Acoustic Americana Music Guide, Oct 16 to 20
Many events and festivals this weekend are in the new edition, but first…
TWO BENEFIT CONCERTS for Larry Wines (editor of the Guide, music journalist and radio host) who is recovering from eye surgery (without medical insurance). Those benefit concerts are coming up on Fri, Oct 23 at 8 pm, and the BIG show with an extravaganza of artists is on Sun, Oct 25, from 1 to 8 pm. BOTH CONCERTS are described in detail AFTER the current event listings, with the other “Ticket Alerts” for upcoming events, so you can GET YOUR TICKETS BEFORE THEY SELL-OUT!
Meantime, send your friends to the Guide; just tell them to go this url ~
~ you don’t even need to tell them why. They will be amazed and they will thank you.
If it’s escaped your notice, there’s a great show at the Autry Museum Sunday afternoon at 3:30, with top award-winning cowboy singer-songwriter DAVE STAMEY; and Canadian singer-songwriter (and winner of every kind of music award) JOHN WORT HANNAM has several local dates; and the amazing BOULDER ACOUSTIC SOCIETY is in town from Colorado, playing the Coffee Gallery Backstage Tuesday night at 8 pm.
If you’re trapped and all you have is web access, use it Sunday at 11 am to watch FUR DIXON & STEVE WERNER as they perform live for prime-time European audiences.
There are oh-so-many events this weekend (including FIVE festivals Saturday) and shows into next week, and all are in this issue!
SO, DON YOUR SAFARI SHIRT (the one with all those pockets) and put the leather helmet and goggles on, so you can brave the freeways in that open-top tin lizzy. There is sooooo much REAL music waiting for you, right here in the Guide!
Our recent news feature, “Grammy Awards Add American Roots Category,” is at
You can check out Larry Wines’ most recent column in FolkWorks. It’s available free online at It’s a time of remembrances for the late musicians MIKE SEEGER and DAVID CARRADINE, and for WOODY GUTHRIE’S guitar.
Read JOEL OKIDA’s review for the Guide of the WPA (Works Progress Administration) superstar band at Largo in L.A., Oct 6; it’s at or at
The editor still can’t use the computer as his recovery continues to progress from eye surgery – but he does contribute some colorful phrases and somehow coax a coalition of the willing to keep it all going.
WANT TO HELP? Write to us at
The editor thanks everyone for the cards and letters and tasty edibles and homemade treats, and for whatever well-wishes await in the mountain of emails that he can’t yet read. A few at a time, we are starting to read them to him (there are over 3,900 there, waiting!)