESSION as a new presence, and enjoying that site. Find us there at
WE’RE IN FOLKWORKS with a new edition of Larry’s column, “Somewhere Out There,” and occasional reviews or feature stories. There are many good writers there. You can sign-up for a free FolkWorks e-newsletter, too, all at
Our MYSPACE PAGE has news of the syndicated “Tied to the Tracks” radio show. And it’s where you can find archived Acoustic Americana Music News editions published prior to Spring, 2008. (We don’t update it often.) That’s at
PLEASE DO COMMUNICATE WITH US about anything related to the Acoustic Americana Music Guide and / or the Acoustic Americana Music News, at
PLEASE DON’T send us anything through myspace email. It’s esoteric, it cannot be auto-forwarded into a “real” email account, and we just can’t keep up with it. (Myspace “friends” are great, and we DO welcome you there!) But, communicate through email only at the above address. And, yes, we get HUNDREDS of emails every week, so please give us as much advance notice as possible for your event!
Entire contents copyright (c) © 2009, Larry Wines. All rights reserved.
MAY 23 to 25, 2009 EVENTS
IN THIS EDITION: Look for our popular “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks!
Saturday’s “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks, in addition to the all-weekend festival picks, are xxxxxxxx.
Local FESTIVALS (most run only Sat & Sun; Topanga Days continues through Monday):
Sat & Sun, May 23 & May 24:
20th Anniversary “SIMI VALLEY CAJUN-CREOLE FESTIVAL” at Rancho Santa Susana Community Park, 5005 Los Angeles Av, Simi Valley. Always a great lineup, including Cajun-Zydeco Grammy nominees, Louisiana musicians, top zydeco dance bands, and top blues players. Festival and charity event, presented by Rotary Club of Simi Sunrise. On two stages, music includes Grammy nominee LISA HALEY & THE ZYDECATS and renowned bluesman BERNIE PEARL; both have performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks.” Always fun, you can get zydeco dance lessons, dance yourself silly (or just tap your foot and listen all day), and get tasty Cajun food, too. Info at
Sat-Mon, May 23-25:
10 am-7 pm The 36th annual “TOPANGA DAYS” runs all 3-days of the Memorial Day weekend, at the Topanga Community House & Fair Grounds, 1440 N Topanga Canyon Bl, Topanga 90290. In the heart of Topanga Canyon, with headliners BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS on Saturday and SANTANA on Sunday. LOTS of music on four stages, including SEVERIN BROWNE, & CITY FRITTER / JEWELS & JOHNNY (who have all performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks”), plus OLD BULL, THE BONEDADDYS, TIM O’GARA, DAVID SERBY, TONY GILKYSON, OLD CALIFORNIO, KILLING CASANOVA, ELIZA JANE, STAMPEDE, and more. Info at
Sat & Sun, May 23 & 24; in the OC:
All-day – 77th Annual “SCOTTISH FESTIVAL & HIGHLAND GAMES” with MOLLY’S REVENGE, BROTHER, WICKED TINKERS, ALEX BEATON, THE BROWNE SISTERS, & CELTIC SPRING, hosted by the United Scottish Society, at the Orange Co. Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa;
CELTIC SPRING and MOLLY’S REVENGE have both performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” all in the lineup above have been heard on the show, and THE BROWNE SISTERS earned a “Listener Favorite” track on “TttT.” Molly’s Revenge tells us, “We’ll be kilting up and enjoying single malt at our first visit to [the Games] in Costa Mesa. The tunes are going to be great [with this lineup]. We always salivate at the thought of playing for festival crowds who haven’t yet seen us and don’t know what to expect.”
“Out-of-Town” events:
Sat, May 23; Thu-Sun, May 21-24; near Yosemite:
Sat, May 23; Fri-Mon, May 22-25; in Seattle:
38th annual “NORTHWEST FOLKLIFE FESTIVAL” at Seattle Center (the former World’s Fair site) in Seattle, WA. The vast expanses of venues and workshops come alive for an extended Memorial Day Weekend with singing, playing, dancing and so much more. As NWFL Director Robert Townsend asks, “What is life without the arts – and without a little play?” It’s not uncommon for this festival to operate 26 stages simultaneously, plus half-a-dozen or more workshops, plus a dozen appreciable jams. You must go, at least once. More at
There is so much to this festival that it’s almost incomprehensible. This year’s “Cultural Focus” is the “A-Y-P Exposition Centennial.” In 1909, Seattle hosted its first world’s fair, the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. Known as “the A-Y-P,” that historic event celebrated the culture, industry, and innovation of the Pacific Northwest at the beginning of the twentieth century. It drew four million visitors to the young city of Seattle. A hundred years later, the Northwest Folklife Festival celebrates the A-Y-P, marking that event “by presenting [cultural] communities that called Seattle home in the early 1900s as well as groups that were presented at the A-Y-P: Scandinavians, Japanese, Chinese, Hawaiians, Filipinos, and Alaska Natives.”
NWFL always has many maritime music events. This year, even more, off-site, happen in conjunction with the festival. For a run-down on all those, contact Alice at
The festival is free, and requests donations as you enter the site at the massive Seattle Center fairgrounds. One event, away from that site, is a fundraiser for NWFL and requires an admission. It’s on Sat, May 23, at 8 pm, at Conor Byrne Pub in Ballard (NW Seattle). It’s a “BOB DYLAN TRIBUTE,” and costs $10. A portion of the proceeds benefit Northwest Folklife.
Sat & Sun, May 23 & 24; in Tennessee:
Annual “LOG CABIN DAYS” in Pikeville, TN, features headline entertainment from Pikeville native CARRIE HASSLER & HARD RAIN, plus BITTER CREEK RANGERS from Crossville, TN, with cowboy shootouts and music; other musical performances and bands; 100% handmade crafts; heritage skills; Native American crafts; Abraham Lincoln portrayal; childrens’ train rides and activity and projects tent; tanner/wilderness encampment; log cabin period costume contest; blacksmith; story-telling; live demos by artists; town crier; huckweaving; leather tooling; herbs; basket weaving; wool spinning; antique toys, more.
Sat, May 23; Fri-Sun, May 22-24; in Florida:
57th annual “FLORIDA FOLK FESTIVAL” is a three-day celebration of the music, dance, stories, crafts and food, at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park, 11016 Lillian Saunders Dr, White Springs, Florida 32096;
This year’s Festival theme is Florida’s Nature Coast. More than 300 performances give voice and meaning to Florida’s heritage. Performers include MARY Z. COX, BILLY DEAN, DOYLE DYKES, JACK WILLIAMS, SPANKY & OUR GANG, THE BURNS SISTERS, FRANK THOMAS, JEANIE FITCHEN, BEN PRESTAGE, GRANT LIVINGSTON, SAIL AMERICANA, BLUEGRASS ENSEMBLE, NEW RIVER BLUEGRASS BAND, and many more. From Irish fiddle tunes and kumquat pie to the wide varieties of music brought by immigrants, the state’s cultural heritage reflects the lives of generations of Florida families and communities.This year’s Festival “proudly takes a step back to festival tradition and Florida performers.” Audiences are sure to be charmed this year when Grammy Award winner BILLY DEAN shares top musical billing this year with folk music legends SPANKY & OUR GANG, master guitarist DOYLE DYKES, one-man-band blues maestro BEN PRESTAGE, and Florida Folk Heritage Award Winner JEANIE FITCHEN.
