Acoustic Americana Music Guide June 27 & 28 weekend update, 2009
Here’s the COMPLETE WEEKEND UPDATE, with all the very, very, VERY many events in and around L.A., plus festivals everywhere, and radio & web radio shows that feature live acoustic performances. This is a another stellar weekend of ACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVALS and concerts, coffeehouse and club gigs, and lots of outdoor events with acoustic music, on stage and off.
Sat & Sun is the annual “LONG BEACH BAYOU FESTIVAL” with the best Cajun and zydeco acts on one stage, plus another first-rate blues lineup; it’s on two stages. (See complete listing in Saturday’s “Local Festivals” section.)
Sun, 10 am-5:30 pm, is the first-ever “SEA SHANTIES FESTIVAL” in San Pedro, and it’s free! (See complete listing in Saturday’s “Local Festivals” section.)
Sun evening, The L.A. ACCORDION FESTIVAL arrives for its second year as “SQUEEZEFEST L.A.” at the fabulous Ford Amphitheatre. We gave-away pairs of tickets (worth $40 & $30 per ticket) right here, both Thursday and Friday, for this one! (See complete listing in Saturday’s “Local Festivals” section.)
And, in Northern Cal it’s the annual “KATE WOLF MEMORIAL MUSIC FESTIVAL.”
Some folks will surely catch a day or parts of both days at the Long Beach Bayou festival, then spend all or part of Sunday daytime at the nearby Sea Shanties Festival in San Pedro, which is right on the ocean and free. And that still leaves time to get to the Ford for Squeezefest! See the Guide’s complete listings for details on all these events and so much more.
“Tied to the Tracks”
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JUNE 27 & 28, 2009 EVENTS
Updated June 26, 2009; recurring events are included.
Yes, it’s true –
There are more ACOUSTIC AMERICANA / ACOUSTIC RENAISSANCE music performances EVERY week in the Los Angeles area than the COMBINED TOTAL of ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSIC!
(And that doesn’t even take the dozens of electric Americana shows into account!)
Without question, the Los Angeles region now has the greatest number of live acoustic performances of anyplace in America, and possibly in the world. Much of it is simply WONDERFUL, including club and coffeehouse gigs, performing arts center and theater concerts, indoor and outdoor shows, and a steady parade of festivals that include a healthy acoustic music presence. In addition, for those planning travel and our readers elsewhere, the Guide always includes a vast variety of acoustic music festivals all over the planet. And unique to the Guide, descriptions are included in our extensive listings, rather than simple calendar listings where you need to recognize a performer’s name to know the genre of acoustic music. (Lots of places tell you who, where, and when. We tell you that, plus the all-important “what.”) Yep, we “Guide” you through the live acoustic music scene.
RECURRING EVENTS include residencies, series, showcases, and open mics, and all these are numerous in the Southern California acoustic music universe. We generally add them to the Guide’s calendar one week at a time, as dates approach, because there are so many of them AND because it gives us a chance to learn who is playing.
RADIO SHOWS that regularly feature live acoustic performances are included, provided there is a way to hear them in Los Angeles. With precious few exceptions, hearing these in L.A. requires internet listening, and we give you the necessary URLs.
GETTING YOUR GIG LISTED: We welcome your feedback, and news of your acoustic Americana and acoustic renaissance music shows (send us gig notices in our format, please; see any listed show for an example) please DON’T expect us to re-type info that you have locked into a jpg – send us plain text, so we can work with it! Send to us at
WE’RE ON BLOGSPOT.COM where the format allows us to present the massive content of the Guide in easy-to-index published form. The Guide is waaaay too comprehensive to fit anywhere that imposes size limitations (yep, size matters). We began publishing on Blogspot in early 2008.
WE’RE ON NO DEPRESSION as a new presence, and enjoying that site. Find us there at
WE’RE IN FOLKWORKS with the latest edition of the “Somewhere Out There” column, available online at (We have received MANY compiled pages of feedback about the current column, so feel free to send us yours!) We contribute occasional reviews or feature stories to FolkWorks. You can read the work of many good writers there, and you can sign-up for a free FolkWorks e-newsletter, too, all at
Our MYSPACE PAGE has news of the syndicated “Tied to the Tracks” radio show. After a long presence on MySpace with the Guide’s predecessor publication, we had to move on, because that site now accepts only short posts. But it’s where you can find archived Acoustic Americana Music News editions published prior to Spring, 2008. (We don’t update the Myspace site very often, or even check its esoteric, myspace-only email. So please DON’T email us through that site. Myspace “friends” are welcome!) You can find what we have there at
PLEASE DO COMMUNICATE WITH US about anything related to the Acoustic Americana Music Guide and / or the Acoustic Americana Music News, at
PLEASE DON’T send us anything through myspace email. It’s esoteric, it cannot be auto-forwarded into a “real” email account, and we just can’t keep up with it. (Myspace “friends” are great, and we DO welcome you there!) But, communicate through email only at the above address. And, yes, we get HUNDREDS of emails every week, so please give us as much advance notice as possible for your event!
Entire contents copyright (c) © 2009, Larry Wines. All rights reserved.
JUNE 27 & 28, 2009 EVENTS
IN THIS EDITION: Look for our Special Section with a film review, and our popular “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks!
FILM REVIEW: Opened LAST Friday in L.A., playing citywide at Laemmle Theatres:
Film; ongoing; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
“IRENE IN TIME,” the new HENRY JAGLOM film, prominently features, on-camera, original music and song performances by multi-platinum songwriter HARRIET SCHOCK and her band, with some on camera vocals by the film’s star, TANNA FREDERICK. It opens today in L.A., citywide, at the Laemmle Theatres. Harriet Schock is attending with a group tonight at the Laemmle Sunset 5, for the 7:20 pm show, if you would like to try to meet her. Your editor has seen the film, and concurs with film critics that it is wonderful (see review, below). It opens in NYC on September 23.
Here are the early reviews of “Irene In Time:”
Larry Wines, Acoustic Americana Music Guide: “This film explores the relationship between a young adult daughter and her departed father. Often charming, it is a tale with broad overtones and themes for our broken society. The topic seems inescapably uncomfortable, but not in Jaglom’s hands and those of his cast. Yes, too many children in our society are raised by one parent with the other parent present in a limited role that sometimes seems larger-then life as much as it is ultimately unfulfilling. The film neither runs from that nor trivializes it. Nor does it exploit it.
“The film could have been a downer, but it most certainly is not. Jaglom trusts his actors to find the right dialog when it’s better than the script, something that Tanna Frederick, his star, points-out that’s been Jaglom’s trademark since he cast Jack Nicholson and Tuesday Weld years ago. Frederick’s comment and her character are wholly believable, and never more so than in her many tight close-ups, where her expressions are masterfully understated and in the picture-worth-a-thousand-words league.
“If some moments seem saccharine, those pass in the context of the story and the style of storytelling, where the full backdrop of life is on display, with all its joys and disappointments, and ultimately, the comfort of a happier time, longed for. Aside from its drop-you-right-in, unusually spare opening, devoid of most of what we have come to expect from a film’s first two or three minutes, the editing is just right, with no cuts called for, at all.
“Multi-platinum songwriter Harriet Schock’s music and lyrics are a full-fledged character throughout, as complete songs are used, and the visual images mix appealing images of sailing and beach waves with in-studio performances. The use of the live band shots give Jaglom a set of tools that reach beyond the usual filmmaker’s hard-cut or lap-dissolve to transition from one scene to another. And to the extent the songs create interludes, they never take you away from wanting to see what will happen next. Mostly, the songs illuminate the storyline and broaden both the appeal and the impact. (Though we would not include Schock’s “Starbuck’s” song in that, which felt a bit like product placement.)
“The acting is exactly right, across the board, with standout performances from Kelly DeSarla, veterans Victoria Tennant and Karen Black, Jaglom’s newcomer daughter Sabrina and young son Simon, and consummate pro Andrea Marcovicci, who ad libs the film’s best line. See it for the story and the splendid use of the music. Both will stay with you.”.
Jim Svejda, KUSC, L.A. – “Driven by Tanna Frederick’s astonishing performance, ‘Irene In Time’ proves once again that Henry Jaglom is America’s most daring, consistently provocative and stubbornly individual director.”
Betty Jo Tucker, ReelTalk – “Part of the charm of ‘Irene in Time’ comes from the film’s lovely music. ‘When I hired Harriet Schock to write the music,’ Jaglom reports, ‘telling her what Irene in Time was about, she — stunned — immediately said to me: ‘I married my father.’ And right there in my living room, she sat down at the piano and played a song for me that she had written, ‘I’m Dancing with My Father.’ Tanna sang it together with Harriet’s band in a club one night and suddenly all the pieces of what I was looking for seemed to fall into place.’”
Dan Kimpel, Music Connection Magazine – “Prolific gold and platinum Los Angeles based singer/songwriter Harriet Schock is lending her narrative talents to the latest film directed by cinematic auteur Henry Jaglom. The feature, titled Irene in Time, is centered on the complex relationships between fathers and daughters, and the potential lifelong consequences of these complex bonds. Schock’s contributions include four songs she performs on screen in conjunction with the film’s star, Tanna Frederick.
“The project evolved when Frederick joined the songstress and her band onstage at the venerable Los Angeles listening room Genghis Cohen. When Henry Jaglom attended the performance, he was inspired to create a film utilizing the songs as commentary. In addition to the quartet of on screen performances, Schock’s song ‘Dancing With My Father’ from her ‘American Romance’ CD is reprised, and the songwriter also appears on camera in multiple scenes.
