HBO – True Blood
A quick update from LaLa land. Just got word from my music publisher that HBO used a couple of my songs in their True Blood vampire television series. “Wild Love” from my Haymaker Heart album and “Fly on the Wall” from Johnson County Snow album. On iTunes, “Wild Love” immediately became my most downloaded song and I have gotten tons of strange emails out of the blue the past few days. Man…teenagers really drive the TV economic engine it seems. I don’t normally get a heads-up, but I believe the new episodes air Sunday nights, 9pm EST and mine is called “Never Let Me Go”. Apparently they spin these shows into DVD’s at the end of the season, which is a good thing for obscure songwriters like me. Yeah vampires…
And on the sillier side… my song “Just Shoot Me” had 52 syndicated plays on CMT’s My Big Redneck Wedding television show. I guess it features 30 seconds of the song. I’m learning the subtle differences between a song being “featured” versus “background”. Basically, featured pays better. I don’t have CMT or HBO on my cable TV…and that makes me happy.
There ya go, you’re in the know. Happy summer.