Three-time Florida State Banjo Champ / three-time Florida State Mountain Dulcimer Champ / “Tied to the Tracks” performing guest MARY Z. COX performs all three days with her guitarist husband BOB COX. At the Florida Folk Festival you can sit with the masters who keep cultural traditions alive. In jam sessions, demonstrations and workshops, try your own hand at playing mandolin, telling stories, or making a pine needle basket. Learn how to collect your family’s history, call a square dance, or the importance of native plant and animal species. Take a shopping excursion and visit with Florida’s traditional and contemporary craftsmen. Then dine on collard greens and cornbread, chicken pilau and hoppin’ john, shrimp gumbo, barbecue, curries, gyros and lime fizzes. As the sun sets, settle in for concerts by moonlight or dance the night away at the Heritage Stage. At the end of the day you’ll have discovered new corners of the state from the people who call Florida home. Festival sponsors say, “Join us along the Suwannee River at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park, home of the Florida Folk Festival for 57 years.” The Festival is presented under the auspices of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Recreation and Parks.
Sat, May 23; Thu-Sat, May 21-23; in Europe:
“EUROPEAN WORLD OF BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL 2009” in Voorthuizen, the Netherlands;
It’s the 12th European World of Bluegrass Festival held in Voorthuizen, the Netherlands, under the auspices of the European World of Bluegrass
In 2008, Strictly Country Records released the double CD, “10 YEARS OF EUROPEAN WORLD OF BLUEGRASS.” It shot straight to #1 on the Folk Radio charts in the USA and Canada. As the label justifiably boasts, “The music world got its first taste of European bluegrass – and they love it.” The album includes the top European bluegrass bands, plus 15 artists from the US & Canada, on two hours of live performance recordings. It includes KATE MacKENZIE, CLAIRE LYNCH, COUNTRY GENTLEMEN, LAURIE LEWIS, JOHN REISCHMAN, CHRIS & SALLY JONES, THE CHAPMANS, and more.
A fine gift for any bluegrass lover, it’s “a banjo-laden ramble through the far corners of Europe, along with some of your favorite American touring artists.” “The language of Bluegrass transcends borders on this collection. For your introduction into the European World of Bluegrass, this is the place to start your world tour!” ~ Folkwax, USA
LOS ANGELES-area acoustic music events:
Sat; recurring:
8-10:30 am FREE ACOUSTIC CONCERT at Strings Music Store, 146 N Glendora Av, Ste 101, Glendora 91741; 626-914 4100. Sometimes featuring VIN FIZ FLYER. Another in a series of MORNING concerts. Free entertainment, tips only, in a great place, with nice people and good music. Vin Fiz Flyer tells us, “Old town Glendora is a kinda sleepy small Midwest town plopped into Southern California. These early morning concerts sound like a wacky idea, but they’re well-attended by musicians as well as music lovers! A car club meets at the Cafe next door every Saturday for breakfast, and they park their assorted ‘babies’ out front for you to peruse too. Come on by and start your weekend out right.” Check with venue to see if there is a concert scheduled for today.
Sat, repeats every week:
11 am-12:30 pm “PACIFIC SONGWRITERS WORKSHOP” with G. F. MLELY, at Theater & Cabaret, 1535 Termino Av, Long Beach 90804. Info, Billie Kalua, or 562-494-9627. Ongoing, began Mar 31, 2007. $15 per workshop, minimum 4 workshops payable in advance; pre-registration required.
Saturdays, on web radio:
Noon-1 pm “UNSIGNED MUSIC SHOW” on WPMD with TEE-M and MIKE STARK is “a genre-busting show, where the UNsigned Revolution is on.” On the web at Mike and TEE-M spin CDs 11 am-noon “from cutting-edge indie artists and bands,” (acoustic and electric) then welcome guests at noon, usually for all-acoustic live performances. The show rebroadcasts through the week; check site for details.
Saturdays, on web radio:
1-3 pm “CONTINENTAL DRIFT” Celtic and British Isle folk show, on KUSP in Santa Cruz, includes live performance-interviews with host CINDY ODOM on her long-running show. From the highlands of Scotland to the midlands of England and beyond, it’s traditional and contemporary music from Ireland and the other British Isles, with Celtic lore and Celtic-influenced folk and ethnic music from Europe and North America. Info, playlists, and web simulcast at
Saturdays, alternate Saturdays, on web radio:
2 pm (Pacific) “ACOUSTIC HARMONY,” hosted by Mark Michaelis, from WGDR at 91.1 FM in the Green Mountains of Vermont, simulcast at Mark sometimes hosts folk and acoustic renaissance artists in-studio for all-acoustic performance-interviews. He says, “The focus is on contemporary and traditional folk, singer-songwriters and local artists, but a little of anything and everything might creep-in. Whether it’s Celtic, bluegrass, world music or even rock or blues, as long as it’s got beautiful harmonies and melodies you might here it here on a Saturday afternoon.” More info, playlists, and archived performance-interviews at
Saturdays, on web radio:
3-5 pm (Pacific) “A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION” always features live performances and skits and stories with host GARRISON KEILLOR, a regular cast of recording artists, and guests, whether broadcasting from various live venues across America, or from its home base in Minnesota. This initial “live” broadcast tiume each weekend is standard everywhere, though repeat times vary by station. In L.A., the show is broadcast on KPCC 89.3 FM, and repeats Saturday night, 6-8 pm and Sunday Noon-2 pm. But if you’re in L.A., it’s much better to find a web simulcast from somewhere; that’s because KPCC has no other music shows and they do not know how to control the levels for music performances, causing frequent peaking and signal cut-out.
Sat, recurring:
4-6 pm SHAPE NOTE / SACRED HARP, “The Learners Group” in Santa Monica. Call Laura for location: 310-450-3516.
Sat, 4th Sat every month; in the OC:
5 pm Monthly JAM, POTLUCK, & CONTRA DANCE at The Living Tradition series at the Downtown Community Center, 250 E Center St, Anaheim;; info, 949-646-1964. Dance caller TBD, band TBD. Monthly jam sessions allow musicians (instrumentalists and singers) to learn, practice, and enjoy traditional music in a relaxed atmosphere; held 4th Sat every month, before the contra dance. Jam participants play a wide array of instruments, from accordions to zithers, and a variety of traditional folk tunes, mostly from the Fiddlers’ Fake Book (by David Brody) and the Portland Collection (by Susan Songer). Open to all ages and levels of experience. Vocalists and song circles are welcome. Slow jam encourages novices. Fast jam challenges old-timers.
Jam begins at 5 pm, bring your instruments & join in; free.
Slow jam, 5-5:45 pm
Fast jam, 5:45-7 pm
Potluck, 6:30 pm
Contra dance introduction lesson, 7:30 pm
> CONTRA DANCE is 8-11 pm, $8 per person, $7 for Anaheim residents, $6 for Living Tradition mbrs; children under 18 are free with paid adult.
Sat, May 23; in Ventura:
5-9 pm TONI DODD & SOUTHBOUND BLUES at Hi-Cee Café, in Ventura Harbor, 1591 Spinnaker Dr, Ventura 93001. More at Free, all ages.
Sat, May 23:
6-7 pm BONNE MUSIQUE ZYDECO performs their set at the Simi Valley Cajun Creole Music Festival – Rancho Santa Susana Community Park, 5005 Los Angeles Av, Simi Valley, CA.
Sat, every week:
6:30-10:30 pm Weekly BLUEGRASS CONCERT at Me n’ Ed’s Pizza Parlor, 4115 Paramount Bl (at Carson), Lakewood; 562-421-8908.