“Schock is currently completing production on her seventh studio release, ‘Breakdown on Memory Lane,’ recorded with a stellar cast of Nashville musicians.”
Saturday’s “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks are not inclusive of all that they should be. There are just too many really wonderful performances today and tonight. So, listing only part of what should be here, we pick the annual Long Beach Bayou Festival, Pete Huttlinger in the OC at 7 pm, Cal Phil’s season opener at the Arboretum at 7:30, and Rosemary Butler at Russ & Julie’s House Concert series at 8 pm.
Local Festivals:
Sat & Sun, Jun 27 & 28; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
11 am-9 pm 23rd annual “LONG BEACH BAYOU FESTIVAL” with STEVE RILEY & THE MAMOU PLAYBOYS, NATHAN & THE ZYDECO CHA-CHAS, LIL’ WAYNE & SAME OL’ TWO STEP, ACADIEN CAJUN BAND, THEO & THE ZYDECO PATROL, BARBARA MORRISON, CORY LEDET & HIS ZYDECO BAND, BAYOU BROTHERS, blues legends HUBERT SUMLIN & WILLIE “BIG EYES” SMITH with JIMMY VIVINO, plus others on two stages, one Cajun/zydeco, one blues, at Rainbow Lagoon Park, 400 E Shoreline Dr (between Shoreline Village Dr & Linden Av), Long Beach 90802. Event info,
It’s the sounds, sights, and tastses of New Orleans, featuring Cajun, zydeco, and blues music, Louisiana food, dancing, a daily Mardi Gras parade led by the NEW ORLEANS TRADITIONAL JAZZ BAND, and more. Presented by Comprehensive Child Development (CCD) and Rainbow Promotions, LLC (producers of the annual Long Beach Jazz Festival), and proceeds benefit the nonprofit CCD.
Blues legends performing include guitarist HUBERT SUMLIN (Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters) and harmonica player/drummer WILLIE “BIG EYES” SMITH (Muddy Waters), and the two team-up with guitarist JIMMY VIVINO’s EAST WEST CONNECTION. Vivino is a member of the house band on The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien. That ensemble closes the festival, Sunday night.
On Sat, on the Club N’Orleans Stage:
11 am gates open
Noon-1 pm CD music
1-2 pm Artwork Jamal
2:05-2:25 pm Dance Lesson
2:30-3:30 pm Charlie Jene
3:35-3:55 pm Dance Lesson
4-5:15 pm Sweet Baby J’ai
4:30-5:30 pm Mardi Gras Parade with New Orleans Traditional Jazz Band
5 pm Parade passes by Club N’Orleans
5:45-7 pm Seville – Tribute to Temptations
7:05-7:25 pm Dance Lesson
7:30-8:45 pm Barbara Morrison
On Sat, on the Bayou Stage:
11:20-11:40 am Children of Christ Community Choir
11:45 am-Noon Welcome/opening ceremony
Noon-1 pm Theo & The Zydeco Patrol
1:05-1:25 pm Dance Lesson
1:30-2:30 pm Bayou Brothers
2:35-2:55 pm Dance Lesson
3-4:30 pm Acadien Cajun Band
4:30-5:30 pm Mardi Gras Parade with New Orleans Traditional Jazz Band
5:30-7 pm Lil’ Wayne & Same Ol’ Two Step
7:05-7:25 pm Dance Lesson
7:30-9 pm Nathan & The Zydeco Cha-Chas
On Sun, on the Club N’Orleans Stage:
Noon-1:15 pm Bill Magee Blues Band
1:20-1:40 pm Dance Lesson
1:45-3 pm Bob Malone
3:05-3:25 pm Dance Lesson
3:30-4:45 pm Café R & B
3:30-4:30 pm Mardi Gras Parade with New Orleans Traditional Jazz Band
4 pm Parade passes by Club N’Orleans
5:05-6:20 pm Leon Hughes, former Coaster & His Group
On Sun, on the Bayou Stage:
11:15-11:45 am Radiant Voices – Welcome ceremony
Noon-1:30 pm Corey Ledet & His Zydeco Band
1:35-1:55 pm Dance Lesson
2-3:30 pm Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys
3:30-4:30 pm Mardi Gras Parade with New Orleans Traditional Jazz Band
4:30-6 pm Nathan & The Zydeco Cha-Chas
6:10-6:30 pm sound check / Thanks for Coming
6:30-8 pm Blues Legends: Hubert Sumlin, Willie “Big Eyes” Smith with Jimmy Vivino and his East West Connection
Throughout the weekend, New Orleans and Louisiana come alive in Southern Cal with continuous dancing to Cajun & zydeco music on a large covered dance floor at the Bayou Stage, Blues on the Club N’Orleans Stage; quick and easy free dance workshops for young and old alike; music and cultural workshops featuring blues, Cajun, & zydeco artists on the Lagoon Stage, and a colorful French Quarter cultural arts & crafts marketplace along with food available for purchase, including delicious gumbo, Crawfish etouffee, hush puppies, red beans & rice, and other mouthwatering Cajun & Creole delicacies. Transplanted Louisianans reunite with one another and enjoy the spirit of their home state, and the rest of us get an idea why no one ever truly leaves it. Children can create costumes for the Mardi Gras Parade in the Kid’s Bayou Tent that offers free arts & crafts, and the Teen Corner offers games and activities. All ages can participate in crawfish and watermelon eating contests. Voulez les bon temps roulez!
Tix available online or at gate. All-ages event. There are discount packages available based on multiple admissions. An all-reserved parking lot for attendees is available on the Marina Green lot across from Rainbow Lagoon Park; parking there is $10. VIP tickets are $75 per day and include backstage access to Bayou and Blues stages, reserved seating, one meal and two alcoholic beverages. Metro riders who show their ticket get a $5 discount at the gate. General admission is $35 per day, seniors (age 60+) and college students (18+) are $25; young persons (age 13-17) are $10, and children 12 and under are FREE.
Sat, Jun 27:
10 am-7 pm Annual “VENICE ECO FEST – VENICE BEACH MUSIC AND ARTS ECO-FESTIVAL” on the world famous Venice Beach Boardwalk, Venice. Earth Day Los Angeles and the Venice Chamber of Commerce invite you to sponsor, exhibit, volunteer or attend the event, and tell us, “Celebrities and dignitaries will be hosting.” The festival, including Windward Avenue and the Venice Beach Plaza and Recreation area at the end of Windward, involves over 100 booths with a diversity of eco-info, quality products for sound living, “solar stage with great music,” food, and interactive art/play area for children of all ages. More at
Ongoing; in the OC:
Annual “LAGUNA BEACH SAWDUST FESTIVAL” brings various musical acts to the Sawdust Art Festival grounds, 935 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach 92651; info hotline 949-494-3030;
The summer-long Sawdust Festival brings live music on three stages, plus roving musicians and circus acts. It runs daily, Jun 26 through Aug 30, with several different musical acts each day. It’s open daily, seven days a week, 10 am-10 pm (except 10 am-6 pm on July 4). A full summer-season pass is $15, and an annual pass is $25 (for summer & winter festivals, combined). One-day admission is $7.50 general, $6 seniors, $3 children (age 6-12), and free for those age 5 and younger.
“Out-of-Town” Events:
Sat & Sun, Jun 27 & 28; in Vista (near San Diego):
9 am-5 pm annual “SAN DIEGO HIGHLAND GAMES” with THE BROWNE SISTERS AND GEORGE CAVANAUGH, in Brengle Terrace Park, 1200 Vale Terrace Dr, Vista; event info, $16
Sat & Sun, Jun 27 & 28; in Colorado:
Annual “SOUTH PARK MUSIC TOUR” is a 3-day, multi-stage, free music festival with many genres of music represented, including plenty of live acoustic performances. One venue is at 500 Main St, Fairplay, CO 80440. Performances are free; the conference with workshops and seminars requires a registration fee.
Sat-Sun, Jun 27-Jul 5, in Pennsylvania:
Sat & Sun, Jun 27 & 28; in NYC:
“BRONX CARIBBEAN FESTIVAL” in the Bronx, New York, is a “showwcase of Caribbean talent,” with featured artists from several genres. Organizers say, “The brightest of the Caribbean will perform… at two different locations.”
LOS ANGELES AREA acoustic music performances:
Sat, Jun 27, every Sat:
8-10:30 am FREE ACOUSTIC CONCERT at Strings Music Store, 146 N Glendora Av, Ste 101, Glendora 91741; 626-914 4100. Sometimes featuring VIN FIZ FLYER. Another in a series of MORNING concerts. Free entertainment, tips only, in a great place, with nice people and good music. Vin Fiz Flyer tells us, “Old town Glendora is a kinda sleepy small Midwest town plopped into Southern California. These early morning concerts sound like a wacky idea, but they’re well-attended by musicians as well as music lovers! A car club meets at the Cafe next door every Saturday for breakfast, and they park their assorted ‘babies’ out front for you to peruse too. Come on by and start your weekend out right.” Check with venue to see if there is a concert scheduled for today.
Sat, Jun 27, repeats every week:
11 am-12:30 pm “PACIFIC SONGWRITERS WORKSHOP” with G. F. MLELY, at Theater & Cabaret, 1535 Termino Av, Long Beach 90804. Info, Billie Kalua, or 562-494-9627. Ongoing, began Mar 31, 2007. $15 per workshop, minimum 4 workshops payable in advance; pre-registration required.
Sat, Jun 27:
Noon-6 pm DWIGHT TRIBLE ENSEMBLE brings jazz to the L.A. County “Free Concerts in Public Sites” series at West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs campus, 11303 Wilshire Bl, VA Building # 116, L.A. 90073; info, contact LaShanda Maze, 310-914-4045.
