Duane Jarvis
Great to hear about the Duane Jarvis album in today’s issue. DJ’s Front Porch has always been one of my faves, and I rave about it to fellow music fanatics all the time! I gotta pick up Far From Perfect ASAP! Well, I just spent over an hour writing a huge blog on here and it somehow got lost when I messed around with the settings button, so for now I’m gonna just blast “Full Moon Man” from DJ’s Front Porch and chalk it up to a good exercise in writing! Keep up the great work at ND and when I get a little ahead I promise to pitch in a little to the mag. I hope everyone who regularly reads ND does the same- we need this mag, the only other publication that comes close is England’s MOJO, and that costs a fortune. Thank God a friend has a subscription! Let’s not lose this one, people, if everyone who reads it were to pitch in even a little I’m sure it would make a huge difference to the ND staff. For more music articles, I run a little Mag on Facebook (long story, our “real” website is still up but due to the economy we haven’t been able to find a computer expert to help us out) called ‘Round The Dial, after The Kinks song. Keep supporting indie projects and artists and remember, Live Music Is Better!! 🙂