Sat, May 23:
7 pm I SEE HAWKS IN L.A., plus, KIP BOARDMAN and TONY GILKYSON, at the venue named in FolkWorks as L.A.’s best intimate acoustic listening room venue – The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena; reserv 626-398-7917; info This is an outstanding bill in a venue where you can hear the lyrics of these top-notch performing songwriters.
I SEE HAWKS IN L. A. has done three CDs that hit #1 on the Freeform American Roots chart, and before that, earned them a “Listener Favorite” honor on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” where they have performed live. Venur impresario Bob Stane observes, “These Southern Cal bards are at the top of the local alt country heap.”
Writing in the L.A. Weekly, Johnny Whiteside says, “These freewheeling lords of California psych country approach their music as if it were a portal, an unseen threshold that, once crossed, promises a wholly unpredictable experience. The Hawks’ singular style operates on an epic scale, exploring weird panoramas of hallucinatory metaphor with a sound as much traditional hillbilly as it is acceleratedlysergic-rock spontaneity. Any flight taken with I See Hawks In L.A. assures a view to startling new perspectives. Up, up, and away.”
KIP BOARDMAN and TONY GILKYSON. Two of the L.A. roots scene’s finest musicians team up to share their haunting songs, sweet harmonies, and heavy duty guitar playing. Kip Boardman began messing with the piano when he was five or so, and much to everyone’s chagrin and disappointment, never really let it go. A longtime bass player with many Angeleno stalwarts, Kip is now preoccupied with dusty and obsolete forms of country, folk and pop, and has released two acclaimed solo albums. Tony Gilkyson, L.A.’s own roots guitar legend, has played and recorded with X, Lone Justice, Sam Phillips, Bob Dylan, Jimmy Dale Gilmore, sister Eliza Gilkyson, Peter Rowan, Dave Alvin, Mike Stinson, and Randy Weeks, among many others. Whew! He’s worked with T-Bone Burnett on numerous recordings including the “Walk The Line” soundtrack, and released several memorable solo CDs. Tix $18.
Sat, May 23:
7 pm MARCUS LANE plays the blues at Arnie’s Ristorante Italiano, 6864 Foothill Bl, Tujunga 91042. More at Free, all ages.
Sat, every week:
7-9 pm “JUST PLAIN FOLKS ORANGE COUNTY” Group Singing, sponsored by the local chapter of the international Just Plain Folks; for info & loc, go to
Sat, every week; in Tehachapi:
7 pm ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE at Mama HillyBeans Coffee & Community, 426 E Tehachapi Bl, Tehachapi;; 661-822-BEAN. Venue has great ambience, and food “made from scratch and about 95% organic.” Traveling acts have varying admission prices; check venue’s web site.
Sat, May 23:
7:30 pm JAMES LEE STANLEY at Boulevard Music, 4316 Sepulveda Bl, Culver City;; 310-398-2583. He’s performed live, several times, on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” and he’s played just about everywhere. Venue impresario Gary Mandell says, “James Lee Stanley is one of the great undiscovered singer-songwriters in America. First-rate guitar playing, exceptional voice and quality songwriting have lead to 13 solo albums. His Grammy nominated LIVE album was chosen as one of the TOP 5 RECORDS OF THE YEAR by Music Connection. A funny guy & great story teller”.
James tells us, “By the way, the first three albums i ever made are now available.” They are “James Lee Stanley,” “James Lee Stanley, too,” and “Three’s the Charm.” Boxed set, $60; individual CDs are $25 each. James adds, “For the discerning collector.” Hear the new solo cd at
Or “All Wood and Stones” at
More at
And james reminds everyone of his new free artist resource blog,
Venue’s website has a good local dining guide, for pre-show victuals. Tix, $15.
Sat, May 23:
7:30 pm BERNIE PEARL, renowned blues guitarist, at the Folk Music Center & Museum, 220 Yale Av, Claremont 91711; 909-624-2928; Southern California blues icon Bernie Pearl has played behind a slew of blues notables, and tonight he steps out front, which he does very well. He’s performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks” several times, always to the delight of listeners. During a career of over fifty years, guitarist Bernie Pearl has performed with a veritable who’s who of the blues: John Lee Hooker, B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Willie Dixon, Big Mama Thornton, Freddie King, Albert Collins, Big Joe Turner, and many more have all had Bernie’s guitar in support. In recent years the journeyman musician and vocalist has struck out on his own, often performing solo on his vintage acoustic guitars. His new double-disc CD, “Old School Blues, Acoustic/Electric” (Bee Bump Music), has received great reviews and widespread airplay. In the Folk & Acoustic Music Exchange, critic Mark S. Tucker said, in review of a recent concert, “…Bernie Pearl is SoCal’s Segovia of blues… I’ve never seen a guy play that well and sustain it that impeccably for an entire concert… I think Bernie’s the best we have and probably the best pure blues guy, period.”
Bernie apprenticed himself to three titans of the rural blues in the early 1960’s. His close relationship with Texans Lightnin’ Sam Hopkins and Mance Lipscomb, and with slide legend Mississippi Fred MacDowell, has led to Pearl being one of today’s prime interpreters of the country blues. While their influence on his style and repertoire is marked, Bernie’s originality is likewise evident.
Bernie will perform on his 1952 Martin guitar which he has played since the age of 16, and on his late 1930s National slide, one of only three produced with its Deco design. Bernie will be accompanied by Mike Barry on bass, and will have as a special guest violinist Jim Shirey. Advance tix highly recommended. $10.
Sat, every week:
7:30-10:30 pm GRATEFUL DUDES weekly bluegrass concert at Vincenzo’s Pizza, 24500 Lyons Ave, Newhall; 661-259-6733. (Lyons exit, just off I-5.) This a long-running series, often, with very impressive performing guests.
Sat; every Sat:
7:30 pm “RANCH PARTY” evening of country & Americana roots music performances, on the West Patio Stage, Original Farmers Market, 3rd & Fairfax, L.A. Presented by EB’s Beer & Wine Bar. New in April, 2008. Performers have included DAVID SERBY, GRANT LANGSTON, 29 MULES, BOB WOODRUFF, OLD BULL, PSYCHEDELIC COWBOYS, PAUL CHESNE, NICOLE GORDON, and BUCKSWORTH. Parking: 2 hours free with validation from EB’s Beer & Wine Bar. $3 for the third hour; $1 for each additional 20 minutes; $15 max. Addt’l parking at The Grove, next door. Get validation for their structure from Grove merchants. No cover.
Sat, every Sat:
MISS MICKEY CHAMPION at the Ritz-Carlton Huntington Hotel bar, 1401 S Oak Knoll Av, Pasadena; 626-568-3900. L.A.’s legendary blueswoman plays an every-Fri & Sat residency. Artist info: Start time varies; call venue.
Sat, May 23:
8 pm ROD PIAZZA & THE MIGHTY FLYERS plus BOBBY BLUEHOUSE at Arcadia Blues Club, 16 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia;; 626-447-9349. Advance tix, reservations, recommended (club is now only holding tables only until 8:30 pm). More at Rod Piazza and The Mighty Flyers at 10:30 pm, with Bobby Bluehouse at 8 pm. $20.