Sat, Jun 27:
12 noon ENCUENTRO DE JARANEROS plus CONJUNTO JARDIN, with ALBERTO DE LA ROSA, and TLEN-HUICANI, at Plaza Mexico, 3100 E Imperial Hwy, Lynwood. More at and
Sat, Jun 27, Saturdays, on web radio:
Noon-1 pm “UNSIGNED MUSIC SHOW” on WPMD with TEE-M and MIKE STARK is “a genre-busting show, where the UNsigned Revolution is on.” On the web at Mike and TEE-M spin CDs 11 am-noon “from cutting-edge indie artists and bands,” (acoustic and electric) then welcome guests at noon, usually for all-acoustic live performances. The show rebroadcasts through the week; check site for details.
Sat, Jun 27:
1 pm SURFIN’ SAFARI at Descanso Gardens, 1418 Descanso Dr, La Canada Flintridge; 818-949-4200; Kick off the summer with this Beach Boys Tribute Band reliving the carefree beach days when five boys from Hawthorne, California dominated the charts. It’s a re-creation of a 1961 Beach Boys concert, with classic Beach Boys hits such as “Surfin’ U.S.A.,” “Fun, Fun, Fun,” and “Good Vibrations.” This tribute band performs the infectious tunes with incomparable harmonies and soaring surf guitar licks. Concert is on the Gardens’ Main Lawn; bring blankets and picnics (normally not allowed in the Gardens) for an afternoon of music and memories. Admission to the show is free with general Gardens admission: $8 adults, $6 seniors/students, $3 children 5-12 and free for children 4 and younger.
Sat, Jun 27, Saturdays, on web radio:
1-3 pm “CONTINENTAL DRIFT” Celtic and British Isle folk show, on KUSP in Santa Cruz, includes live performance-interviews with host CINDY ODOM on her long-running show. From the highlands of Scotland to the midlands of England and beyond, it’s traditional and contemporary music from Ireland and the other British Isles, with Celtic lore and Celtic-influenced folk and ethnic music from Europe and North America. Info, playlists, and web simulcast at
Sat, Jun 27; discussion of classic theatre:
2-3:15 pm FREE “ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION” of Shakespeare’s “CYMBELINE,” moderated by members of the cast, at the Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum, 1419 N Topanga Canyon Bl, Topanga, midway between Pacific Coast Highway and the Ventura (101) Freeway;; 310-455-3723. Event is in the S.Mark Taper Youth Pavilion , just prior to the venue’s matinee presentation of Shakespeare’s “JULIUS CAESAR.” Roundtable participants receive a “two-fer” pass to a future production of “CYMBELINE.”
Sat, Jun 27, Saturdays, alternate Saturdays, on web radio:
2 pm (Pacific) “ACOUSTIC HARMONY,” hosted by Mark Michaelis, from WGDR at 91.1 FM in the Green Mountains of Vermont, simulcast at Mark sometimes hosts folk and acoustic renaissance artists in-studio for all-acoustic performance-interviews. He says, “The focus is on contemporary and traditional folk, singer-songwriters and local artists, but a little of anything and everything might creep-in. Whether it’s Celtic, bluegrass, world music or even rock or blues, as long as it’s got beautiful harmonies and melodies you might here it here on a Saturday afternoon.” More info, playlists, and archived performance-interviews at
Sat, Jun 27, Saturdays, on web radio:
3-5 pm (Pacific) “A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION” always features live performances and skits and stories with host GARRISON KEILLOR, a regular cast of recording artists, and guests, whether broadcasting from various live venues across America, or from its home base in Minnesota. This initial “live” broadcast tiume each weekend is standard everywhere, though repeat times vary by station. In L.A., the show is broadcast on KPCC 89.3 FM, and repeats Saturday night, 6-8 pm and Sunday Noon-2 pm. But if you’re in L.A., it’s much better to find a web simulcast from somewhere; that’s because KPCC has no other music shows and they do not know how to control the levels for music performances, causing frequent peaking and signal cut-out.
Sat, Jun 27, recurring:
4-6 pm SHAPE NOTE / SACRED HARP, “The Learners Group” in Santa Monica. Call Laura for location: 310-450-3516.
Sat, Jun 27:
5 pm-? CITY FRITTER plus SUSAN JAMES and MATT OWENS & THE GOLDEN WEST at Topanga Seed & Feed, 150 S Topanga Canyon Bl, Topanga 90290, “in the center of town in Pine Tree Circle.” It’s the annual “Lindsay’s Anniversary – Jewels’ Birthday – Summer Kick Off” parking lot party. City Fritter has twice performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks.” More at – and and No cover.
CITY FRITTER tells us, “after our party you can head over to the Topanga Peace Party featuring KILLING CASSANOVA and JIM CRAWFORD and THE HOT TODDIES, benefitting Iraq Veterans Against The War, at 1270 Oakwood Dr, Topanga 90290; look for signs that say ‘IVAW’ near Froggy’s.”
Sat, Jun 27, 4th Sat every month; in the OC:
5 pm Monthly JAM, POTLUCK, & CONTRA DANCE at The Living Tradition series at the Downtown Community Center, 250 E Center St, Anaheim;; info, 949-646-1964. Dance caller TBD, band TBD. Monthly jam sessions allow musicians (instrumentalists and singers) to learn, practice, and enjoy traditional music in a relaxed atmosphere; held 4th Sat every month, before the contra dance. Jam participants play a wide array of instruments, from accordions to zithers, and a variety of traditional folk tunes, mostly from the Fiddlers’ Fake Book (by David Brody) and the Portland Collection (by Susan Songer). Open to all ages and levels of experience. Vocalists and song circles are welcome. Slow jam encourages novices. Fast jam challenges old-timers.
Jam begins at 5 pm, bring your instruments & join in; free.
Slow jam, 5-5:45 pm
Fast jam, 5:45-7 pm
Potluck, 6:30 pm
Contra dance introduction lesson, 7:30 pm
> CONTRA DANCE is 8-11 pm, $8 per person, $7 for Anaheim residents, $6 for Living Tradition mbrs; children under 18 are free with paid adult.
Sat, Jun 27:
6:30 pm TOM FAIR plays the Lauren Perreau house concert series at Theta Sound Studio in Burbank. Reservations required, at
Lauren tells us, “As one of our recent attendees put it, ‘if you think you know Tom Fair, think again!’” Tom adds, “This is not one of my family events. I pull out all the stops on these concerts, and this time in addition to some timely songs about freedom and the American Dream, you will experience the warm intimate environment of this professional music production studio and be treated to a preview of a new iTunes-like website, soon-to-be-released for independent artists of exceptional character. Seating is limited. Get back to me ASAP if you would like to attend.”
Sat, Jun 27, every week:
6:30-10:30 pm Weekly BLUEGRASS CONCERT at Me n’ Ed’s Pizza Parlor, 4115 Paramount Bl (at Carson), Lakewood; 562-421-8908.
Sat, Jun 27, last Sat, every month; in Lancaster:
6:30-10 pm CONTRA DANCE with live music by DANANCE BAND at its new location, Lutheran Church of the Master, 725 E Avenue J, Lancaster; info, 661-733-8106 or Band includes FRANK JAVORSEK (longtime teacher at Blue Ridge Pickin’ Parlor), & DOUG MOON (banjo player, former Captain Beefheart guitarist). Please bring a snack or dessert to share in the potluck. $6 per adult, $2 for ages 14 and younger. Live caller.
Sat, Jun 27, every week:
7-9 pm “JUST PLAIN FOLKS ORANGE COUNTY” Group Singing, sponsored by the local chapter of the international Just Plain Folks; for info & loc, go to
Sat, Jun 27:
7 pm HIGH HILLS, the all-women bluegrass band, at the venue named in FolkWorks as L.A.’s best intimate acoustic listening room venue – The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena; reserv 626-398-7917; info One reviewer writes, “Strong solid and energetic bluegrass are the trademarks of HIGH HILLS, featuring superb instrumental leads on fiddle, mandolin, banjo, guitar and standup bass, joined by magical blend of vocal harmonies.” First formed in 1996, High Hills has headlined with the DIXIE CHICKS, RICKY SKAGGS, the DEL MCCOURY BAND, and others. Humor and multi-instrumental diversity make for an enjoyable evening with these musical women. The band is VIRGINIA STARLING, with her award-winning vocals and fiddle; LESLIE REAGAN on hot mandolin and flatpick guitar; LAURA SILVERSTEIN, an accomplished fingerstyle player on banjo and guitar; CHERYL RICHARDS on big bass fiddle. They are all ingredients which heighten HIGH HILLS. Venue impresario BOB STANE says, “Definitely good music, sung and played. Lots of goofing around that turns into solid comedy. Many encores here. Good stuff.” Band info, Tix $18.
Sat, Jun 27:
7 pm PETE HUTTLINGER plays the “Lord of the Strings” concert series at the Dana Point Community House, 24642 San Juan Av, Dana Point; 949-842-2227; He was renowned as JOHN DENVER’s guitar player. If you don’t know who Pete is, check out his website at Pete is an amazing guitar picker, great singer and does an outstanding solo show. More at $25.
Sat, Jun 27, in Palmdale:
7 pm From BEYOND THE PALE, it’s “electronic voodoo and jazz” featuring Mark Burgess, plus The Max Taylor Combo, instead of the usually all-acoustic performances at Butler’s Coffee, 40125 10th St.West, Suite I, Palmdale 93551; 661-272-9530. Butler’s owners, Pam & David Logan, are long-time lovers and supporters of acoustic music. Indeed, Pam is an accomplished musician and a member of the BROWNE SISTERS, Celtic festival favorites who earned a “Listener Favorite” on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks.” The venue serves food and drink, featuring fresh-roasted coffee, in a rich, comfortable setting. Butler’s music guy, Kevin Burton Smith, has had great success in attracting excellent acoustic music to Butler’s.
