Trailer Star “Black River” October 3, 2011 by Paul Kerr As the world goes wonky with financial instability and summer temperatures in October (apart from Scotland where the heavens opened) Blabber’n’Smoke hunkered down in the bunker and set to listening […]
Written 1997 – From Farm-Hand’s radio cassette tape. Revisited 2011
Song about being taken home on my father’s old Rudge bicycle in 1962 or thereabouts near Oxford England…….
trailer star records TSR005 Originally released 1993 as a Horseshoe Tape ‘LAST FARMER OF RATTLEDOWN ROW’ – 1993 Horseshoe Tape (HS 003) The story behind the songs… The Big Time! Moved back to London -got my Fostex working overtime ( […]
Yes I finally have a solo publication as a poet. Not bad after 25 years of writing. It is due to be released soon according to Amazon and you can pre-order from there and Asda (links below). My thanks to […]
Track ‘City of stars’ renamed ‘Big City Nights’ on re-release CD CD NOW AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AT $10 VIA TRAILER STAR STORE trailer star records TSR005 Originally released 1993 as a Horseshoe Tape ‘LAST FARMER OF RATTLEDOWN ROW’ – 1993 […] Finally got a trading post set up …seems to work and on demand..expect more in future..
This wonderful set of renditions of my lyrics came out in 2003 and pretty quickly sank in the quicksands of the music ‘bizness’. All the artists volunteered their tracks by MP3 and Kris and Joe of Cicero Buck tied it […]
FRESH TRACK: Lilly Hiatt – “Shouldn’t Be”Check it out
SPONSORED BY New West Records
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