Sat, May 23:
THE BELIEVERS, Seattle favorites, celebrate their new album “Lucky You” tonight at Crane’s Hollywood Tavern, 1611 N El Centro Av (betw Selma & Hollywood Bl), Hollywood;
They’re a band of folk types, with an edge and fun original songs. Americana works as a description. Their own moniker country soul works, too. Either way, THE BELIEVERS combine elements of old timey folk, country, gospel, and rock to create something that’s their own. Since the release of their debut CD, “ROW (baptism by fire),” heard on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” THE BELIEVERS have been embraced by musicians and music fans alike: “The Believers sing with heart and conviction” – Jim Lauderdale. “Spellbinding” – Austin The Believers speak to everyone. This is an act other entertainers come to see.
L.A. dates are: May 21, House of Blues Sunset Strip; May 23, Crane’s Tavern, Hollywood; May 28, Coffee Gallery Backstage, Altadena; May 31, Grand Ole Echo, Echo Park. Known as a band that’s rapidly converting listeners through widespread word-of-mouth for their effortless blend of alt-country and indie-rock, Seattle’s THE BELIEVERS are touring their new CD demonstrating, as they playfully put it, a “rock band with a country problem,” pairing 70s-style Fleetwood Mac hooks with a heavy undercurrent reminiscent of Heart and Concrete Blonde. Months before its release, “Lucky You” already had a whirlwind radio presence around the country, leaving this independent act flooded with preorder requests.
The album’s title track, “Lucky You,” is a sexy stomp, evoking a modern update of X, another punky group who flirted with country and boy-girl vocal harmonies over a four-on-the-floor rock groove. The album includes singer-songwriter duo Craig Aspen and Cyd Frazzini tackling Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath with the barn-burning twang of “Ring Ring Ring” and the country blues “Higher Ground.” The album features musical contributions from Band of Horses’ Bill Reynolds, and was produced by Aspen, Frazzini, drummer Stevie Adamek, and mastered by producer Ray Kennedy (Steve Earle, Lucinda Williams). Ther band’s live shows have been described by Rock and Reel Magazine as “what Johnny Cash and The Tennessee Three might have sounded like if they’d jammed with The White Stripes.” More at and Check with venue for show time and cover.
Sat, May 23, in Ojai; world music:
“SALAAM, EXOTIC MUSIC OF THE NEAR AND MIDDLE EAST,” presented by Performances to Grow On, at Matilija Aud., 703 El Paseo Rd, Ojai. The ensemble performs Persian, Arabic, Turkish and Armenian music of the Near and Middle East and features world-renowned musicians representing a variety of diverse countries. Exotic and rare instruments are introduced in the concert-style program and information about the cultural and traditional musical styles performed. The musicians share some of their own personal experiences as learners, teachers, composers and master musicians. “The Salaam Ensemble had its first Southern California premiere produced by Community Arts Resources (CARS) at the Getty Museum in the summer of 2005. The audience loved the program! They inspired the enthusiastic crowd of hundreds with their mesmerizing blend of Near and Middle eastern music and exotic instruments, yet presented a concert performance that any-one of any age could relate to and appreciate. The ensemble represents an important mix of eastern cultural music that brings together people from all walks of life, in a day and age when we need it most. Bravo, Salaam!” – Community Arts Resources (CARS), for the Getty Museum, L.A. Advance tix by phone, 805-646-8907, online at (click on Fresh Roasted), or at Ojai Coffee Roasting company. Adults $20, seniors & students $15; $3 more at the door.
Sat, every week:
8-10 pm ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE, singer-songwriter or band, at Kulak’s Woodshed, 5230-1/2 Laurel Canyon Bl, North Hollywood; 818-766-9913; info / web simulcast at – named for “Best Web Simulcast” in “The Best of 2008 / Top Ten” in FolkWorks, at All artists donate their performances; venue is supported by donations, and asks $10 per attendee in lieu of a cover charge.
Sat, 4th Sat, every month:
8 pm-midnight SONGMAKERS “WEST VALLEY HOOT” in Woodland Hills; for location, contact Kay Conroy, 818-887-0446,;
Sat, May 23:
9 pm-midnight “LAUREN ADAMS’ LAVISH LOUNGE” at Café Muse, 6547 Santa Monica Bl (at Hudson), Hollywood 90038;; 323-464-MUSE (6873). Quite a lineup, with the LAUREN ADAMS BAND featuring Nick Kirgo, Mark “Pocket” Goldberg and Debra Dobkin (; DEBRA DAVIS & HER BAND OF GOLD (; OTIS (; and original music from MARK “POCKET” GOLDBERG. Tips for musicians are appreciated; no cover.
Sat, May 23:
9 pm DONA OXFORD BAND brings the blues to Salt Creek Grille, 24415 Town Center Dr, Valencia 91355. More at Free, all ages.
Sat, every week:
9 pm LIVE MUSIC (artists tba) at the Cowboy Palace Saloon, 21635 Devonshire St (Devonshire & Owensmouth), Chatsworth 91311;; 818-341-0166. Live music 7 nights a week, sometimes acoustic, sometimes electric. Preceded by free line / couple dance lessons with Charlotte, 7-9 pm. No cover.
Sat, May 23; in Lake Hughes:
9 pm-1 am ROBERT HEFT BAND plays blues at The Rock Inn, 17539 Elizabeth Lake Rd, Lake Hughes, 93532. More at
Sat, May 23:
10 pm AMY KUNEY plays her monthly residency at the Hotel Café, 1623 1/2 N Cahuenga Bl, Hollywood 90028. She’s performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” had a recurring role as a “new folk” singer on TV’s “Gilmore Girls,” and impressed audiences nationwide. Amy wrote late on April 2 to tell us that she had just won first place, the Grand Prize, in the “Ourstage March Music Finals” on She told her fans, “The song that you all voted for was ‘Thank You For Last Night’ (Single Mix) which is now available on iTunes.” Amy has embarked on a national tour with KATE VOEGELE, and their L.A. date is Friday, June 5, at 7 pm, at the El Rey Theatre, 5515 Wilshire Bl, L.A. 90036. Catch her tonight in an increasingly rare L.A. show, between her extensive touring.
Sat, every week; on TV:
11 pm-12 am “AUSTIN CITY LIMITS” on KLCS (check your cable co.; broadcast TV Ch. 58). Recent editions have happily featured classic Americana artists, rather than the dearth of alt rockers who dominated for several months.
Sunday’s “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks are xxxxxxxx.
Local FESTIVALS this weekend are downright prolific, and our descriptions of all of them appear in Saturday’s listings, except the today-only Folktacular:
Sun, May 24:
3 pm-midnight “FOLKTACULAR,” Robert Morgan Fisher’s (usually) semi-annual one-day, one-stage folk fest, at Bergamont Station in Santa Monica. This is the ONLY remaining edition in 2009, and features “twin headliners” DAN BERN and LORI LIEBERMAN, plus CHAD WATSON & PAM LOE, TRACY NEWMAN & THE REINFORCEMENTS, STEVE NOONAN, PAUL ZOLLO, MATT CARTSONIS & JOHN O’KENNEDY, SEVERIN BROWNE, LISA TURNER, ALLAN COMEAU, RANDY CHANCE, ALLAN WACHS, ROBERT MORGAN FISHER, & PIPER-GREY. See the 3 pm listing for much more.
“Out-of-Town” events (in addition to the MANY continuing today that appear in Saturday’s listings):
Sun-Tue, May 24-26; in Texas:
Annual “WASHINGTON CATTLE CO. BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL” in Flomot, TX 79234, brings bluegrass & old time music in a rural setting, with lots of jamming away from the stage. “Picking and visiting all week.”