Sat, Jun 27, every week; in Tehachapi:
7 pm ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE at Mama HillyBeans Coffee & Community, 426 E Tehachapi Bl, Tehachapi;; 661-822-BEAN. Venue has great ambience, and food “made from scratch and about 95% organic.” Traveling acts have varying admission prices; check venue’s web site.
Sat, Jun 27; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
7:30 pm Opening night for the annual “CAL PHIL FESTIVAL ON THE GREEN” series brings “By George!” featuring works by famous “Georges” from George Handel to George Gershwin, at The L.A. County Arboretum, 301 N Baldwin Av, Arcadia. Tix & info, 626-300-8200 or Gates of The Arboretum open at 5:30 pm for picnicking, and you can bring your own wine. Over 4000 music lovers from throughout Southern Cal attend each of these concerts. The California Philharmonic – Cal Phil – does a Saturday evening series here. Each concert repeats Sunday afternoon at 2 pm at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown L.A., preceded by “Talks with the Maestro” at 1 pm. As the upcoming season’s brochure for Cal Phil Festival on the Green and Cal Phil at Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles proudly proclaims, “Whichever venue you choose, you’ll laugh, learn and live the music like never before.” Your editor concurs. This is a delightful place, creatively selected and crafted program themes, and a splendid way to spend an evening.
The 2009 “Summer Magic” season opens Jun 27 at The Arboretum and Jun 28 at Walt Disney Concert Hall. Renowned guest artists are always to be expected. Tonight, they are soprano Henrietta Davis and bass baritone Cedric Berry. Upcoming productions include “Basically Beatles” on Jul 11 and 12, with the world-renowned Beatles cover band, The Fab Four. “Swords and Chivalry” is the program on Jul 25 and 26, exploring music of courage, daring and romance from “Braveheart” and “Camelot” to “Kiss Me Kate.” There’s “Movie Magic” on Aug 8 and 9, with excerpts from blockbuster soundtracks from classics, everything from “Gone With the Wind” to 2008 Academy Award winning “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” and another program brings Broadway’s Best, highlighting moments from Tony-award winning productions ranging from “Wicked,” “Mamma Mia!,” “Gypsy,” and “Hairspray,” to “The Merry Widow” and “Die Fledermaus.”
“The special ‘summer magic’ of Cal Phil is that we truly offer something for everyone,” says Tom O’Connor, Executive Director. “And when it comes to music you’ve never experienced before, there’s no one better to guide you on your journey than our Maestro [Victor Vener]. He has a doctorate in musicology…but he also has a great sense of humor. It’s a magical combination.”
Tickets range from $20 to $95, with subscriptions available for 3 concerts or 5 concerts.
Sat, Jun 27, every week:
7:30-10:30 pm GRATEFUL DUDES weekly bluegrass concert at Vincenzo’s Pizza, 24500 Lyons Ave, Newhall; 661-259-6733. (Lyons exit, just off I-5.) This a long-running series, often, with very impressive performing guests.
Sat, Jun 27, every Sat:
7:30 pm “RANCH PARTY” evening of country & Americana roots music performances, on the West Patio Stage, Original Farmers Market, 3rd & Fairfax, L.A. Presented by EB’s Beer & Wine Bar. Performers have included DAVID SERBY, GRANT LANGSTON, 29 MULES, BOB WOODRUFF, OLD BULL, PSYCHEDELIC COWBOYS, PAUL CHESNE, NICOLE GORDON, and BUCKSWORTH. Parking: 2 hours free with validation from EB’s Beer & Wine Bar. $3 for the third hour; $1 for each additional 20 minutes; $15 max. Addt’l parking at The Grove, next door. Get validation for their structure from Grove merchants. No cover.
Sat, Jun 27, every Sat:
MISS MICKEY CHAMPION at the Ritz-Carlton Huntington Hotel bar, 1401 S Oak Knoll Av, Pasadena; 626-568-3900. L.A.’s legendary blueswoman plays an every-Fri & Sat residency. Artist info: Start time varies; call venue.
Sat, Jun 27:
8 pm DOUG MacLEOD brings classic acoustic blues to the Folk Music Center & Museum, 220 Yale Av, Claremont; 909-624-2928; He plays the National as one of their endorsed artists. And one of his original songs, “Talkin’ Politician Blues,” became a “Listener Favorite” on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks.”
Sat, Jun 27:
8 pm COW BOP brings their wonderful bebop western swing to Boulevard Music, 4316 Sepulveda Bl, Culver City; 310-398-2583; They’ve performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” and played all over America. Venue’s website has a handy local dining guide. More at
Sat, Jun 27:
8 pm THE FOLK COLLECTION plays the Fret House, 309 N Citrus, Covina; 626-339-7020; They’ll take you all the way back to the halcyon days of the great Folk Revival, as they’ve twice done for radio listeners when they played live on “Tied to the Tracks.” More at
Sat, Jun 27; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
8 pm ROSEMARY BUTLER & FRIENDS play Russ & Julie’s House Concert series in Oak Park (Thousand Oaks area);; Reserv & directions at
Rosemary Butler’s long and impressive career history reads like a who’s who of the music industry. She has sung with Linda Ronstadt, James Taylor, Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt, Dolly Parton, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Whitney Houston, Bob Seeger, Sarah Brightman, Julio Iglesias, Aaron Neville, Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald, Eagles, Joni Mitchell, Bette Midler, BeBe & CeCe Winan, Vanessa Williams, Neil Diamond (, Roseanne Cash, Bob Dylan, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, Andrea Bocelli, Dan Fogelberg, Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Jimmy Buffet, Emmylou Harris, Ray Charles, Hilary Duff, Jacob Young, and Rod Stewart.
Features coffee & dessert buffet, to which contributions are welcome. Doors at 7:30 pm. All proceeds go to the artist. Check for requested amount for each concert. Artists info, and
Sat, Jun 27:
8 pm RODRIGUEZ plus BRIGHTBLACK MORNING LIGHT, & GLASSER at The El Rey, 5515 Wilshire Bl, L.A.; 323-936-6400; More on RODRIGUEZ at and BRIGHTBLACK MORNING LIGHT at and GLASSER at
Sat, Jun 27; in Santa Barbara:
8 pm “SISTERS SINGIN’ FOR THE BROTHERS” with KATE WALLACE, ANNIE GALLUP, ANNIE DAHLGREN, & SONNIE BROWN, at Trinity Backstage Coffee House, 1500 State St, Santa Barbara; 805-962-2970; More at
Sat, Jun 27; in Los Olivos (Santa Barbara County):
8 pm MOTHER’S BOYS the all-star band of RICK CUNHA, PETER FELDMANN, & DAVID JACKSON, at the Santa Ynez Valley Grange Hall, 2374 Alamo Pintado Av, Los Olivos. Mother’s Boys features tight harmonies, hot pickin’, country humor “with the hair on it”, and lots of plain musical fun, from three veterans of the 1960s country-folk boom, Peter Feldmann (mandolin/guitar), Rick Cunha (guitar/slide guitar), and David Jackson (bass) bring their vocal and instrumental dynamics to the stage.
“All of us fell in love with the music of the Carter Family, Jimmie Rodgers, The Delmore Brothers, and other country music greats years ago, and we still love performing those fine “old familiar tunes”, as they used to be called” says Peter. “All together, we’ve probably got north of 120 years of experience on club and concert stages.”
PETER FELDMANN received last year’s Music Legend Award from the Topanga Banjo Fiddle Contest organization. He is a singer and multi- instrumentalist with many years’ performing experience throughout California and the West, Peter Feldmann has been presenting bluegrass, folk, string band, and related musics since the early 1960’s, and is known as the founder of the Santa Barbara Old Time Fiddler’s Convention, and the original Bluebird Café in Santa Barbara, a music club highly influential on the Southern California Music scene. Peter’s tribute CD to Uncle Dave Macon, “Grey Cat On The Tennessee Farm”, was named to the nation’s Top Ten Bluegrass albums of 2005 by the Chicago Tribune. More at
DAVID JACKSON will tell you that being in the right place at the right time /and lucky, his career was launched with 3 years on The Andy Williams show as a comedian and bassist, and that little has changed in the intervening years, if hair loss doesn’t count. Writing “Joy To The World” (with Hoyt Axton for 3 Dog Night) and “The No, No Song” (Again, with Hoyt, for Ringo Starr) and playing with Jackson Brown, Glenn Campbell, Roger Miller and John Denver still left time to sandwich-in a wide variety of music over the years. Still, there is so much more playing to do.
RICK CUNHA may truly be described as a guitar players’ guitar player, and he is one of America’s finest songwriters. Rick has performed in concert with Mason Williams (for whom he produces), Emmy Lou Harris, John Stewart, Anne Murray, Jennifer Warnes, Buck Owens, The Smothers Brothers, and others. His songs have been recorded by Ms. Warnes, Ian Matthews, The Smothers Brothers, Michael Johnson and many other artists. Rick’s solo recording career began in 1974 with an album for the GRC label that included his song “Yo-Yo-Man” which has since been immortalized on television and in concert by Tom Smothers. Other solo albums include: “Cunha Tunes” and “Moving Pictures”. More at http://ideas/bluebird.htm
Tix, $12, available at and at the door (begining at 7:30 pm) as space permits.
