Bob Korda, Missing Musician, Found Dead
Musician Vic Koler wrote to tell us,
”I woke up this morning and even before I brewed my first cup of black gold, I went to Noah Korda’s blog. He said that his father was found and when my eyes gazed at the words ‘funeral arrangements,’ a chill ran up my spine.
”A million questions ran through my mind. How, where, why… Then I opened an email from a good friend and he eloquently brought it all home. The only thing that really mattered was that we had lost a good friend, and colleague. And the world has suffered the loss of a great talent.
”Bob Korda was first and foremost what they call in Yiddish, a mensch. We have no equivalent single word in English. A mensch is a person who does the right thing, even when it is not in his best interest. He often helps others and offers help and support. Often times the mensch is a mentor. Bob Korda was indeed a mensch.
”I know for certain that I will miss him. My thoughts and prayers are with, and for him and his family.
”Rest peacefully my brother.” – Vic.
Since Vic Koler’s message arrived, the L.A. Times has done a story on Bob Korda’s death. It’s still not clear how he actually died. Apparently, he was at the coroner’s office all along, but misidentified and so presumed missing.
Bob’s son, Noah, has a blog where updates were posted during the search. We note the tragic irony that Noah’s blog is called “Dirt Nap.” Anyone wishing to send a message to Bob’s family, use the email address in that blog. Do not call the cell phones or other numbers posted there for information during the search. The URL is