LOS ANGELES-area acoustic music events:
Sun, recurring:
9 am-1 pm “CLAREMONT FARMER’S MARKET” has live acoustic music in downtown Claremont. RON ELY plays songs of the sea and more on 2nd St between Yale Av and Indian Hill, in old downtown Claremont. Artist’s info, .
Sun, every week:
10 am-2 pm LIVE MUSIC at WEST L.A. FARMERS MARKET, 11360 Santa Monica Bl (at Corinth); Includes free raffle for Farmers Market fresh food. A nice, permanent band shell stage and good sound system distinguish this one. Usually the first act performs from 10 or 10:30 am-noon, there’s a second act noon-1 pm, a break for the raffle of market goodies, and the final act performs 1:15-2 pm. This is a well-structured event. Free wifi at the farmers market and throughout the West L.A. Civic Center Plaza, and Free kids crafts table operated by volunteers 9 am-2 pm, both sponsored by West L.A. Neighborhood Council When you are on the plaza with your laptop, select wlancwifi as your free wireless network. Free event. Map to free parking,
Sun, every week:
10 am & 1 pm “GOSPEL BRUNCH” at House of Blues Sunset Strip, 8430 Sunset Bl, West Hollywood; 323-848-5100.
Sun, every week:
10 am & 1 pm “GOSPEL BRUNCH” at House of Blues Anaheim, 1530 S Disneyland Dr, Anaheim; 714-778-2583.
Sun, May 24:
11 am KRISTIN KORB plays for musician PAUL KREIBICH’s birthday gig, at the Lighthouse, 30 Pier Av, Hermosa Beach; 310-376-9833. Kristin Korb has performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks” with COW BOP. She is that amazing standup bass player and vocalist / jazz composer.
Sun; repeats every fourth Sun:
11 am-4 pm OLD TIME MUSIC JAM, TRADITIONAL SOUTHERN FIDDLE AND BANJO, hosted by BRETT WALLER, at Audubon Nature Center, Debs Park “in the Arroyo,” 4700 N Griffin Av, Highland Park; off the 110 Fwy. Link to the Audubon center has a map: Enter through the main portal of the Audubon center, out to the grounds, pass the pond and wind up the path to under the shade of the old pepper tree. Info, call Brett, 323-441-2113.
Sun, every week:
12:30-5 pm “BRUNCH AMERICANA” show, hosted by Hillbilly DJ Jeff at The Redwood Bar, 316 W 2nd St, downtown L.A. 90012. It’s a four-act musical afternoon. David Serby has played it, and he tells us, “Get there early for great food and drinks. [It’s] live, independent Western Country Music in Los Angeles!”
Sun, every week:
12:30 pm families; 1:30 pm adults only COMMUNITY DRUM CIRCLES at Rock Rose Gallery/Productions & Arroyo Books, 4108 N Figueroa St, Sycamore Grove; 323-222-4740;; Every Sun; 12:30 pm families, 1:30 pm adults only. Bring your own drum or percussion instrument to the drum circle or use one of those provided by the gallery. Taught by Mr Blue, a versatile artist from New York.
Sun; repeats every fourth Sun:
1-5 pm BLUEGRASS JAM at Torrance Elks Lodge, 1820 Abalone Av, Torrance. Info, Bill Elliott, 909-678-1180 or Bob & Lynn Cater, 310-678-1180.
Sun; repeats every fourth Sun; in Temecula:
OPEN JAM SESSION IN TEMECULA at The Nettworks Ranch, Menifee Valley, in the Temecula / Murrieta Valley, a few miles N of the I-215 / I-15 split, in that triangle. Take Scott Rd W 2 miles off I-215, or Bundy Canyon Rd E 4 miles off I-15. Turn S on Daily Rd; first ranch on right; info, Diana Nett, The Nettworks Ranch, 951-679-7951 or 909-239-5154.
Sun, recurring:
1:30 pm WELSH CHOIR, for location, contact Rutthy: 818-507-0337.
Sun, May 24:
3 pm JORDAN BENNETT presented by The Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza Foundation, at the Janet and Ray Scherr Forum Theatre, Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza, Countrywide Performing Arts Center, 2100 E Thousand Oaks Bl, Thousand Oaks; 805-449-2787. Jordan’s one-man show is a unique and extraordinary experience, combining many styles of music from Broadway to Pop to the completely unexpected. His performance on May 24th, 2009 will charm you, touch you and even make you laugh. The L.A. Times said, “Bennett has a big voice and a large store of exquisite tenderness and enviable ability to sustain it in the high notes.” Group and “Friends” discounts available. This show is being sold as a part of The Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza Foundations “Cabaret” series. Priority orders for new subscriptions are currently being accepted. For further information, contact Subscriber Services at 805-449-2775. Tix at the Civic Arts Plaza box office in person, or through ticketmaster. Tix, $40.
Sun, May 24:
3 pm-midnight “FOLKTACULAR,” Robert Morgan Fisher’s (usually) semi-annual one-day, one-stage folk fest, at Bergamont Station in Santa Monica. This is the ONLY remaining edition in 2009, and features “twin headliners” DAN BERN and LORI LIEBERMAN, plus CHAD WATSON & PAM LOE, TRACY NEWMAN & THE REINFORCEMENTS, STEVE NOONAN, PAUL ZOLLO, MATT CARTSONIS & JOHN O’KENNEDY, SEVERIN BROWNE, LISA TURNER, ALLAN COMEAU, RANDY CHANCE, ALLAN WACHS, ROBERT MORGAN FISHER, & PIPER-GREY.
As he always says, “yes, 3 pm-midnight is a long show, but this is a luxurious auditorium with couches and everything.” Here’s the schedule:
ALLAN WACHS at 3:30 pm
RANDY CHANCE at 4 pm (
ALLAN COMEAU at 4:30 pm (
LISA TURNER at 5 pm (
SEVERIN BROWNE at 5:30 pm ( )
PAUL ZOLLO at 6:30 pm ( and
STEVE NOONAN at 7 pm ( )
LORI LIEBERMAN at 8:30 pm (
DAN BERN at 9:30 pm (
The PIPER-GREY duo (DAVID PIPER & EARL GREY) perform a short set after Dan Bern’s hourlong set, followed by encore sets from the day’s performers.
Robert tells us, “There will be NO Labor Day Folktacular this year.”
DIRECTIONS: 10 Fwy west past the 405 Fwy, exit Cloverfield, turn right, right on Michigan which ends at gates of Bergamot Station. Enter the gates, and park as far to the left (west) as you can, then walk through the jumble of buildings, past the interesting sculptures. Follow signs to Writers Boot Camp, Bldg. i
Price includes admission, beverages and food, including Tito’s Tacos and cervesa will be serve-es-ed while they last. Potluck contributions for the food and beverage buffet are strongly encouraged and appreciated. Tix, $15 advance, $20 door.
Sun, recurring:
3-5:30 pm JAZZ COMPOSERS WORKSHOP at Rock Rose Gallery/Productions & Arroyo Books, 4108 N Figueroa St, Sycamore Grove; 323-222-4740;; Every Sunday.
Sun, every week:
4-7 pm “IRISH MUSIC SESSION” weekly at Finn McCool, 2702 Main St, Santa Monica; 310-452-1734.
