Introducing the No Depression Listening Club
Remember in the old days when people got together at someone’s house and had listening parties? When music was something you went to the store to buy, on big vinyl discs, packed in big cardboard sleeves adorned with large, well-intentioned cover art and liner notes, etc? Just because you don’t have to go to the record store to by music anymore (though we encourage doing so) doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy listening parties.
So, may we introduce the first round trial of a No Depression Listening Club? Here’s how it’ll work. I’ll suggest an album/disc/record/download/whatever it’s called now. Then, you folks go get the music at a store or however you want to get it. Listen to it, mull it over, spin it a few times. Then come back here and tell us what you think. Discuss it in the comments, take it into the forum, or, if you have that much to say, write your own blog post about it. The whole point is to just gather together and explore music together. Ya dig?
Since this was Scott Porad‘s idea, I handed it back to him and asked him to request the album we’ll use to inaugurate this little listening club. His response: “Oh, that’s easy: Sky Blue Sky by Wilco. It’s been solid #1 in my rotation for at least 6 months.”
So, go to it. Sky Blue Sky is our pick of the month for June. I’m giving you an early start since it’s a holiday weekend and it’s the first round of ND Listening Club. Feel free to make suggestions for July.
(Purchase from Amazon: Sky Blue Sky)