Sat, Jun 27, every week:
8-10 pm ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE, singer-songwriter or band, at Kulak’s Woodshed, 5230-1/2 Laurel Canyon Bl, North Hollywood; 818-766-9913; info / web simulcast at – named for “Best Web Simulcast” in “The Best of 2008 / Top Ten” in FolkWorks, at All artists donate their performances; venue is supported by donations, and asks $10 per attendee in lieu of a cover charge.
Sat, Jun 27, every Sat:
8 pm JD HALL, plus THE BOBBY BLUEHOUSE BAND opening, for “some of the best blues music headliners in the industry,” at the Arcadia Blues Club, 16 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia;; 626-447-9349. Info on tonight’s show at The venue claims, “This is the greatest house band in America. Members over the years have included musicians who have played with Billy Joel, Aretha Franklin, The Pointer Sisters, The Jeff Healey Band and influences from John Lee Hooker, Van Morrison and Eric Burden.” Fri & Sat nights bring local blues bands as well as national acts. Acts booked include Chris Cain, Lil Charlie and the Nite Cats, Coco Montoya, Rod Piazza, James Intveld, Rosie Flores, Duke Robillard, Guitar Shorty, Gary Hoey, Wumbloozo, Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash and more. Website has lineups for specific dates and a tix link. Venue serves dinner Fri & Sat, 7 pm-2 am. JD Hall plays at 10:30 pm, with Bobby Bluehouse at 8 pm. Tix, $15.
Jun 27:
8-10 pm JAMES LEE STANLEY plays the “Boney Mountain Hose Concert Series” in Newbury Park (near Thousand Oaks). (This was originally scheduled for Jun 13.) Reservations get directions, at; more info at and at
He’s performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” and performed and recorded with a vast assortment of first-rate musicians. His album, “Freelance Human Being” was listed in FI magazine as one of the “Top 200 CDs of All Time.”
Sat, Jun 27; in Ventura:
8 pm KENNY EDWARDS & JULIE CHRISTENSEN in a singer-songwriter double headliner at Zoey’s Café, 451 E Main St, Ventura 93001; 805-652-0091; Venue is in the back of the El Jardin Courtyard, upstairs. $12 cover.
Two of Southern California’s most uniquely eloquent performers, Kenny Edwards and Julie Christensen, bring resumes and experience that are collectively stunning. Kenny has shared the stage with, and been a part of, LA’s folk-rock royalty, including long stints with Linda Ronstadt (and helping found the Stone Poneys) and Karla Bonoff, and the folk-rock supergroup Bryndle. Julie has sung with Leonard Cohen on three tours and two albums, and was part of the 2005 filmed tribute concert for the Cohen Documentary “I’m Your Man.” She sings with her alt-rock band Divine Horsemen and more recently her band Stone Cupid, as well as artists as diverse as Lou Reed, John Doe, Van Dyke Parks, Robben Ford, k.d. lang, and Iggy Pop. As impressive as those resumes are, it’s of equal worth coming out to see a show by either one of them. Each will be accompanying the other during both sets. This evening is sure to be a treat! More at and Julie’s site,
Sat, Jun 27; stage play:
8 pm Opening night for Checkhov’s poignant comedy, “THE CHERRY ORCHARD” at the Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum, 1419 N Topanga Canyon Bl, Topanga, midway between Pacific Coast Highway and the Ventura (101) Freeway;; 310-455-3723. Chekhov’s final play has been freely adapted by director Heidi Helen Davis and Ellen Geer who reset the bittersweet comedy in 1970s Virginia, where an old Southern family desperately clings to tradition in the aftermath of the civil rights movement. (Runs Jun 27 through Sep 26, in repertory with several other productions; check with venue for exact schedule.) Theatricum has just announced a “two-tickets-for-the-price-of-one” deal for tonight’s opening performance only. Call them or check their website, and use “Promotion code COFF3” to get the deal.
Sat, Jun 27; in Santa Barbara:
8 pm “LOCAL ARTISTS IN THE ROUND” at Trinity Backstage Coffee House, 1500 State St, Santa Barbara; 805-962-2970;
Sat, Jun 27, 4th Sat, every month:
8 pm-midnight SONGMAKERS “WEST VALLEY HOOT” in Woodland Hills; for location, contact Kay Conroy, 818-887-0446,;
Sat, Jun 27:
9 pm MARC COHN plays The Canyon Club, 28192 Roadside Dr, Agoura Hills; 818-879-5016; More at
Sat, Jun 27, every week:
9 pm LIVE MUSIC (artists tba) at the Cowboy Palace Saloon, 21635 Devonshire St (Devonshire & Owensmouth), Chatsworth 91311;; 818-341-0166. Live music 7 nights a week, sometimes acoustic, sometimes electric. Preceded by free line / couple dance lessons with Charlotte, 7-9 pm. No cover.
Sat, Jun 27; in the OC:
9 pm-1 am KELLY FITZGERALD brings her trio to Muldoon’s, 202 Newport Center Dr, Newport Beach; The award-winning Kelly writes fine songs and is a delightful performer. Her music has been heard on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks.” More at
Sat, Jun 27:
9:30-10:15 pm THE BRIAN TRAVIS BAND plays their “CD Digital Release Celebration” at The Cat Club, 8911 Sunset Bl, W Hollywood 90069. Brian, who has performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” tells us, “Come celebrate with the BTB on the eve when our new CD is released digitally worldwide!” More at and
Jun 27; in the OC:
9:30 pm “CROSBY TYLER’S 10 SONGS OF AMERICA” acoustic solo tour returns to Southern Cal, at the Gypsy Den, Grand Central Café, 125 N Broadway in the Artists Village, Santa Ana; 714-835-8840.
Sat, Jun 27, every week; on TV:
11 pm-12 am “AUSTIN CITY LIMITS” on KLCS (check your cable co.; broadcast TV Ch. 58). Recent editions have happily featured classic Americana artists, rather than the dearth of alt rockers who dominated for several months.
Sunday’s “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks are all in the “Local Festivals” section, and one of them is free. Our picks are the Long Beach Bayou Festival, the first annual Sea Shanties Festival (10 am-5 pm, free), and Squeezefest – the L.A. Accordion Festival at 7 pm.
Local Festivals:
Sun, Jun 28; Sat & Sun, Jun 27 & 28; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
The annual “LONG BEACH BAYOU FESTIVAL” concludes today; see yesterday’s “Local Festivals” listing for very complete details.
Sun, Jun 28; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
10 am-5 pm “SEA SHANTIES FESTIVAL” free song festival, at Point Fermin Park Band Shell, corner of Gaffey St & Shepard St, San Pedro. Music by and about seafarers, sailors, pirates, navy battles, shipwrecks, mermaids, pleasures of the harbor, ghost ships, fishing, working, whaling.
RICK SEWELL at 10 am
NICK SMITH at 10:30 am
KIM FRIEDMAN at 12:30 pm
FIDDLER’S GREEN at 1:30 pm
ROSS ALTMAN from 4:45-5:30 pm
Note: Fred Starner, scheduled to perform, has a health issue and will not be there. The fiollowing was written before that was known:
“Disney may have rebuilt its pirate ride to eschew ‘history-as-fun’ and promote movies with goofy octopus-headed creatures, but its promotion machine breathed life into an obscure musical genre – that of songs of the sea. Disney’s promo campaign for its 2006 film, ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest’ commissioned, as writer Paul Z. Myers noted at the time, ‘an expansive compendium of such seafarer music.’ The CD, ‘Rogue’s Gallery: Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs and Chanteys,’ released that year on Anti-Records, had 43 tracks that included contributions from Sting, Bono, Lucinda Williams, Lou Reed, Loudon Wainwright III, Van Dyke Parks and Bryan Ferry, ‘among an eclectic roster,’ as Myers noted. While the folk genre in general, and a few places in particular, including Seattle’s Northwest Folklife Festival and Connecticut’s Mystic Seaport, have always celebrated sea shanties and maritime music, this is Southern California’s initial bid for a sea song festival that could become an annual event. It’s off to a fine start, with “Banjo Fred” Starner, who worked with Pete Seeger to launch the sailing sloop Clearwater, and with it, the environmental movement on the Hudson River. L.A. folk icon Ross Altman plays a full set, as do many young artists. They, and others, will exhibit their saltier sides at the festival in San Pedro. Bring your eyepatch.” – Larry Wines, Acoustic Americana Music Guide
About the performers… “BANJO” FRED STARNER is the “Grand Duke of Hobo Minstrels,” duly elected by the hoboes at their annual gathering in Brit, Iowa. With PETE SEEGER, he has performed songs of land and sea, ships and trains, and worked with Pete to build and launch the sailing sloop “Clearwater,” which gave birth to the environmental movement on the Hudson River. Fred has performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” as has folk music luminary ROSS ALTMAN, renowned for his deep and rich catalogue of union organizing and protest songs. Today, Ross and many talented others will show the saltier side of their musical personae. Point Fermin Park is open to the public, with no admission charge for the park or this event. Park has picnic tables with barbecue grills, mature shade trees and beautiful ocean vistas. Bring picnic baskets and lawn chairs or blankets. Fun for the whole family. Free.
Sun, Jun 28; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
7 pm “SQUEEZEFEST L.A.” arrives tonight as the “L.A. ACCORDION FESTIVAL” celebrates its second year with a move to the beautiful Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood 90068; 323-GO1-FORD;; box dinner orders 310-652-3797. Grounds open two hours early for picnics, so pack your basket and a bottle of vino and head for the Ford.
