eMusic June
*I Still Hate CDs by Various Artists. I’ve already ranted about my problems with eMusic with several tracks on this otherwise terrific Norton compilation. But the good news is that by the end of the week, all the bad tracks had been repaired and eMusic even gave me a fistful of credits for extra tracks to ease some of the angst. So all’s well.
But now I want to concentrate on the crazy, joy secret-history-of-rock ‘n’ roll that this collection represents.
* Hiram & Huddie Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. How could so many of my favorite obscure/unknown primitive blues and country artists be on one collection? This is like some unholy alliance between Voodoo Rhythm (Possessed by Paul James, C.W. Stoneking, Bob Logg III) and Bloodshot Records (Wayne “The Train” Hancock, Scott H. Biram and cover art by none other than Jon Langford.)
This is a solid gospel record by an Alabama-born singer who has gone back and forth between sanctified songs and secular soul.
Hey, I just reviewed this in Terrell’s Tuneup yesterday! Check it HERE
* “Animal Party” b/w “God of Raisins” by The King Khan & BBQ Show. This was released earlier this year by Fat Possum Records as a 7-inch vinyl “single,” as us old folks used to call ’em.
* “The Big Enchilada” by Bud Kurtz. I discovered this the day after posting my latest podcast of the same name. The music sounds more fake-Cajun than fake Mexican. But I can’t help liking a song that starts out, “She’s my sopapilla …”