May 5 to 17 NEW Acoustic Americana Music Guide
“Tied to the Tracks”
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MAY 5 through 17, 2009 EVENTS
It’s a whole new edition, and there is sooooo much happening that it’s a 130 pages, just to cover 13 days of acoustic music!
Fortunately, it’s all organized VERY clean and easy to access. You can go right to any day you want, and everything is right there, with a quick presentation of festivals and out-of-town events at the top, then the extensive write-ups of acoustic music events in and around Los Angeles. Everything is in chronological order, by start time. Events for artists are always listed, too. No need to miss anything that’s happening because you didn’t know about it!
Get the complete new edition at
Read the LATEST column in FolkWorks by the Guide’s editor (JUST published) at
Yes, it’s true –
There are more ACOUSTIC AMERICANA / ACOUSTIC RENAISSANCE music performances EVERY week in the Los Angeles area than the COMBINED TOTAL of ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSIC!
And, you can always check the basic urls for the LATEST edition, at
or news of it at
(No Depression can’t handle anything as big as the Guide unless it’s broken into several separate posts, so news of the Guide and the link for it are here, but, alas, the Guide is off there, sojourning in cyberspace…