Lee’s Listening Stack: The Disciplines – ‘Virgins of Menace’
The Disciplines
Virgins of Menace
Spark & Shine
If one is known by the company one keeps, suffice it to say that the impression of Ken Stringfellow being a pop perfectionist will be dashed to pieces after an initial listen to the Disciplines, an extracurricular outfit that Stringfellow indulges in when he’s not plying his day job with the Posies. Edgy and aggressive by turns, this Norwegian based foursome specializes in a sound that’s raucous and raw, a far cry from the fine-tuned melodies that the Posies are well known for. That prognosis is evident from the outset, with the title track and “Fate’s a Strong Bitch” (featuring guest vocalist Lydia Lunch) establishing their ferocity. It’s an ideal vehicle for Stringfellow to vet hs more tenacious tendencies, but being that this is the band’s sophomore set, it’s also clear that this is more than a momentary respite. Subtlety isn’t necessarily part of the mix, and anyone that considers acquisition strictly for the Stringfellow connection may ultimately find him or herself disappointed. On the other hand, those that crave a raucous, rollicking good time should relish the Disciplines’ unhinged execution. – Lee Zimmerman
Lee Zimmerman is a contributor to a variety of publications, including Blurt, M Music & Musicians, New Times, Goldmine and Amplifier
This review appears courtesy of Amplifier, 50,000 Watts of Non-Stop Indie Rock http://amplifiermagazine.blogspot.com/