Sun, every week:
4-7 pm “IRISH MUSIC SESSION” weekly at Auld Dubliner, 71 S Pine Av, Long Beach; 562-437-8300;
Sun, every week:
4-6 pm “BEGINNERS IRISH MUSIC SESSION” weekly at Celtic Arts Center at Theatre Unlimited, 10943 Camarillo St, North Hollywood; 818-760-8322;
Sun, every week, through the spring & summer:
5-9 pm “THE GRAND OLE ECHO” country & roots series brings a full lineup each week to The Echo, 1822 Sunset Bl, Echo Park 90026; Several acts on the main stage indoors, plus more live music on the Back Porch Stage, where there’s a BBQ available. Venue has a full bar. All ages, no cover.
Sun, every week:
5 pm LIVE MUSIC (artists tba) and WEEKLY COMPLIMENTARY BBQ at the Cowboy Palace Saloon, 21635 Devonshire St (Devonshire & Owensmouth), Chatsworth 91311;; 818-341-0166. (BBQ changed to 5-8 pm, effective July 4.) Live music 7 nights a week, sometimes acoustic, sometimes electric. Preceded by free line dance lessons with Bonnie, 4-6 pm. Every Sunday they “light up the ‘ol barbie and throw on anything from marinated tri-tip beef to good ‘ol hamburgers. Every BBQ is served with all the fixin’s, like baked beans, vegetables, rice, cole slaw, potato salad and more.” They tell us, “If you’re looking for something really fun and different to do on Sundays, then head on down to The Cowboy Palace Saloon for dance lessons at 4, mouthwatering BBQ at 5, and a hot country band starting at 6!” No cover.
Sun, 4th Sun, every month:
5-9 pm SONGMAKERS “WEST L.A. HOOT & POTLUCK” in West L.A.; for location, contact Mha Atma Khalsa, or 310-203-0162;
Sun, every week; on web radio:
5 pm (Pacific) “MOUNTAIN STAGE,” the long-time NPR roots music show with live performances, hosted by Larry Groce, from the West Virginia University Creative Arts Center in Morgantown, WV. No L.A. broadcast station carries this incredibly popular show (or any other NPR syndicated folk-Americana performance-interview show) but you can find a simulcast from any of many other stations at or get info at 304-293-SHOW.
Sun, 4th Sun, every month; in Arroyo Grande:
5:30-8:30 pm “BLUEGRASS SLOW JAM” for beginners, at SLO Down Pub, 1200 E Grand Av (at Brisco), Arroyo Grande. Info, 805-473-0102.
Sun, every week:
6-8 pm CLIFF WAGNER & THE OLD NUMBER 7 play a new “Sunday Happy Hour” residency at the Cinema Bar, 3967 Sepulveda Bl (between Washington & Venice), Culver City 90230; 310-390-1328; music series hotline 310-250-1317; Venue is 21+. No cover, bring $ for the tip jar. You’ve seen them on TV, as final-round finalists on “America’s Next Great Band,” and they made it to #29 on the Americana charts at the close of 2008. Bluegrass-Americana music and drink specials on the West Side. More at
Sun, May 24:
6-10 pm “BIG FISH JAM” hosted this month by Bill Orr, at the Big Fish, 5230 San Fernando Rd, Glendale. Free, open to all musicians.
Sun, May 24; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
7 pm FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS with special guest ARJ BARKER, at the Greek Theatre, 2700 N Vermont Ave in Griffith Park, L.A.; Greek Theatre hotline, 323-665-1927; Grammy nominated New Zealand folk comedy duo Flight of the Conchords are nearing the end of an eight week North American tour.
The tour coincides with the conclusion of the second season of HBO’s hit show “Flight of the Conchords” and the release of the duo’s as-yet-untitled second full-length album for Sub Pop. For the first time, songs featured in weekly episodes are available for download on iTunes and the Monday after they air. Flight of the Conchords’ self-titled 2008 full-length is nominated for a Grammy for best comedy album. This follows their 2007 Grammy win for the EP “The Distant Future” in the same category. More at or
You can order a food basket dinner or arrange a “dine and ride” shuttle from any of several area restaurants, all on the venue’s website. Tix $39.50.
Sun, May 24:
7 pm THE MIGHTY CASH CATS, renowned Johnny Cash tribute act, just invited to perform in Israel in December, but they’re here tonight, at the venue named in FolkWorks as L.A.’s best intimate acoustic listening room venue – The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena; reserv 626-398-7917; info
The Mighty Cash Cats take their audience on a musical journey from JOHNNY CASH’s 1950’s Sun Studio Rockabilly tunes, to his hits of the 1960s, ‘70s, ‘80s that we all know and love, to his Rick Ruben-produced Grammy winning “American Recordings” of the 1990s and 2000s, including fun Johnny and June Carter duets with Michael J and Leticia Blumette on tunes like “Jackson.” Watching this band perform, you see Kenny Lee Lewis slapping his upright bass, Craig Newton laying-down signature Luther Perkins guitar licks on his vintage Fender Telecaster, and Steve Ebner driving the band with the trademark Cash “boom-chicka-boom” drum beat. Touring coast to coast has brought them rave reviews: “Michael J embodies Johnny Cash in both voice and look and Leticia Blumette does a spot-on June Carter.” – Ventura Star. “The Mighty Cash Cats is as close as you can get to the real thing.” – Casper Star. “Critically acclaimed for their expert preservation of Cash’s performances, The Mighty Cash Cats have awed audiences across the country.” – San Diego Tribune. “America’s #1 Tribute to Johnny Cash.” – Fair and Festivals Magazine. Tix, $15.
Sun, every Sun:
7-8 pm JES HUDAK plays her weekly residency at Café Muse, 6547 Santa Monica Bl, Hollywood 90038;; 323-464-MUSE (6873). JES HUDAK is a singer/songwriter living in Los Angeles. Her weapons of choice are the piano and her voice, and she has been known to wield a guitar from time to time. Her live performance “takes her audience on a journey through laughter and love and sadness and heartbreak. Her voice is powerful and soulful, and her songs are original, emotional, and real.” Artist info, and
Venue serves vegan & omnivore “comfort food,” fruit smoothies and organic coffee & tea beverages. Entertainment (of various kinds) every night, usually beginning 9:30-10 pm, after the shows in the surrounding theatre district. Venue has a beautiful piano and a house guitar for musician use, or bring your own instrument. They say, “We welcome people to come by and play anytime – you never know when the Muses might appear!” They tell us, “We are always looking for piano players & musicians to accompany the singers and spoken word artists (or to come in and jam with us).” Email them to be added to their roster, at Early arrival recommended; $5 minimum for table service requested, otherwise, no cover.
Sun, every week:
7 pm PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP WITH MARC PLATT at Kulak’s Woodshed, 5230-1/2 Laurel Canyon Bl, North Hollywood; 818-766-9913; Must be a member in advance to gain entry. Limit 10 performers per week. Info, Each week’s workshop is $20, with all proceeds to the venue.
Sun, every week, on radio and web radio:
7-9 pm “FOLKSCENE” is a long-running folk music show from Los Angeles, hosted by ROZ LARMAN on KPFK 90.7 FM in Los Angeles, 98.7 FM in Santa Barbara, and simulcast at Each edition features a long-form performance-interview, recorded live, with a guest recording artist. The show celebrated its 37th year on the air in February 2008. Info on the show and guests, playlists, and tributes to the late co-host HOWARD LARMAN, at
Sun, every week, on web radio:
7 pm “FLAT CAT RADIO,” hosted by DAVE STRAUSS, features live on-air performance-interviews at It’s a weekly live web-only show focused on Los Angeles-based songwriters of all genres, but the live segment is generally an acoustic performance.
