A No Depression website update, finally
I’ve been remiss in blogging here and I want to apologize for that. I had intended to blog regularly and let you all know what was happening on the business side of things with No Depression, but not being a natural writer and more importantly, being up to my ears trying to get the festival planned, archive content digitized and the archive site built I never seem to find a spare moment for anyone or anything. (Just ask my family.)
The good news is that all the archive content has been cut and pasted into a database by 24 volunteers who gave very generously of their time over the last couple months. I will be forever grateful to them and can honestly say that the archive site would not exist if it weren’t for their efforts. Their names are listed on our Founder’s Circle Page.
Next was tracking down over 200 No Depression writers to get their permission to post their content on the archive web site, which was a daunting task to say the least. Still a few stragglers but most everyone was incredibly supportive and very positive about the thought of having the archives online and accessible.
The archive site has been in development for well over two months and it’s getting closer to being ready to launch every day. It’s coming along great and the folks at Crowd Favorite, particularly Gregory Grubbs, have worked miracles to force the data to conform. Most web sites are built for new content, not to import over 7,500 articles with many different data fields.
Stay tuned this week. With a little luck we’ll be doing a soft launch later in the week!
I’m at the point where I could use some help. I need an army of volunteers to check each and every article and make sure they are all displaying properly and if not report the info back so we can fix them. Most of the volunteers who helped with the cutting and pasting are on board to help but they have already given so much of their time and I feel bad going back to the same well over and over again.
So…if any of you out there are willing to step up and donate a few hours over the coming days and weeks it would be very much appreciated. It’s not necessary, but if you happen to have any web editing experience please let me know that also.
Comments are welcome here and if you want to volunteer please email me directly at kyla@nodepression.com.