Finding the Future, Finding Telluride…
I’ve have been a fan of No Depression (the magazine) for a long time, and I’ve been a fan of No Depression (the website) for a little less time. One of the best parts of both mag and site for me has been the act of finding. Through both venues, print and web I have been able to find an amazing new world of music that I’m pretty confident that I would have missed out on. And I can only say that I am incredibly grateful for that. Without No Depression I probably would never have found Neko Case or The Weepies or Justin Townes Earle. And that is what I love about No Depression, I can always find something. It may not be what I’m expecting, what I’m looking for, or even what I think I’m interested in, but it’s the finding that I love more than anything. Discovering new artists is something that I find thrilling, and the online community is somewhat dizzying when I realize that not only are there tons of artists I’ve never found, but they are all part of the community as well. It is definitely a fun experience being able to listen to an unfamiliar artist, and immediately give them feedback, encouragement, praise, recognition and anything else that might be appropriate. It has been a way for me to explore new music and to find the path that I will follow, musically at least, that I will take into the future.
Now, I will admit I am a festival virgin. Never been to one in all my life (There’s really a word for people who attend these things? Festivarian? Like vegetarian? Or Rastafarian?). I hadn’t really planned on going to any either. There are others that are closer, Rothbury springs to mind, but none of them have really piqued my interest like Telluride. The artist list doesn’t seem TOO daunting, and I’m intrigued by the thought of seeing David Byrne, Elvis Costello and Emmylou Harris all in the same place on the same weekend. But, I’m more intrigued by finding some of the other, lesser know acts. The Lovell Sisters, Works Progress Administration, Blue Canyon Boys, Crooked Still, all groups that I am only peripherally aware of or am totally unfamiliar with. I would love to spend a few days in Colorado, listening to these and all the other performers, just to see what I could find.