Kip Moore
Yesterday I attended a free outdoor car sales lot concert promotion called, Live on the Lot presented by Carl Black Chevrolet. The feature entertainer was Kip Moore and his band.
This event was presented on the same week that the infamous, or famous, Fan Fair week is held here in Music City USA. I had no clue what the turn out would be like since I have never attended a Fan Fair in any of the 20 years that I have been in Nashville. Nor have I ever attended a promotional event on a car lot for any business or artist combined – ever.
In anticipation of an adventure, attending this car lot promotional event turned out to be completely fun and exciting. The purpose for me attending was, and still is, that I am considering interviewing Kip Moore on the subject of success. Success, of course, involves so much in terms of all the various elements of having a dream, doing everything possible to make the dream reality, time investment, planning, executing plans, making revisions when necessary, learning under fire, commitment, sacrifice, determination, perseverance, frustration, and every other element that is required to move from mediocrity to extraordinary – be it in music or any other industry, field or element. I was delighted that I witnessed that Music City phenomenon happening and feel that Kip, well, might be a completely ideal candidate for my book.
I feel his entire publicity campaign is based on exactly the essence of my book – if only his publicist would return my calls. Enjoy the photos of my fun afternoon adventure in pursuit of one of my own goals.
Live on the Lot Carl Black Chevrolet presents Kip Moore “Something ’bout a truck”