Sun, every Sun:
9 pm “RUSTY SUNDAYS” weekly showcase of “L.A.’s best up-and-coming rock, country, blues and folk music acts, on the Wild-West side” at Rusty’s Surf Ranch, 256 Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica 90401. Musical hosts are MATT OWENS & THE GOLDEN WEST, plus another act or two. $3 cover.
Sunday’s “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks are xxxxxxxx.
Local FESTIVALS this weekend are downright prolific, but only one extends to today – the Topanga Days Festival, See Saturday’s listings for a description.
“Out-of-Town” events extend through Memorial Day weekend; see Saturday’s listings.
Los Angeles-area acoustic shows and performances:
Mon, every week; on radio & web simulcast:
1-4 pm “BUFFALO BAYOU” radio show hosted by Jake Bacon on KUCI, simulcast at Sometimes with live performances. It’s “a swamp pop, Cajun, Zydeco, and all things bayou sonic gumbo laced with international flavorings and a wild attitude, cooked up, and served live to the world on the web and on itunes, and at 88.9 FM in Irvine since 2003. In addition to the KUCI webstream, the show is live on myspace at
Mon, every week:
2-4 pm “HEAR, HERE” at the Lost Souls Café, 124 E 4th St (down the gated alley), downtown L.A.; 213-617-7006; A weekly live benefit event of “whatever” kind of music, by and for, which has daily internet radio and live webcasts on Fridays, Noon-2 pm. The “Kill Radio” webcast is a submission show; send them your CDs or mp3s for “guaranteed” airplay. All the info for that is at
Mon, every Mon, on the web:
3:59-5:15 pm (Pacific time) “WOODSONGS OLD TIME RADIO HOUR” live simulcast from Lexington, Kentucky. Those near Lexington are invited to attend the show live; the rest of us can watch and listen live on the web, or download the podcast later, at The host is folksinger MICHAEL JOHNATHON, and both he and many of his guests have performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks.”
Michael’s “WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour” is a multi-media celebration of grassroots Americana music, heard worldwide in radio syndication (except in L.A.) and seen and heard on the web. Every Monday evening, Michael and his guests perform folk and bluegrass, and the show explores songwriting, new artists, literature, worldwide radio, television and concerts. WoodSongs is the world first multi-camera, weekly series broadcast on the Internet. Online viewers worldwide can watch the behind-the-scenes production heard by over 900,000 radio listeners on over 491 radio stations each week. Here’s the weekly schedule, adjusted to Pacific time: 4 pm – watch the 60 minute show live as it happens; 5:03 pm – join the audience as they record the promo for the just-completed show; 5:05 pm – enjoy the guest artist’s encore performances, not heard on the radio broadcast.
Each show is later archived on line, for free 24/7 viewing in various media formats, and available streaming and as a podcast.
Mon, May 25 (Memorial Day); on TV:
4-5 pm STEVE MARTIN, backed by SCOTT GATES on mandolin, performs on the “ELLEN – THE ELLEN DeGENERIS SHOW” today – on KNBC Ch 4 in L.A. — check local listings; it’s a daytime network show, in national distribution. STEVE MARTIN is promoting his new banjo CD, “The Crow,” produced by JOHN McEUEN (Nitty Gritty Dirt Band founding member), and he chose 16-year-old mandolin wunderkind SCOTT GATES to perform with him. Both John McEuen and Scott Gates have performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks.” More at
Mon; every Mon:
6-10 pm MARC BOSSERMAN plays his residency at Parkway Grill, 510 S Arroyo Pkwy, Pasadena 91105; reserv recommended, 626-795-1001 (or hang out at the bar). He delivers fine piano and vocals. Info,
Mon, recurring, on web radio:
6 pm (Pacific) “RALPH’S BACK PORCH” broadcast from Texas, usually has live in-studio western music guests; call-in number to chat with Ralph and guests, 347 215 8849; catch the show at
Mon, every week:
“PRO BLUES JAM” at Cozy’s Bar & Grill, 14058 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks; 818-986-6000
Mon, every week:
“ALL STAR PRO JAM” (blues, R&B, jazz, soul, etc.) every Monday at Harvelle’s, 1432 Fourth St, Santa Monica; 310-395-1676.
Mon; repeats every 4th (& 2nd) Mon; in Corona:
7-10 pm CORONA BLUEGRASS JAM at Crossroads Christian Church, 2331 Kellogg Av (at Ontario Av), Corona. Info, contact Todd Holtkamp, 951-347-2597 or Todd says, “Open Jam, all levels welcome. Having a good time is mandatory. If the weather is good we will be outside in front of the main building. If the weather is bad we will be inside.”
Mon, every week:
7:30 pm OPEN MIC at Kulak’s Woodshed, 5230-1/2 Laurel Canyon Bl, North Hollywood; 818-766-9913; Web simulcast at This is named as the “Best Acoustic Open Mic” in L.A. AND the “Best Web Simulcast,” in “The Best of 2008 / Top Ten” in FolkWorks, at Kulak’s provides all necessary connections for acoustic stage, plus a baby grand piano. Hosted by LISA TURNER. Sign-ups 7-7:15 pm, show at 7:30 pm. Performers may choose (in advance) to purchase a multi-camera DVD of their performance. One (max length 3-4 minute) song per performer. Info, All artists donate their performances; venue is supported by donations, and asks $10 per attendee in lieu of a cover charge.
Mon, May 25:
8 pm MOLLY’S REVENGE with special guest MOIRA SMILEY at the venue named in FolkWorks as L.A.’s best intimate acoustic listening room venue – The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena; reserv 626-398-7917; info They’ve all performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks” and are solid favorites with listeners.
MOIRA SMILEY (VOCO) has perfomed in so many places around the world with MOLLY’S REVENGE that the boys (John, Pete, David, and Stuart) say “she is firmly and lovingly wrapped into the show.” Born out of the timeless tradition of Celticmusic sessions, Molly’s Revenge is a band with a genuine affection and enthusiasm for the music they play, and it’s evident in all their live and recorded performances. The classic combination of solo instruments including the Highland bagpipes, uilleann pipes, whistles, fiddle, and mandolin against a backdrop of guitar and bouzouki accompaniment, with an occasional rousing chorus song mixed in, guarantees an enjoyable and memorable listening experience. MOIRA SMILEY performs internationally as a traditional singer of Eastern European, Irish and Appalachian song, with and without VOCO. Her writing is a rich weave of searing lyrics, wild and immaculate harmony and an exquisite sense of rhythmic play. She has taken her music from Lincoln Center to UCLA Live, The Knitting Factory to CBGB’s, to jazz, world music and folk festivals around the world. This show will almost certainly sell-out, so get reservations right away. $15.
Mon, every week:
8 pm “BLUE MONDAYS” brings NEW ORLEANS WEST and featured blues performers to Club Fais Do Do, 5257 W Adams Bl, L.A. 90016;; 323-215-5212; (Adams & Cloverdale; exit La Brea S from 10 Fwy). Free red beans & rice with BBQ chicken.
Mon, every week:
8 pm “KILLING CASSANOVA’S SALOON MONDAYS” series at The Bordello, 901 E First St, L.A 90012;; 213-687-3766. Event info, scheduled performers, Always a lineup of alt-country and roots bands, often with names you recognize and already know you want to go see. The Bordello is the oldest bar and brothel in downtown Los Angeles, reflecting its legendary status as the theater of the unusual and provocative, and it is now the venue for “Killing Cassanova’s Saloon Mondays.” $3 cover.
