Last night/Sam Baker
I saw Sam baker last night at the Effenaar in Eindhoven, might make it out to see him at the Roepaen in Ottersum. I had no idea how much I would enjoy the show, but the man is convincing. Giving his discs another listen after seeing him live seems to add new layers to his story telling. I’ve heard that the funniest people often come from some of the most tragic circumstances and Sam qualifies. Watching his between song banter and chatting with him afterwards, the man is genuinely witty and charming. Perhaps the fact that I’ve been a bit homesick lately for America (in spite of the climate of madness there right now) adds to my perception of him, but I was honestly impressed with his ability to weave humor and sadness into a single context.
I knew about the train bombing but wasn’t familiar with the details until I read the interview on his website this morning where he talks about how he lost his words and still has problems coming up with specifics. I’ve always admired a person who can say in twenty words where most need at least a hundred. The circumstances which put him there are anything but enviable, but the songs which he weighs and struggle with are a thing of beauty.