MAN UP TO THE MAN (How Does An Artist Make it in this Economy?)
Over the last few weeks, a few realities have come to my attention.
I need a job. My dreams are still intact, but I also have rent due. Between savings, and having my folks sell off more and more of my stuff that I left behind, I’ve been able to make rent work. Until now. My only hope for this month’s rent is my tax return. Although, Meagan and I moved out here with the dream that she would get a rad music business job and I would be able to focus entirely on my writing and performing – as the eloquent Spinal Tap line goes – “Money talks and bullsh*t walks.” Meagan’s been working as a receptionist for a car dealership (which has inspired her very entertaining Receptionist Diaries) for over a month, and I suppose it’s time to man-up and start paying my dues to the man…
you can read the rest at my blogspot account…