Mon, every week:
8 pm “ACOUSTIC MONDAYS” in-the-round showcase, guided by singer-songwriter JAY NASH, with different guest artists each week, at Room 5, 143 N LaBrea Av (2nd floor, above Amalfi Ristorante), L.A. 90036; 323-938-2504. Upscale, cozy atmosphere with affordable food. Full bar and menu.
Mon, every week:
8 pm “IRISH MUSIC SESSION” at the Celtic Arts Center at Theatre Unlimited, 10943 Camarillo St, North Hollywood; 818-760-8322;
Mon; every 4th (and 2nd) Mon every month:
8-9 pm “MONDAY NIGHT POETRY” at the Santa Catalina Branch Library, 999 E Washington Bl, Pasadena 91104 ; info,; contact Don Kingfisher Campbell, or 626-744-7272. Featured poets and open readings; sign-up by 8 pm. They say, “This is your chance to share your poetry with the public and to hear professional poets performing their newest creations.” Accessible to people with disabilities, and handicapped parking available. Adults, free.
Mon, every week:
ON HIATUS: 8-11 pm blues legend BERNIE PEARL has long hosted the weekly BLUES JAM at M’Dear’s, 78th & Western, L.A. But, the series is on hiatus because the venue is remodeling. We’ll let you know when it returns. Artist info,
Mon, every Mon:
8:30 pm “TALENT NIGHT” hosted by CHAD WATSON BAND at the Cowboy Palace Saloon (Devonshire & Owensmouth), Chatsworth 91311;; 818-341-0166. Cash prizes, and some winners have gone on to perform on the Grand Ole Opry. Free dance lessons 7-8:30 pm, “Two-Step with Ed.” No cover.
Mon, every week:
8:30 pm OPEN MIC at the Rainbow Bar and Grill, 9015 W Sunset Bl, West Hollywood; 310-278-4232. Sign-ups at 8, show at 8:30 pm.
Mon, every Mon:
8:30 pm OPEN-MIC hosted by Gordon Gilges at Café Muse, 6547 Santa Monica Bl, Hollywood 90038;; 323-464-MUSE (6873). The venue tells us, ”There’s a piano & guitar you are welcome to use, the rest is up to you. Bring your music, your own instruments, your friends!” Sign-ups are at 8 pm. Comedy is now from 7:30-8:30 pm, with those sign-ups at 7:30 pm. They add, “We are trying to create a community of artists who support each other, so participants are encouraged to come early and stay as long as you can to show the love to your fellow open-mic-ers. You may even get to go up a second time. The night may even turn into a big music jam, so be prepared for anything! There’s a piano and guitar you are welcome to use, the rest is up to you.”
Venue serves vegan & omnivore “comfort food,” fruit smoothies and organic coffee & tea beverages. Entertainment (of various kinds) every night, usually beginning 9:30-10 pm, after the shows in the surrounding theatre district. Venue has a beautiful piano and a house guitar for musician use, or bring your own instrument. They say, “We welcome people to come by and play anytime – you never know when the Muses might appear!” They tell us, “We are always looking for piano players & musicians to accompany the singers and spoken word artists (or to come in and jam with us).” Email them to be added to their roster, at Early arrival recommended; $5 minimum for table service requested, otherwise, no cover.
Mon, every week:
9-11:30 pm “IRISH MUSIC SESSION” weekly at Celtic Arts Center’s new shared location, Theatre Unlimited, 10943 Camarillo St, North Hollywood 91602; 818-760-8322; Schedule every week is Irish language workshop at 7 pm, followed by the Irish céilí dance workshop at 8 pm, then comes Southern California’s longest running traditional Celtic music seisiún, from 9-11:30 pm. Free.
Mon, every week:
9:30 pm “JJ SONG SALON” weekly singer-songwriter night at Life on Wilshire, 6311 Wilshire Bl, L.A. 90048; 323-651-5433; Grammy award winning producer JOHN JONES (Fleetwood Mac, Duran Duran, Celine Dion) is the “JJ” who assembles an eclectic mix of performers for an evening of live acoustic entertainment. Complete list, with links, for this week’s performers at Each plays a short set, beginning at 9:30 pm. Dinner seating available starting at 6:30 pm.
Mon; most Mondays:
10 pm PRESTON SMITH plays solo acoustic at The Bridge, 3256 Caheunga Bl (at Barham), Universal City / Hollywood area, one mile N of the Hollywood Bowl. Romantic, loungy, acoustic room. Preston sings “blues & beyond,” soul and jazz. “Preston is a singing, guitar and harmonica playing virtuoso of blues and jazz, which makes him a great fit. His stuff is upbeat, intelligent and classy, He’s known for his widespread appeal to a variety of audiences and some say his music knows no boundaries. While Smith’s songwriting skills have received a big thumbs up from critics all over the map, his live gigs are legendary.” – John Sollenberger July 28, ‘06 Pasadena Weekly.
Preston sang for Barbra Streisand’s wedding, and he’s performed for Steven Spielberg, Bruce Willis, Aaron Spelling, Brad Grey, the cast of The Soprano’s, and the late Sonny Bono. He appeared on “The Tonight Show” with the late Jimmy Stewart. Roseanne Cash recorded his song “Black and White,” then she included it in her greatest hits CD that went to gold. More at and
Mon, every week:
10:30 pm “BLUES JAM” with MISS MICKEY CHAMPION at Babe’s and Ricky’s Inn, 4339 Leimert Bl, L.A.; 323-295-9112; L.A.’s legendary blueswoman plays an every-Monday residency. Artist info: Event info, Info, No cover.
[Updated editions with more (always more — as we have time to organize all of it), and all the many, many, acoustic music events remaining in MAY and still to come in JUNE and beyond – in and around Los Angeles, plus the many, many, many upcoming acoustic music FESTIVALS, near and far… it’ll all be here, soon.]
The MOST RECENT EDITIONS – both the GUIDE’s event calendars with descriptive write-ups, AND the Acoustic Americana Music News Features – are available at
News of the “Tied to the Tracks” radio show is at and on No Depression, at
Questions? Comments? Contact us at
As always, more to come, as we (believe it or not) continue to make updates to all the months of 2009 in the “long look ahead” posts.
…So many truly fine shows, so few evenings and weekends to see them. With a new spirit of HOPE in America, why not celebrate by going out for a tunefully good time?
copyright (c) © 2009, Larry Wines. All rights reserved.
“There’s nothing as quiet as night without music, as dark as a night without stars…” – from “THE FIDDLER,” learned from Guy Carawan
CAJUN PROVERB OF THE MONTH “The sign of a true friend: when he can forgive your success!” — from, which supplies us and the Gator Gazette.
Yes, it’s true –
There are more ACOUSTIC AMERICANA / ACOUSTIC RENAISSANCE music performances EVERY week in the Los Angeles area than the COMBINED TOTAL of ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSIC!
If you have trouble believing that assertion, then print this out: you’ll need 130 pages just to print-out the events for these 13 days!
Just check it yourself: take any edition of the L.A. Times Calendar Section and any edition of the LA Weekly, count-up all the live music shows (you won’t even need to subtract-out the acoustic shows in those two publications, since they hardly list any, anyway) and add them up. THEN, count the number of live acoustic music performances for the same days in the Acoustic Americana Music Guide. We have yet to find a week when the TOTAL of all those other genres of music performances equals the number of live performances of acoustic music in the L.A. area! (Even though you can’t hear the music on the radio here, or read about it in the paper, either, it seems people DO want acoustic music and they will find and support it anyway!