I´m young. Or at least i was young when reckoning appear. Or when they appeared in USA. i´m from Spain, where REM arrived later, in the nineties. So what can i say for this REM contest? I have read a lot of things about the importance of early REM albums in the college radios, in alternative music, in rock music. I know they were seminal in going into the people, in trascending the alternative circuits. But i haven´t read about the importance of those albums for people like me. They discovered me music, music as a feeling, music as power.I remember me, just i child, on the backseat of my parent´s car. Listening to the radio. Listening to a new sound. It was a shock to me. It was REM. It was “el principio de una gran amistad”, Bogart dixit in Casablanca.