Headliners are VAGABOND OPERA, CONJUNTO LOS POCHOS, and Louisiana’s FEUFOLLET. More at
Pre-show picnic/party at 5:30 pm; concert at 7:30 pm. Info, 323-461-3673
The Washington Post describes VAGABOND OPERA as “A band of ceaseless charisma, boundless energy, impeccable musicianship and more than a little touch of both the naughty and exotic.” The group delivers passionate offerings of Bohemian cabaret for young and old. Paris hot jazz, gut bucket swing, tangos, Ukrainian folk-punk ballads, klezmer and vigorous originals meet a world of riverboat gambling queens, Turkish belly dancers, and the enigmatic Marlene Dietrich. You heard them live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks.” More at
The LA Weekly writes, “Mama’s got a squeezebox, as the Who used to say, and so do these quite varied accordion-pumped combos, including the evocative old-timey jazz-klezmer cabaret vamping of VAGABOND OPERA, local Tex-Mex-style tejano band CONJUNTO LOS POCHOS and Cajun-French inflections from Louisiana’s FEUFOLLET.”
Tanja Laden writes in Flavor Pill, “The L.A. ACCORDION FESTIVAL hosts SQUEEZEFEST L.A. at the majestic outdoor John Anson Ford Amphitheatre, one of LA’s most underappreciated architectural gems. After making forays into music scenes from the parlor to the speakeasy for nearly 200 years, the accordion has recently experienced a major comeback on the indie stage, expanding its modern influence. This evening, three very different groups showcase the rich, nostalgic sounds of the instrument: operatically infused, neo-boho cabaret act VAGABOND OPERA, CONJUNTO LOS POCHOS (the epitome of culturally complex Tex-Mex music), and Louisiana’s FEUFOLLET. Visitors are encouraged to come early and picnic on the grounds, while local ‘accordion diva’ GEE RABE performs in the plaza before the show.”
CONJUNTO LOS POCHOS is Los Angeles Tex Mex at its best. Conjunto Los Pochos has lived this music at dance halls, weddings, concerts and a variety of venues from the Eastside to the Westside, throughout Southern California and across the country. Their original song, “Margie’s,” earned a “Listener Favorite” on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks.” Formed in the summer of 1997, the four-piece ensemble began with Otoño Luján and Elliott Baribeault. The ensemble specializes in conjunto music, a small-group dance music driven by accordion and bajo sexto.
Today, “Los Pochos” presents a genuine L.A. expression of traditional conjunto music to a steadily-growing audience that cuts across race, nationality and social status. The band’s name initially came about to address the perceived peculiarity of a bunch of [primarily] acculturated Mexicans (Pochos), barely speaking Spanish and playing “Norteño” music (border music from Northern Mexico). Ironically though, this music — having stemmed from the merging of European and Texas-Mexican cultures in the late 1800’s — continues to reflect the process of Pochismo (or acculturation) through its lyrics and music. More at
Louisiana’s FEUFOLLET was formed in 1995 when accordionist/singer Chris Stafford was 8 and fiddler Chris Segura was 11. Feufollet quickly became known as one of the most exciting Cajun bands in Acadiana, not because of their youth but because of their obvious musical ability and the vivacity with which they approached the traditional music of the area. They played the “Millpond Festival” last fall, and are part of the reason why that festival was named among the “Top Ten / Best of 2008” in FolkWorks. And they delighted crowds in May when they played the “Simi Valley Cajun Creole Festival.” More at
GEE RABE, an accordionist since 1975, has won major awards for her performances, including the Accordion Federation of North America’s “Virtuoso Western Classical” and “Virtuoso Jazz” competitions in 1984 and 1985 respectively. Ms. Rabe is diverse in her performance styles and currently performs with VAUD AND THE VILLAINS (folk / blues / zydeco) and the HABERDASHERY QUARTET (chamber jazz / Gypsy jazz / tango / Balkan). In 2007, she was the accordionist in the Getty Villa production “Tug of War” which was selected by the Los Angeles Times as one of the top ten productions of the year.
The pre-show party starts at 5:30 pm with GEE RABE, L.A.’s Accordion Diva, playing on the plaza. You can buy raffle tix for $1 each, and the lucky winner wins a Hohner accordion.
Bring your own food and wine and enjoy a late afternoon of cool accordion, as you get ready to squeeze the night away. More at
There is an “Official after-party” at MamaJuana’s in Universal City, where you can party with the musicians, organizers and friends of L.A. Accordion. Performers there include LA’s LA SANTA CECILIA with MARISOUL! Free admission to after-party with SqueezeFest ticket.
SAVE 20% OFF regular ticket prices! Full-price tix are $40 & $30; use code “LDLA09,” and tix are $32 and $24!
“Out-of-Town” Events:
Sun, Jun 28, last Sun, every month; in Seattle:
4-6:30 pm “RUNNING DOG SHANTY SING,” held the last Sunday of every month, at Running Dog Guitars / Sound Guitar Repair, 118 N 35th St, Suite 105, Fremont, WA. Hosted by Rick Davis & Cat Fox. Sea Chanties (shanties) are fun to sing and the choruses are always easy-to-learn sing-alongs. The hosts tell us, “The building is tall, grey cinderblock and green metal. Suite 105 is in the back, facing the alley between 36th and 35th. Parking available on the street. Over 21 years of age please. Potluck beverages and snacks.” Free.
Sun, Jun 28; in San Diego:
7:30 pm ANI DIFRANCO plays Humphrey’s Concerts By The Bay, 2241 Shelter Island Dr, San Diego; 619-523-1010; Artist info,
AND, a bunch of things are happening today that began Saturday, some as close as San Diego. See yesterday’s listings in this section.
LOS ANGELES AREA acoustic music performances:
Sun, Jun 28, recurring:
9 am-1 pm “CLAREMONT FARMER’S MARKET” has live acoustic music in downtown Claremont. RON ELY plays songs of the sea and more on 2nd St between Yale Av and Indian Hill, in old downtown Claremont. Artist’s info, .
Sun, Jun 28, every week:
10 am-2 pm LIVE MUSIC at WEST L.A. FARMERS MARKET, 11360 Santa Monica Bl (at Corinth); Includes free raffle for Farmers Market fresh food. A nice, permanent band shell stage and good sound system distinguish this one. Usually the first act performs from 10 or 10:30 am-noon, there’s a second act noon-1 pm, a break for the raffle of market goodies, and the final act performs 1:15-2 pm. This is a well-structured event. Free wifi at the farmers market and throughout the West L.A. Civic Center Plaza, and Free kids crafts table operated by volunteers 9 am-2 pm, both sponsored by West L.A. Neighborhood Council When you are on the plaza with your laptop, select wlancwifi as your free wireless network. Free event. Map to free parking,
Sun, Jun 28, every week:
10 am & 1 pm “GOSPEL BRUNCH” at House of Blues Sunset Strip, 8430 Sunset Bl, West Hollywood; 323-848-5100.
Sun, Jun 28, every week:
10 am & 1 pm “GOSPEL BRUNCH” at House of Blues Anaheim, 1530 S Disneyland Dr, Anaheim; 714-778-2583.
Sun, Jun 28:
11 am The “FAMILY FUNDAYS” series presents HULLABALLO, the farm-fresh, free-range, organic kid-folk duo from San Diego, on the Mainstage at the Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum, 1419 N Topanga Canyon Bl, Topanga, midway between Pacific Coast Highway and the Ventura (101) Freeway;; 310-455-3723. All tix, $8.
Sun, Jun 28, repeats every fourth Sun:
11 am-4 pm OLD TIME MUSIC JAM, TRADITIONAL SOUTHERN FIDDLE AND BANJO, hosted by BRETT WALLER, at Audubon Nature Center, Debs Park “in the Arroyo,” 4700 N Griffin Av, Highland Park; off the 110 Fwy. Link to the Audubon center has a map: Enter through the main portal of the Audubon center, out to the grounds, pass the pond and wind up the path to under the shade of the old pepper tree. Info, call Brett, 323-441-2113.
Sun, Jun 28, every week:
12:30-5 pm “BRUNCH AMERICANA” show, hosted by Hillbilly DJ Jeff at The Redwood Bar, 316 W 2nd St, downtown L.A. 90012. It’s a four-act musical afternoon. David Serby has played it, and he tells us, “Get there early for great food and drinks. [It’s] live, independent Western Country Music in Los Angeles!”
Sun, Jun 28, every week:
12:30 pm families; 1:30 pm adults only COMMUNITY DRUM CIRCLES at Rock Rose Gallery/Productions & Arroyo Books, 4108 N Figueroa St, Sycamore Grove; 323-222-4740;; Every Sun, 12:30 pm families, 1:30 pm adults only. Bring your own drum or percussion instrument to the drum circle or use one of those provided by the gallery. Taught by Mr Blue, a versatile artist from New York.
Sun, Jun 28:
1-5 pm monthly “BLUEGRASS SESSION IN THE PARK” at the CTMS Center for Folk Music in Encino Park, 18953 Ventura Bl, Encino. Info from Jeff, 310-390-4391;
Sun, Jun 28, repeats every fourth Sun:
1-5 pm BLUEGRASS JAM at Torrance Elks Lodge, 1820 Abalone Av, Torrance. Info, Bill Elliott, 909-678-1180 or Bob & Lynn Cater, 310-678-1180.
Sun, Jun 28, repeats every fourth Sun, in Temecula:
OPEN JAM SESSION IN TEMECULA at The Nettworks Ranch, Menifee Valley, in the Temecula / Murrieta Valley, a few miles N of the I-215 / I-15 split, in that triangle. Take Scott Rd W 2 miles off I-215, or Bundy Canyon Rd E 4 miles off I-15. Turn S on Daily Rd; first ranch on right; info, Diana Nett, The Nettworks Ranch, 951-679-7951 or 909-239-5154.
Sun, Jun 28, recurring:
1:30 pm WELSH CHOIR, for location, contact Rutthy: 818-507-0337.
Sun, Jun 28:
2 pm Opening weekend for the annual “CAL PHIL SUMMER MAGIC” series brings “By George!” featuring works by famous “Georges” from George Handel to George Gershwin, at Walt Disney Concert Hall, 135 N Grand Av, L.A.; 213-972-7211. Tix, 213-365-3500 or More info, The California Philharmonic – Cal Phil – does a Saturday evening series at the L.A. County Arboretum. Each concert repeats Sunday afternoon at 2 pm at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown L.A., preceded by “Talks with the Maestro” at 1 pm. As the upcoming season’s brochure for Cal Phil Festival on the Green and Cal Phil at Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles proudly proclaims, “Whichever venue you choose, you’ll laugh, learn and live the music like never before.” Your editor concurs. This is a delightful place, creatively selected and crafted program themes, and a splendid way to spend an evening.
The 2009 “Summer Magic” season opens Jun 27 at The Arboretum and Jun 28 at Walt Disney Concert Hall. Renowned guest artists are always to be expected. Tonight, they are soprano Henrietta Davis and bass baritone Cedric Berry. Upcoming productions include “Basically Beatles” on Jul 11 and 12, with the world-renowned Beatles cover band, The Fab Four. “Swords and Chivalry” is the program on Jul 25 and 26, exploring music of courage, daring and romance from “Braveheart” and “Camelot” to “Kiss Me Kate.” There’s “Movie Magic” on Aug 8 and 9, with excerpts from blockbuster soundtracks from classics, everything from “Gone With the Wind” to 2008 Academy Award winning “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” and another program brings Broadway’s Best, highlighting moments from Tony-award winning productions ranging from “Wicked,” “Mamma Mia!,” “Gypsy,” and “Hairspray,” to “The Merry Widow” and “Die Fledermaus.”
“The special ‘summer magic’ of Cal Phil is that we truly offer something for everyone,” says Tom O’Connor, Executive Director. “And when it comes to music you’ve never experienced before, there’s no one better to guide you on your journey than our Maestro [Victor Vener]. He has a doctorate in musicology…but he also has a great sense of humor. It’s a magical combination.”
Tickets range from $25 to $90, with subscriptions available for 3 concerts or 5 concerts.
Sun, Jun 28, recurring:
3-5:30 pm JAZZ COMPOSERS WORKSHOP at Rock Rose Gallery/Productions & Arroyo Books, 4108 N Figueroa St, Sycamore Grove; 323-222-4740;; Every Sunday.
Sun, Jun 28:
4-6 pm LISA HALEY & THE ZYDECATS open this year’s “HOT FUN SUNDAY” Concert series in Columbia Park, 4045 190th St, Torrance 90504;
LISA HALEY & THE ZYDECATS have performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks” and earned a “Listener Favorite” there. AND, their Grammy-nominated album, “King Cake” had its world premiere and five weeks exclusive airplay on “TttT.” They were recently named “Zydeco Band of the Year 2009” by the Bay Area Blues Society. Their music is joyful and accessible and mixes Cajun and zydeco with touching and driving Americana, delivering a thoroughly satisfying show that leaves you humming the melody lines. They play festivals and get airplay all over the planet. Lisa says, “See Zydecosis at work on the new YouTube video from the recent San Diego ‘Gator By the Bay’ Fest!” at and you can catch the band’s performance of “King Cake” at Belladrum, in Scotland, at — Lisa says, “Listen for the Scottish ‘ROAR’ at the end!” More at and and
The “Hot Fun Sunday” series is free.
Sun, Jun 28:
4-6 pm TIM TEDROW & TERRY VREELAND with MIKE GARVEY, JOEY VREELAND, & THE REVEREND MARK on bass, at Sierra Cup, 405 S Myrtle Av, Monrovia; You’ve heard Tim & Terry’s music on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks.” MIKE GARVEY will open each set with several songs. Terry Vreeland tells us, “If you don’t know Mike, he is a terrific singer-songwriter based in Ontario, CA. His self-produced CD, ‘Songs from the Living Room’ is a great listen, and Tim and I stole ‘What I Want’ from that collection of Mike’s songs. I’m looking forward to hearing him again, and hope you’ll come out to see Mike and our gang, too.” All ages, no cover.
Sun, Jun 28, every Sun:
4-8 pm “SANTA CLARITA VALLEY BLUES SOCIETY MONTHLY JAM” hosted by 21st CENTURY BLUES BAND at The Londoner Pub, 18511 Soledad Canyon Rd, Canyon Country (near Santa Clarita) 91351. They tell us, “You never know who will show up. There’s always lots of great music and fun. The Londoner serves up some free food for these Sunday Jams, so come hungry. Don’t forget to bring your instrument – we’d love to hear your music!” More, and All ages, free.
Sun, Jun 28, every week:
4-7 pm “IRISH MUSIC SESSION” weekly at Finn McCool, 2702 Main St, Santa Monica; 310-452-1734.
Sun, Jun 28, every week:
4-7 pm “IRISH MUSIC SESSION” weekly at Auld Dubliner, 71 S Pine Av, Long Beach; 562-437-8300;
Sun, Jun 28, every week:
4-6 pm “BEGINNERS IRISH MUSIC SESSION” weekly at Celtic Arts Center at Theatre Unlimited, 10943 Camarillo St, North Hollywood; 818-760-8322;
Sun, Jun 28:
DAFNI at Pop Champagne and Dessert Bar, 33 E Union St, Pasadena; 626-795-1295; The delightful Dafni has performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” and earned a “Listener Favorite.” More at She plays three sets. Call venue for show time. All ages, no cover.
Sun, Jun 28:
5 pm ORLEANS plus MARINA V play the “Woodland Hills / Tarzana Chamber Family Festival” and this year’s season opening show for the exceptional “CONCERT IN THE PARK” series at Lou Bredlow Pavilion, Warner Center Park, 5800 Topanga Canyon Bl, Woodland Hills; Valley Cultural Ctr summer series venue; info,; 818-704-1358. The wonderful Marina V performs at 5 pm sharp, so don’t be late. Take beach chairs or blankets. All ages show, free.
Sun, Jun 28, every week, through the spring & summer:
5-9 pm “THE GRAND OLE ECHO” country & roots series brings a full lineup each week to The Echo, 1822 Sunset Bl, Echo Park 90026; Several acts on the main stage indoors, plus more live music on the Back Porch Stage, where there’s a BBQ available. Venue has a full bar. All ages, no cover.
Sun, Jun 28:
5 pm THE CRITICAL BRASS BAND plays at Marine Park, 1406 Marine St, Santa Monica. Free.
Sun, Jun 28, every week:
5 pm LIVE MUSIC (artists tba) and WEEKLY COMPLIMENTARY BBQ at the Cowboy Palace Saloon, 21635 Devonshire St (Devonshire & Owensmouth), Chatsworth 91311;; 818-341-0166. (BBQ changed to 5-8 pm, effective July 4.) Live music 7 nights a week, sometimes acoustic, sometimes electric. Preceded by free line dance lessons with Bonnie, 4-6 pm. Every Sunday they “light up the ‘ol barbie and throw on anything from marinated tri-tip beef to good ‘ol hamburgers. Every BBQ is served with all the fixin’s, like baked beans, vegetables, rice, cole slaw, potato salad and more.” They tell us, “If you’re looking for something really fun and different to do on Sundays, then head on down to The Cowboy Palace Saloon for dance lessons at 4, mouthwatering BBQ at 5, and a hot country band starting at 6!” No cover.
Sun, Jun 28, 4th Sun, every month:
5-9 pm SONGMAKERS “WEST L.A. HOOT & POTLUCK” in West L.A.; for location, contact Mha Atma Khalsa, or 310-203-0162;
Sun, Jun 28; on web radio:
5 pm (Pacific time) “MOUNTAIN MUSIC & MEDICINE SHOW” live from the Morton Theatre in Athens, Georgia. Check it out and get the link to listen at
MOUNTAIN MUSIC & MEDICINE SHOW has won three GABBY awards from the Georgia Association of Broadcasters for the best locally produced radio program in the State of Georgia. Amazing, especially considering that the MMMS is an all volunteer effort. The radio show is recorded live and rebroadcasted statewide on GPB. The show’s home is the historic Holly Theater in Dahlonega, but they are taking the show on the road to Athens with the help of Athfest and The Morton Theatre.
In the tradition of the old time radio hour comes “Doc Johnson’s Traveling Miracle Medicine Show”. The setting observes Doc setting up on the town Square, the hub of local commerce and social center of the area. Doc brings his own brand of humor while he exhorts folks to buy his “Wizard Water”, elixir for improving their lives. He also showcases local talent on his show. Doc will be hosting Athens Bluegrass greats, The Packway Handle Band, sweet harmonies of The Solstice Sisters and the true old time duo sound of Beverly Smith & Carl Jones. Doc’s fast-paced style and rapport with the crowd keeps toes a-tapping and things moving briskly along. The scene occasionally shifts to “street scene ” short skits where local people comment on the goings on of the day, mixing local history, culture and humor in the unique Southern Appalachian style of the time period.
Doors open at 7:30 and preshow entertainment begins at 8pm and will be provided by Mist On The Mountain and Hawk Proof Rooster with special guest Earl Murphy . There will be two separate radio programs recorded, each a one hour segment with a 15 minute break in between. If you’re in Georgia, admission is $10 or $5 with an “Athfest” wristband.
Sun, Jun 28, every week; on web radio:
5 pm (Pacific) “MOUNTAIN STAGE,” the long-time NPR roots music show with live performances, hosted by Larry Groce, from the West Virginia University Creative Arts Center in Morgantown, WV. No L.A. broadcast station carries this incredibly popular show (or any other NPR syndicated folk-Americana performance-interview show) but you can find a simulcast from any of many other stations at or get info at 304-293-SHOW.
Sun, Jun 28, 4th Sun, every month; in Arroyo Grande:
5:30-8:30 pm “BLUEGRASS SLOW JAM” for beginners, at SLO Down Pub, 1200 E Grand Av (at Brisco), Arroyo Grande. Info, 805-473-0102.
Sun, Jun 28, repeats last Sun, every month:
5:45 pm OPEN MIC at McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica; 310-828-4497;
Sun, Jun 28, every week:
6-8 pm CLIFF WAGNER & THE OLD NUMBER 7 play a new “Sunday Happy Hour” residency at the Cinema Bar, 3967 Sepulveda Bl (between Washington & Venice), Culver City 90230; 310-390-1328; music series hotline 310-250-1317; Venue is 21+. No cover, bring $ for the tip jar. You’ve seen them on TV, as final-round finalists on “America’s Next Great Band,” and they made it to #29 on the Americana charts at the close of 2008. Bluegrass-Americana music and drink specials on the West Side. More at
Sun, Jun 28; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
7 pm “SQUEEZEFEST L.A.” arrives tonight as the “L.A. ACCORDION FESTIVAL” celebrates its second year with a move to the beautiful Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood 90068; 323-GO1-FORD;; box dinner orders 310-652-3797. Grounds open two hours early for picnics, so pack your basket and a bottle of vino and head for the Ford. See the very detailed write-up in today’s “Local Festivals” section, a the beginning of the day’s listings.
Sun, Jun 28:
7 pm KEN O’MALLEY at the venue named in FolkWorks as L.A.’s best intimate acoustic listening room venue – The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena; reserv 626-398-7917; info Dublin born Ken O’Malley’s rich, resonant voice and engaging stage presence have delighted audiences for over thirty years. In this unique solo performance, Ken transports his audience to his beloved Ireland through heartfelt singing and vivid storytelling. Find out why the Irish News calls this consummate entertainer “without question, . . .the single most enduring, influential and proficient of all Irish musicians in Southern California. ” It’s a magical evening of songs in both English and Irish Gaelic, accompanied by Ken’s remarkable talent on guitar and mandolin. “Dust-free and polished to perfection, each song is performed with authenticity, and the care one might use when handling a valuable family heirloom” — Lisa Elaine Scott, Music Connection Magazine. This will be Ken’s last show before he spends three weeks performing in Ireland. He is not scheduled to return to the Coffee Gallery until September. $18.
Sun, Jun 28, every Sun:
7-8 pm JES HUDAK plays her weekly residency at Café Muse, 6547 Santa Monica Bl, Hollywood 90038;; 323-464-MUSE (6873). JES HUDAK is a singer/songwriter living in Los Angeles. Her weapons of choice are the piano and her voice, and she has been known to wield a guitar from time to time. Her live performance “takes her audience on a journey through laughter and love and sadness and heartbreak. Her voice is powerful and soulful, and her songs are original, emotional, and real.” Artist info, and
Venue serves vegan & omnivore “comfort food,” fruit smoothies and organic coffee & tea beverages. Entertainment (of various kinds) every night, usually beginning 9:30-10 pm, after the shows in the surrounding theatre district. Venue has a beautiful piano and a house guitar for musician use, or bring your own instrument. They say, “We welcome people to come by and play anytime – you never know when the Muses might appear!” They tell us, “We are always looking for piano players & musicians to accompany the singers and spoken word artists (or to come in and jam with us).” Email them to be added to their roster, at Early arrival recommended; $5 minimum for table service requested, otherwise, no cover.
Sun, Jun 28, repeats last Sun, every month; in the OC:
7-9 pm monthly “ORANGE COUNTY SONGSALIVE! SONGWRITERS WORKSHOP” at Spires Restaurant (in the Meeting Room), 13030 Goldenwest Av (crnr of Garden Grove Bl), Westminster 92683; 714-636-0442; event info, 714-333-8222 (Rodney). Songwriting workshop, critique session and songwriting exercises. Event gathers songwriters to share their songs, gain feedback and develop relationships within the global Songsalive! songwriting communities. First half is an in-the-round workshop where writers present one song each (on tape, CD or live) followed by a guest speaker or industry discussion in the second half, with time to talk and network. Moderated by Rod O’Riley. Directions, info,
Sun, Jun 28:
7-10 pm monthly “NSAI GROUP SONG EVALUATIONS” at the Thurnher House, 1485 Virginia Rd (2 blks N of Huntington Dr), in Lacy Park, San Marino. NSAI’s Seth Jackson tells us, “The best way to get there is to proceed along Huntington Dr as if you were heading toward Hill-Harbison House, the previous meeting place. When you get to Virginia Rd, instead of heading South toward Hill-Harbison, go North. After two blocks, Lacy Park will be on your left. Thurnher House is just beyond the entrance to Lacy Park. You can park on the street or in the Thurnher House parking lot, the next driveway after the park entrance. Please use the above directions rather than Mapquest or Yahoo Maps in order to avoid a confusing journey through winding local back streets.” More at
Sun, Jun 28, every week:
7 pm PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP WITH MARC PLATT at Kulak’s Woodshed, 5230-1/2 Laurel Canyon Bl, North Hollywood; 818-766-9913; Must be a member in advance to gain entry. Limit 10 performers per week. Info, Each week’s workshop is $20, with all proceeds to the venue.
Sun, Jun 28, every week, on radio and web radio:
7-9 pm “FOLKSCENE” is a long-running folk music show from Los Angeles, hosted by ROZ LARMAN on KPFK 90.7 FM in Los Angeles, 98.7 FM in Santa Barbara, and simulcast at Each edition features a long-form performance-interview, recorded live, with a guest recording artist. The show celebrated its 37th year on the air in February 2008. Info on the show and guests, playlists, and tributes to the late co-host HOWARD LARMAN, at
Sun, Jun 28, every week, on web radio:
7 pm “FLAT CAT RADIO,” hosted by DAVE STRAUSS, features live on-air performance-interviews at It’s a weekly live web-only show focused on Los Angeles-based songwriters of all genres, but the live segment is generally an acoustic performance.
Sun, Jun 28, repeats last Sun, every month:
7:30 pm OPEN MIC at the Folk Music Center, 220 Yale Av, Claremont; 909-624-2928. Sign-ups at 7 pm. $1 cover.
Sun, Jun 28:
7:45 pm BLUEGRASS JAM, sponsored by the Bluegrass Association of Southern California (BASC), at the Braemar Country Club Grille Room, 4401 Reseda Bl, Tarzana; 818-366-7258. Info, or
Sun, Jun 28; in the OC:
8 pm PETE HUTTLINGER plays the “Lord of the Strings” concert series at the Mission Viejo Civic Center, 100 Civic Center Dr, Mission Viejo; 949-842-2227; He was renowned as JOHN DENVER’s guitar player. If you don’t know who Pete is, check out his website at Pete is an amazing guitar picker, great singer and does an outstanding solo show. More at $25.
Sun, Jun 28, every Sun:
9 pm “RUSTY SUNDAYS” weekly showcase of “L.A.’s best up-and-coming rock, country, blues and folk music acts, on the Wild-West side” at Rusty’s Surf Ranch, 256 Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica 90401. Musical hosts are MATT OWENS & THE GOLDEN WEST, plus another act or two. $3 cover.
[Updated editions with more (always more — as we have time to organize all of it), and all the many, many, acoustic music events to come in JUNE and beyond – in and around Los Angeles, plus the many, many, many upcoming acoustic music FESTIVALS, near and far, here, there and everywhere! It’ll all be here, soon.]
The MOST RECENT EDITIONS – both the GUIDE’s event calendars with descriptive write-ups, AND the Acoustic Americana Music News Features – are available at
News of the “Tied to the Tracks” radio show is at and on No Depression, at
Questions? Comments? Contact us at
As always, more to come, as we (believe it or not) continue to make updates to all the months of 2009 in the “long look ahead” posts.
…So many truly fine shows, so few evenings and weekends to see them. With a new spirit of HOPE in America, why not celebrate by going out for a tunefully good time?
copyright (c) © 2009, Larry Wines. All rights reserved.
“There’s nothing as quiet as night without music, as dark as a night without stars…” – from “THE FIDDLER,” learned from Guy Carawan
CAJUN PROVERB OF THE MONTH “The sign of a true friend: when he can forgive your success!” — from, which supplies us and the Gator Gazette.
Yes, it’s true –
There are more ACOUSTIC AMERICANA / ACOUSTIC RENAISSANCE music performances EVERY week in the Los Angeles area than the COMBINED TOTAL of ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSIC!
(And that doesn’t even take the dozens of electric Americana shows into account!)
If you have trouble believing that assertion, then print this out and see how many pages you’ll need just for the events for the days covered in this edition!
Check it yourself: take any edition of the L.A. Times Calendar Section and any edition of the LA Weekly, count-up all the live music shows (you won’t even need to subtract-out the acoustic shows in those two publications, since they hardly list any, anyway) and add them up. THEN, count the number of live acoustic music performances for the same days in the Acoustic Americana Music Guide. We have yet to find a week when the TOTAL of all those other genres of music performances equals the number of live performances of acoustic music in the L.A. area! (Even though you can’t hear the music on the radio here, or read about it in the biggest newspapers, it seems people DO want acoustic music and they will find and support it anyway!